26 - The Canardian Champion, Frday March 21, 2008 Ew-r.u.A, l OaOraOrO re- uxaiiiiyl 1-- - -,-..-- s,- - Op( v em I If you are an avid golf enthusiast, have previous retail experience, are confident in your sales abilities and possess exceptional customer service skills, our new Nevada Bob's Golf stores situated in Barrie, Oakville/Burlington, and Cambridge have ful-time and part-time positions available. -Sales Associates -Sales Associates - Apparel -Service Technician We are recruiting candidates that are proud ta offer superior service and expertise. Please submit your résumé by e-mail at rgarbutt(&forzanl.com or by fax to (905) 624-8183 indicating the desired position. is aleaingmanfacurerandmarete ofminerai wool inaulation products in tht North Amnrican markniplace wth aur head office in Mlton and produacton facltîno in bath Miton, ON and Grand Forks, BC. Our nxpanding campany ix a xubidiaîy of Rackwool Intnrnational, manufacturing qualty hîgh performance mineraiwooot productx. We are xnarchsng for a talentnd, energetîn rodîvîduat wth drive and detnrmînatîan tal on us at aur Milton facilty. Accounting Administrator Reportîng to the Corporate Controller, you wlt be respoosîble toi tat-cycle uccounin, payable, bank deposîts. cash potîng, aod nopenon analys You have a retenant post-secondary education, at Inot ueo yeart' accounto payable experience, and estabtîohnd knowedge o accoxntîng prîncîples. Excellent communication okîtto and the xbitity ta ment tîght deadtînno chule maîntaînîng a hîgh eet of xccuracy and qtaiity are requîred. You must have Mcrosoft Office experience and îdeaily experience wth Navîsion. We offer a dynamîc ennîronionni mtt sîgnîicant growth potential and have an excelent benefttand remuneration package. tf yoa are înterested, pleaxe appiy 10: Human Resaurces ROXUL Im. 420 Branle Si., Suite 105 R O U . Milan, ON L9T 0H9 O U e-mail: joba@roxui.com The Better Insulation fax: (905) 878-8077 We ilaak ailapplecanis: hxwevec xîîfry tse xîîîer conieaine îi liecoxntactex MIO*dersZZ vezz verZZ IdeaIpa**n* *o - ,oeXai0inexcellent was EX' -ung with charter Work fRFECT FOR: +jiI-II>1 TRANSPORTATION INC. puxun yaa, au, r,, îrfb Camibial Ciaapiaa1 calti 905.878.2341 MISSISSAUGA & OAKVILLE Free Training for Qualified Applicants ARE VOU A STAY AT HOME PARENT? RETIRED WITH TOO MUCH TIME ON VOUR HANDS? REQUIRE EXTRA SPENDING MONEY? CALL STOCK TRANSPORTATION (905) 829-2040 X226 www.stocktransportation.com .sI (Xk Wanted Clean abstract and great personality. Apply in person: Mr. Dumpling Unit 4, 890 Main Street East. Milton On. 30 DZ DRIVERS Urgently needed for Mlton for rendential waste/ recycling pick-up. $15-$18/hrr Excel One Stafting Ph: 416-849-7097 Fax: 416-981-3001 CORE ORK S co cotit oeus AZ Driver(s) Coin Mark International toc. rua leadîng cononnience resait dstrîbstor in Ontario and correntiy han openîngs for exceptional AZ drivers at oui Miton dstrbution faciity. We are lookîng for dedîcated- costomer focxsed deiivery associates to maintaîs sur excellent service leveis. Positions from Mlton include overnîght trips (t -2 nights), direct day deliiery, and team nuns to Northein Ontario. We need: " c.lass AZ license mth acceptable abstract. " Mnmum t year verîiable commercial drvng experînsce Soperior atttude - great customer service sklls4 " toperîence wth retait deleeries - DairyBeverage or Foodservice experience an asset. " Drivers looking for a mork/iîte balance typicai scheduie is 4 shifts/per meek. Wth excellent earnîngsfi pea Core-Mark off ers an excellent compensation package that rewards you for ail of your efforts and includes very competîtive benetits including Medical, Dental, Drugs, Lite Insurance, RRSP match. Three weeks vacation after first year! Ali delivery eqxîpment is neva & state of the art and fully maîntaîned. If you are înterested in eoplorîng thîs excting opportunity, please torward your resamne toimnt@ce-akcjp dstandring@core-mark.com or Cali 905-864-0285. Local interviews and road tests milI be conducted (Days!Evenîngs or Weekends). www.core-mark.com Acclaim Hea th Bus Driver 1 Part