Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 2008, p. 24

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24 - The Canadien Champion, Friday Mat-ch 21, 2008 Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 7 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@mil toncanadianchamp ion comi e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. 10 Fd. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com*Srie 0-9 o ICLTO al 0-78-547 Ad sottmission Ly mail or in petsos: The Canadian Champion, 555 Industrial Drive, Sida Door, 2nd Floor, Mlton, ON L9T 5El Doadlilos: Mon .11 am., for Tues. publication, Thors, il o m., for Fri. publicatio Special Feature & Holiday deadlînes muy oury. Paymeni: We accepi cash, choque, lterac, Visa, MasterCard, Americao Express. Ail ads pioced are non-reluodablo and no crodil wiii bo issoed. Business accounits cati De oponed with ao apptoved crdît application aoaîlablo from yoor Scies Consultant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to onsure the information is correct. Contact yosr Sales Consultant aithîn 24-Hours tfan error appears. An error in a Frit publicatiomust be reported ns later tItan Mon., il a.m. omin Events z oing Eventsm eah j eth 1 !sife (Hor:Mna oFia :0m-50p mLIfýAýfL£"ili teîiiîiî Andreu' & Cindy Tond/li ofMilion ande Sergio & Dsaarte Duarte of Bogota Columbia wish ta anerosece the niamiage of tht-jr children Greg ta Pao/a The-edding took place sn Cartagensa, Columbia on Januaasy I2th, 2008. Love and best wishefrom yourfamilies CUNNINGHAM, Michael and Catherine (nee Aquilina) and BIG SISTER Marcella are thrilled to announce the birth of Anthony Michael Pierce weighing 7 Ibs 12 Ç) oz at Oakville Trafalgar Hoapital on February l5th, 2008. Proud Grandparents are Tony and Maria Aquilins and Joanne and Brian Cunningham of Milton. Special thanka to Dr. Sharma and nursing staff at OTMH for helping uc melcome our liBtle miracle into the world. SPACtOUS 2 ooosoo,0m, 2 bathroom, rnoltsl "The Sands" Please sali 905-875-3530.* Indusrial Industrial com. peciai comm. Special Service Space Available for Rent 8,000 to 10,000 sq.ft. (negofiable) Complete wif h tmin down draft Paint Boot h snd Sand Blastîng Bay. Shared Wash Bay avaîlable. Locafed close ta 401. 1lot & last month rent required. Interested parties contact Mike Black 905-876-1662 poessîonai Dirctory RETtRED Miitasy. lookrq for worii ai home, data en- try, inspetonrepotîsor othes lyes as reqoested. Wiul desîgr lfosms or reposa ir MS Office ot Adobe As- robaI. Wnul sonsider ail of- lers. Contact. daosost Qffire@yahooc or lax: 866-241-2185. ERASE Yoss Crimisai Retord. We susseed where Ous sompetîtion sarI .We 910e tno son- sultations. Ous sost îust $475. Apply oniline aww. gooe rvmentpas. donsca Cali Robyn 1-800- 298-5520 8$$coNSOLtDATE $$$$ ad esedit. tai mort gage arrears, selt-em. ployed 100% Mortgages. dont pay lys Progranri On- tario-Wde Fîsancial Cor- poration 1-888-307-7799 DOWNTOWN MILTON MlttatxlnTowers 82 MIltaido Drive. Atactive quiet building. Spasious bnight lean 1t&2 bedroom units atth lauadry taoility and social îoom on site. Regslar esîdent avants Opon 7 deys & ovonings Cali 905-76-1249 www.rooitetr.en MILTrON lage t bedroom aparteent aoalabie Apsîl 1st. SBOOlmth o parking. Cuti Jas 416-723-4801. ACTON APARTMENT5 oery sien, quiet building with aotdry larity on site. 1-bdrm aoalabln immedi- ately & 2 l-b>dsms aalable May 1tst. very spasious, Oper 7 days & nenîngs. Same day appsooal. Cali t-519-853-4374 wweul- star ta 2-BDRM apt. in -plee, aoailable Apsil tast. $850lmth e eat & hydro. ($80-10o) Renooated. ea dontown Mltor.416-254- 5710 auSer Opm. MLTON t Sedsoom base- mecs apartmevi Separate entarse, fieplare, utlties irsluded, wiseless internet and OSasshoce aoailable. Apsîl ltI 58201mth.905- 864-9191 AcTON bashelor apars- menst. idge, Stooe. A/c, tO9Olmorth inclusive. Asalable :mmedîateiy. Cali d56-710 îlotý ACTON neety enooated 3- bedsoom aparsmers. Avalabie Aprîl 1lst. $1,lOOlmurth utiltiesin tluded. Aduts oniy pre- erred. Gall 905-464-3858. GEORGETOWN large 3- bedsocm, mair 5100, lOto- tue building, saspets, lami- lyroce seis pîne tioos ard freplase. Laundry asea. $5 ,2500monith plus utltîes. ACTON. 