A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 21, 2008 Winterhawks soar to matching tournament tities \Iionsisouoiigsesi; AA rcp hoclsv esiXis puticiuatcd the season with a douhle dose of goid.' Both the atoins and novices reîgned supremne ai the Niagara Falls Chainpionship Cup Tournament iast weekend - not oniy capturing miatching tales, but doing so ini doîni- nant fashion. \ ictorv %vas particuiarly sweet for the amomns, who've made vasi iluprosensent oser an extreinels' iouglh 2006/07 camnpaîgn - cutîng their goaisagainst bs more than haife and pariax'ed ihat pîogress into their firsi tournsaneni win. î Impressive at bot ends during their 40Match Break mun, tihe eider Winterhawks outscored their collective opposition 29-6 and got at least one point front al 15 plasers. Nine of themn reached the score-sheet three or more titnes. A Ryan McDonaid hat-trick and four-point performance [rom weekend standout Austin Spiegehalter - who finîshed with an overali nine goals and four assists - powered the atoms to a 6-3 championship decîsion oser New Jersess Hoilydeli Hurricanes. The Winterhawks pretty much stealsu rolled their \vas to the final, with a second-round 3-1 tînumph oser tise Peninton Biades - in whîch Spiegelhaiter delivsered his second straighî hat-t-ick - representnsg their onlv reai test. This was sandwiched with 12-0 and 11-2 biowouLs os'er Competitive Edge and the Old York Raders respectiveiv. McDonald enîoyed the second biggest ssuce of tise sconing pie w-ith fise goals and fise assisis, wisile collective eîghî points each were Tresor Mcirplss (5g, 3a). Ks'le Hajekeroci ç3g, 5a) atsd Rsan Mcrphs (3g, Sa). Derek, Ford'anti Niait Wheîhain splii the cage ss crk in top- notch form. closing îhiîngs ouitssiîh a combined goals-agaînsi aserage of just 1. 5. Rounding oui the atoin chamsps ssecre Baîfesý Broswn, Lîam BucklevM Peter Carusi. \Vîll Ducgan, Osven Elîsmnere. Liant Heais. Max Hessitison., Montana iKingsburs', Katrîoîsa Bobhs Iarctt and Chbristan Propp gave op a nere four goals over their novices' 4-0 run - and each earncd a shutout. Propp's came iii the championship, whcre after a couple of- lopsîded wmns the novices once again fated the Buffalo Regals - who'd pushed them to the lim-it in a 3-2 final. Stepping things up for the high-stakes rematch, the \Vînîerhawks struck caris' andl then scored isso goals within two minutes in the second en route to a 4-0 triumph. Dan Dtiggan tallied îsvice, while Calium MacGregor capped a 14-point sseekeiid (8g, 6a) with a goal and an assist. .\lso scoring n ic tille shoss cossn was Marc us Mlinarevic - one of nine nsovices svho had three points or Auil 4 plas ci s tonto îhutcd on [lsti îeie ollcring as balanced a tournameni wîn as their older counterparis. And much like the atoms, the novices enjoyed their fair share o)1 dominance along the way - disposîng tif Comipetitive Edge 9-2 and thrashing the Arctic Foxes 1140 Bobby Barreti was in net for the lopsided shutout, whîle he and Propp shared the cage work in the first two games. Duggan (5g, 3a) and Scott Harnis (2g, 5a) were the other bnighî spots up front. Makîng up the resi of the novice wînners were Peter Chiappino, Oscar Fisher, Felix Gravel, Michael l-asselldî, Miles jatkscîî, Ross Matthew, Mvatthew Moore, Daniel Mirtînoff, Conner Simon and Justin Vshetham. AE peewees punch ticket to Tri County final Win tiebreaker with back-to-back victories By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Nexi stop - the Tri Counîs finsals. ThriIng under do-or-die pressure thîs Acek, Multons addîtîonai entrs' peesvees won back-îo-back games - boîh bsv the narrosvesit of margîns - to ernerge victonious frois a three-ss av, tiebreaker for the coveîted chamnpi- oisship bertîs agaînst Georgetoswn. Flie finial hurdle ss as tcarecli Oaks ilîr Tcesdas nighît. ss ere a pair of shorîhancleclgoal-,, usi 20 eod apari and a fuisdamcnîalls -soctisc per- fcrmsancte alloss cd the V iierihass 'ks tc scîueals hs the Ransgers 2-l. i s\\as tise fîrstsi nrnne mecetings wiîh their regionai rivaIs ibis season - and payback for îwo overtîme losses in the OMI-A playdowns and a one-goal defeat in Tni Counîs' round-robin play 'There's sour Cînderelia siors' nghî ihere.- saîd elaîed head coach Lîndsay MtlLacighlin, moments alter the teams biggeýst ictcîrs of 2007/08. -We didnt beat them al sear, but fînallv did it.- And in highly improbable fashion to hoot - ssîîh their onlv scorîng donc sshile kilîing a fise-minute major laie in tise second period. Offensisve standotsu Dress McMillen cs ened îhîngs cîp on a lo\N sire. ss hile Zatîsars Bradsý put Milton ahead ss îth anoiher bottoiri shelf deposit alter tak-- ing- a nîfîs lead pass off the drass ,bs, captain Rsan _fanason. Assisting on tIse initial talîs ssere lalse ELsIes aîd Michael Haîekerou, ssho delîserecl a hcîge ptske chetk bt îhwart a key Rangers scoring aitempi in the dying minutes of play Kyle Houston came up big between the pipes. iumning back close to a dozen saves in the final frame to preserve the wîn. Rvan McLaughlin provîded a standout defensive effort, hîghlîghted bs' îwo first-peniod takeaway's on one- on-tne rushes. Kîcking off a nerve-wracking two- nîghî mun for iheir parents and coaches, the Winterhawks eked oui a 4-3 deci- sion in Dundas Mondav - wîîh Matihess Bergman crashîng the net and sînkîng hîs own rebound wtth jusi 29 seconds remaînîng. McMillen tailled îwice. svhîle Marcello Mule also lit the lamp. The besi-ol-fîse finals began last nîghî (Thursdav) in Georgetoswn, ssith (lame tsvo set for tomorross at Milton S-ptîrts Centre. starting at 6 p.m. TRAuALGAGOLF & COUNTRY CLUB *18 new greens *Family oriented *Great practice facilities *No capital assessments Ifyoulovezolfyou wiII love Trafalgar Golf& Coutr Club! Orne eu "W wË& 9Mffthe a "mi% Dqfu4 atdm a9f C~d lp p a M Nomtî (FOR LIFE C anal ( te riet i t.ft POUR LA VIE il ian Soc icte tfil cLu ant ur Celebrate cancer survivors, Remember Ioved ones Iost ta cancer, and Fîght Back ta ftind a cure PDWHD) ri JUNE1l3m14 7PM a7AM 905 332 060O Instai Snioke Itý sý Te La W. The Ontario Fîre Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali them in your homne or cottage today!