Time, Split Shifts & 1 Casuai Alam Healt woifsx togelfier wrtf indroriduals and commu- mles in provtdng innovative and urique healt care sxkitoms inth Ha on rgimn Crer we require a Bus Driwrli the Alzhemer Servces Serior Day Prorm The part rtie 6 a spi sh oio, wt fth Meng approximate hurs. 73 -tt1:0aan 2. pm- 6' p MnyadFixayan thse axxxli lto badi fil for vacations mand i ktme coverage, PRIMARY FUNCTIONS: " Transports clients withn tht Halton Region lx and from their homes to the Seniors Day Program " Assists tht Escort waOC rrxnsferrrng clients to and from the vehicie and their door " Conducts a sfety crcle check ni the vetocle on a daîly bois " Assisting in safely ioaoîng and unloadîng wheeicnairs ano waxkers on the hus. QUALIFICAIONS: *Vaîid cass F driver s license *M inium2c 3 yeors experenoce orlo ng a bus. *An lity ro reao iapo and plan rouies. *Good iterpersonai and verbal and wrer communication aklîs Ouaaified individuals may app in writing to: -uman Reaources Acciaire Heatti Faa: (905) 827-5476 e-mail: humanreaources@acclaimhealti.ca Pieuse note - only tise plicans t for an interview toit te contact Reg Sheridan Nutrseries Sheridan Nurseries Distribution Department is actively searching for dedicated individuals to join aur team this spring. Office Clerks Full and Port-lime positions start Match & April und recuire the follow- îng okilis: Protîcient t data entry, cutomner service, organîzed, self- mofîeated and atle ta work îndependentiy in a fast paced eneirosment. Attention: Cordula Achenbach - Administrative Supervisor. Heme 0 an opportonifo to work in on otdnnr, fast paced enroomeri Shippers, Receivers, Assemblers, Labelers, Pre-Checkers, Tractor/Fork Lift Drivers. hee eossent aipcsd is i negir Maco & Apr I ana reqUirete i folbin omrok[ls, Abee'o teco write ýspeak English fiuhrtiy keep accui rte cunts, ra iton tig and otbensîng, ablt' ifo 'ment Jeadires orgar zatîionutri ldto v ' crk voelinra leom ara ndepenaently Fn e ulit drivers: pefer crrt certificote Attention: Steve Johinson - Distribution Assistant Manager Please safomit resame to: Sheridan Nurseries Limited 12266 Tenth Line, Georgetowen, ON L7G 4S7 Fax: 905-877-0272, E-mail: sjohnson@sheridannurseries.com www.sheridannurseries.com Fisser Direct hon immedîte openingo for fuîltimne yeur round warelrouse staff. geseral shbour. Dayx Mur -Fri 8-4:30 or Att Mon - Thoro 330 - t2, Fil to 8:30, Wsre- hsuse or computer exp on asont. Ft and ablee o lift 35-50 tIs$t9tr to stant. Stodents wili be recmuited separstely Apply to:t100 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown Fax: 905-877-4410O Email: hsmanreaources@traserdirect.ca Na phone cals please. M TSîenV1l i ,Reiifu, ru sixoienis from Spainxi Juey. An xpporunit5' ix win a fre triplao France or Spain wiih a chaiarship ix hxst famity We puy $620.00/mth for a litee lrne experience for yxx and yoxr tamil0. For more lnformation caii ceaie air 905-783-3888 Housekee!ng Fl easoriff KDA Campgroxnd in Campbellvîlle reqaîres a capable îndîeîdaal to maîntain restroomo, rentaI anîts and campgrounît tacîltîns. Fax eaume t10: 905-854-0453 or Emailtac: wma ch ee @ie.net CLANN LADIES Required for th itnarex. UDxytîme horo. 1ja1ting part11 irnon. 10./ir. Please Cali 647-892-4770. F elanted IAsthetcanl Ineededi Maxi te certied fn niectrolyt n o reaume ta: 905-876-0943 sbelectrolysis @bellet.ca Balroom -, Dance Instructorsr 5 malta & 5 temalea nended îmmediatelyf *No experience nec. Willtirain! Masti be pertonable Hamsilton: 905-522-3237 Oakville. 905-815-3237 <Cati: M-F 12-5pos)l AVG $20/HR Enumeration type work. Piecework Compensation PAIO TRAîNîNG NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Tranng for accepted xpplîcanto Rapîd sdusncement To ochedule an interview Cuit 1-866-421-2727 Tii,, Hortonsý MAL -IE rïur Community Jewspaper mg Ib int +w kopolI.o 1 1 School Bus Drivers Needed Milton and Georgetown Free Training Part-Time Hours Perfeci for Retinecs and Homemakers your chiddren rnaý ride mth Vou) If vou have a feý,, hours a cJaý and Pnjoý the conhoany ýf chiidren i -wtact Lis at 1-877-914-KIDS -A m n-1