1 -bedroom, S5Olmonth plus utlîsîns. Cuit 51-803-9080 os 019- 803-0302. STEELESITRAFALGAR 2- bedroom Soute wothtrdoube garage. $5 ,350lmth. Aaiiabie May last. Freter no smokiînglpets. Eanrp- thing nsiuded. 905-875- 4832. OLD Mlon. 2-64rm but- ga1lon. Ail appi irrcl. $1000 lmth v osltes. Asalabie îmmedîately. Freter no pts. Cati 905- 220-2917. AcTON, 2-bedroum semi, lear, spacious, large yard. parking, 4-appliances, no pets prefesred. S900lmorsh plus utlities. Aaiabie Apsil lst. Cal 519-800-3223. GEORGETOWN 3-bed- room bungalow, mair 51crr 4-appliarres, sable in siuded. S1,toolmorith plus partial ulîlîies. Firttasysret esenres. No smoking/pets. Caîl 905-873-3931/905- 877-1300. GEORGETOWN, main fl1or and upstuirs o! house, 4-bedsoom, 2 bathý No pets/smokng. Fridgelstooe, close to GO and shopping, AIC. Basement rersed tep- aratelp. Paring spot. Aoailable April ltby sta 5. $l.350month instudes ulîiîses. 905-877-4684. STEWARTTOWN large 2,00t sq.fIl 3-Sedsoom apartmnevt, 2-wastirosms. $1,tOOlmontir pus utltîns. AvalaSie îmmedîately. Fîstt lastI eetres.No pets Colt 900 077 3954ý MMFor Reni GEORGETOWN, 2-boa- tom ordo towrhouse, S appliarses, gos tîeplare, 2osndesground parking spots, A«; cale. very stean. FissOasteeerses. No yetslsmols-og.AvalaSle Apsul tsI t, tSOl0month pus utlties Gall Holy Light. Johnson Associales 905 077 5165ý OAKVILLE- 2&3 bSdooo toanhouse availaSle ri- mediately ilîsough April lt d upp.avces, Hope- dle MaIl asea Lakoshose Maragement 905-876- 3336 R(en &aM!ated MILTON ir seo hotte, ptete no smoliersîto pets, $5001mth irsi. utilises, roessîttais only 905- 693-0711 or 905-339-9413 FURNISHED room fos sert. Aoalable April ItI Oersy ard Amosog.Fîrst and ast $500. Caîl 905691- AA'comodaion MILTON besry ttd[Tru- deau, roto 1 shirsed accommodations with pro- fessioral emale, nor- smokes, aoaiabie :mmedi- ately 57901mth ulîlties inl W-8t17-0301. Inide Edge Pro Sports, Milton Graf Skates, Skate Sisarpening, Skate Contaaring. Hockey Equipment, New & Used Skates, 160 MILL ST., MILTON, ON 905-878-9917 mon - Cooud Tues & Wd- 11-7pot nsum rn 11-e-pot sait - 9-spot NANNY wanted in Kibsîde from 1-600 easll day. Fot REGISTERED HOME DAYCARE FIT- or Fit- Age appropriateeteo as o etesoudoo pay ThompsnLausier slose Io pa5ks and pualir schoc s Excellent retesences. Alpoon 906-876-2289 FMNKEYr5 SEE ANP MONKEY5 PO 5igss lanquage-play group -Pre noisool age- Lete promote education and aire aur clildren thse toole tltny need ta qucceen el 1r lii program lir, esignnud to imtroduce eign lanquage to hearina children. There can L'e a barnier Letween deaf andl hearinq chlidren of Milton andl that can lnave them feeling isolateul from each aViser. Children donit neeci a isuge vocaL'ulary ta play. The only elîfference Letween a deaf andl a hearinq cidie e ounel. Lete lend Loth worlsle togetiser L'y educating iearing children ab'out isow faecinatinqg ign language can L'e tisrough Song, gamec, andl mort important lete maise earning fun! S3eneflts of learning bign laniguage: " 13oo6ts nelf-eeteem. miicis uLaie confidence " Enhancer, learning sille " Improvee memory (Leause theno have a visual referencn ta go L'y) 0 Longer attention span (Lecauee eign lanquage je captivating) For more information or isow Vo reqieter you andl your cisilel. lnase contact Maxime @(905) 876-1382 Or n-mail: monkisvignlanauage@isotmail.com Fit-t play group atarts 5aturday April l2tis CJMtQanabian QDjampion ta place an ad cali 905.878.2341 9 Dat Z i e eah Zi GANNON, Beverly Irene (nee McMilIan) Peacefully, surrounded by her tamily, after a courageous baffle with cancer, at the Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, on Thursday, Mat-ch 13, 2008, in her 63rd year. Belaved wife of Bruce for many years. Much loved daughter of Shirley and the laie Wesley (George) McMillan. Cherished mother of Danny (Laelar), Chris (Julie) and Jeff (Anna). Loving grandmother of Joahua, Sarah and Simon. Dear sister of Bob (Betty) McMillan, Barb McMillan, and Ron (Arden) McMillan. Sister-in-law to Beatrice Molson and Rube Gannon. Beverly wilI also be Iovingly miosed by many nîecea and nephews, family and frienda. Special thanks to the doctors and staff for their compassionate care. To celebrate Bey's lite, a private family service was held on Monday, March 17th, 2008. As an expression of sympathy, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or a Charity of your choice would be appreciated by the famîly. PÀlornuemamj Ij Meoriamn GERVAIS, R. (Park) 2 years ago Match 20, 2006 This mooth cornes hack wssh sod regrets [t briogs hack a day we miii at-ver forges You mere takes ossay msshout sayisg goodhye, But oot memories of you mili neyer die. We miss you more than onvone kssows, As each day passes the empcsness groms. TJhe tcrs me thted, me cao wspe oway, Bot the pain iu our ht-arts wsll almayi stay. No one knoos the grsef me ber, When the famsly meets and poure flot tht-ce. Yoo letfrus soddenly, pour thoughts onknoom, Bot vou let us memorses merte pcood taoo Love you always, neyer forgorten Gceady misseel by pour wife Grace pour daughners Darlene, Diane, Debbie & families. Thamas Telfer ln mt-morp of a los.sng hushanel andl father Tht- peact are qo cly passIog Thoogh stil me casoot fore For n the heurts that lovrd hlm Ht mtmoc linogecs ypt Love Patty and Tammpy B~eauvSeces M For Sala ADJUSTABLE Sed-CE- TREAT YOURSELF relient condition, oîbsatinig le Home Spa massage, eieoate teud l5eatmota and filet, double. $5000 Pedisure - $3000 000. Cati 900-878-8580. Maoisure - $2000 Facalts -$0.00 Waxiro semvies BEDROOM Cherrywood. avaitubte. Snd. dresser. mîsror. shets Catt Lucisa nightssand, non, rn boxes. 647-205-3390 Dooetaîl ronstruction. Cust $7000, Self $500. Dînîng. room 11 piere Cherry Arils New. Cost $800.Oel EM For C e $1900. 905-587-4042. POOL able, proessionai cARPETS - 1 have seooral series with eoery upgsade. thousand yards of new 1" ste. $800eorth of ar- sanmastes & 100% nylon sossorîns. Brand ea tn taspes. nl do liing socm box. Cost $5.000, must & hall fos $389.00. In- tati 51,5000 519-722-4077. tludes: tarpet. sait îtstai- 65W wCaptdiesel genrasor, reoer beenrrir. $3500 Mîke 905-875-3800. BABYITOODLER soys Sos sale. Cmxii diana@bayst.ta lation l3Oyarstl Seve 905-890-0002 ww sas petdeais.ta HO0T Tub l(Spa) Cooers bt prion, Sesquaiey Al shapes b rolours. Caou s- 866-585-00568 contheso- oesguy.ta GEAR William (Bill) Hon-on "Beagle" Pasced away cuddenly in his home on Mat-ch l4th 2008. Pre-deceased by his wife Sue Gear. BillI ouI be fondly remembered by hic many friends, in particularly Stephen & Mat-y-Lau Bayer, Fred and Sandra Dewcbury, Nancy Williamc of Stittsville, Beverly Conkin of Sydney BC. and Will Alexander oaf Milton. Buils lite revolved around hic love for Beagles from breeding ta showing at National Beagle Club of Americans Specialty Show and the Wectmincter Dog Show. Bill wac a sincere gonfle man who loved people, petc, fun, and adventure. Alco a littie Tom Foolery was not ouf of the question. Ail those whoce lives he touched were truly blecsed by hic friendchip. Bilî's iches mere ta be buried with his tamily cf the Mount Royal Cemelery in Montreal. Memorial service ta take place cf the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Tuesday April 1sf 2008 aI 11cm. In lieu of flowers, donations la the Royal Canadian Legion Pappy Fund and Milton District Hospital or charity of your choice mauld be grectly appreciated. Condolences and donations onine at ww.earlyuneralhome.com. J. S(CQýFLY n Memoriams in the fat-m osf donations ta The rCanadien Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. Matthew J.Bunch Congratulations ta, MaJrem oo bis graduatioo from steUoiversity of Watrlcoo mîrh o Doctor of Phlosophy Degrce (History). Wr mîth sou es-et-p scceso Matshem n ou por omisîog test-cch carcer. Love from pour limilp L 'q'à 1

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