RE-4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 IirDAUL REAÀL% kITD jarl 878v.????- 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON ~0 Chances are we're going to sel your home. Why Not Cali Us First? CLATTON ru CRAIG HACKENDROOK SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 'A878-7777 RE/MAX Hall of Fanse and Platineet Club Award ýlI wuViff AIT ThsSadi - ,dl etrnq4es dse eori le aIlyW I an 301.3 imarsket sy evderas pou wak i hreishs upgraded 3Ohm osfc atclset fuocchtrl airo t fas jUresheaic floeon 0 ki &e sîadgragce, i paed rec dn oo eas a corsandselae onrsid o T a ge lo po ndk! ihdl rv diuun lr dalura nelw kil C00 ith mn morelg. ae nIuigb 12it o wt adlah 4 bedoom ome i lTimerla sup t a 49for Older hme preerablyaeardd3ntown hoe pt 600000t .4~~~~~~~~col brhoereeayw/aaeimaturepar ff u ta 000 Fre saningbuld nga on1, e sq. minfto , oy s80 or Craig Hcebre -Ildrho e I feabyne jeontwncresldenpta o m erial .4 bdm hom prefrablyw/garge inm alue spaeof l guid o $K10 arp nernvn b1yCIs OMMrarrERIwgALRE pA e ai ATrrrCr lI1t (Canabfan Dampioîî Homes! Homes! Get your homes here! WC wi'lt make iteaas tior siu. Vr5~s . *Sales Represenitatives I5tU~MEMBER 0F THE REMAX HALL 0F FAME tihî - ww.feit * àà 905-878-7777 OUR MARKETING STRATEGY We eîtfisure yous SETS US APARI FROM f[HE RESIo h ntr iln v a s',.. period and provide i '~ insurance onnsew Morluaue Preapprovaf s OVi aurs rsuale purchase fer Fsee Comparative Market Asaiyuis Prsiessonoai Feature Seels 6 moor8s absolulely Opes Mousses our Ou. Sasain asse OC our Liing r TItisUNDENIABLE Thgorgeava catary home bas ha a major tacelift wthout takrg -away tram irs uargua balaies Oauttal decorative brackvis lne thv vaves rnouidirgos snîlng the stage apar orlry. A large addition Iothe buck of rhe home alowv for a beau- tîtai deck wth inarvee rtry throagh ta the soit coolained iîrorom Access ta the val in ktchen ,vith a spacious designaNittS suds of caSi rry ara coupter sauce. A rage for- mal dinirg rnom wîlh crawr mldîrgo, hardwond floors ana frerch doars sts the stage for lagatdînrg. Thoga the rench cours ta a cozy lving room with -maya barrîng iroplace wth original borît i shelves wilh glanadoarso andjaduamntirs. Clîmh the harawood staîrcuse ta the apper oaCI wrrh 4 greal sraed hedrooras ailh rada of dloser space. The master bedraam wus aesigoed tao caspoaae the oîd brick wosk trnm the orginal oulsîde cîuddog. This home as a traC 10 ynd shows pride of awserohip. Boo aahto lstart enoayîsg yoterday y An tt Se tîsappaoted (feu- tared sn the 2006 Chrstmas toar) listed ai $549900. sunit has a iniste( id ai 179.M.I GREAT COMPLEX GREAT LOCATION Freshly updated wîth palot and new carpet Ibis 2 bed- room unît bas a large eat in kitchen witb dining room/liv- ing room combo. The upper level otters a large master bedroors witb new closet doors and hardwood floors the second bedroom is aso a good size with hardwood Nith laundry room and storage ABSOLUTELY UN8ELIEI1ABLE VIEWS tram iis magnîficent custom huîlf home neslled or the ide af the niagara escarpmeat. Look ro rhe eust uad yaa seethe heaulîful tarasto kylae and ta the aauth on a clear wîsfers day wtch the mlst tram iagara tailla tsinlto the air Location lacation lncaton Ihin home Sas il Ohm rainea bargalow atters four bedrooma or the main 10001 artS master enaîtelargo eut ~~in ktcher and bautitai formai drnrg room wCth unk i lvig area, A massive orore ire- -placo that bernes bath boom oto the homo airh marbio hoarth.tho vaaltod ceilîrgo in the living room croate a drumatrc ettect wrrh lrdrng gluon donra ro a large eieoarod aock.the lnwor 10001 ha tn van soit cartairvd niaw sorte mîrh seperute livirg rooni ear rn kitchen.two good nîzed bedroamsanad a walk out to irrelockea patio 0011 car also enjoy te iaiiry ot yoar omn n dr var mmmg pool, This homo sts or unr urnder 2 acres af prime rPai estato wirh uormagirabie porertial - » This 4 bedroom home is loaded ~ mith opgrades hardwood floor- ing through-out (upper and lamer leoel), opgraded staîrcase, large tamîly room mith gas fire- place, peek tbroogh mail from tamîly room to kichen, eat in .Jkitchen, apgraded tr lambiar- ble back splasb, Upgraded ceramîc tile îhroughoutý large mnaster bedroom mith 4 pce ensuite srjîh corner soaker tub. large feîiced lot completely re sodded, eoposed aggregate patio, 4 car parkiîng. this home shows a 10. Listed at 443,900. C ROSS WORD ACROSS olo OCesîaenr 5. Prnersfauxopas 9. Hash Pappy s go 14. 'The Arn of Love" po) 15. Response from the8 pews 16. Fîrst name in keyrare speakers 17. Rabbit-praducing tooi 18. Not deranged 19. Acclimate 20. Cold symptom 22. Impact resait 24. She played Maade 25. ' Old Satorday Nigf 27. Modem 29. Compurgator 32. Look ouf! 36. Hansom 37. FoIiow 39. Keepsake 40. Steam saund 42. Indifferent 44. Express sorrow 45. Odd's opposites 47. Exodus commemoration 49. AFL's pantner 50. Crotter 52. Cossecrated 54. Fancy trock 56. Cions atorrey gererul 57. "Peucocke retwore 60. Santo s raîing prude 62. Rar uway tram oeots 66. Evaae 68. Cz olstor 70. Neecte case 71. Calvary toal 72. auster 73. Too a bus 74. Sohtens 75. Skirt edges 76. Brctse a traffic raie DOWN 1. Impresses 2. Auttror Turgenen 3. Number of Beethooen symphonies 4. Strangest 5. Storage Place 6. 7. Grant usentf 8. Geoufieci 9. Dabibleîin 10. 'If to Be Yoa" 11. Spited horse 12. Fally grown 13. Modàcm 21. Novelîst Grey 23. Arrest 26. Road carnes 28. Sheep mamnan 29, Reliquss 30, Poer Gynt dramtist 31. Tenement VlP 33. Mia Farrow film 34. Inflevible 35. Sound reverberatior 36. Coarry.sînger Akîrs 38. Down saurce 41. Fly it the onnment 43. Works in the darleroom 46. Noîsy dozers 48. Lacoste of tenais 53. Wanderers 55. Slîl 57, Eggs' homne 58. Unîntereshing 59. Home of the Mambo Kings 61. Goltcry 63. Reshing lapon 64. Like mary Gauguin models 65. Made knots 67. 'The blsides pearled.' (Brownirrg) 69. Coacb Landry 30H S VNH N VlA0 3 :j00 I N NHM1E~] 3iM NIVV 3]E N0 3 ZS NSA 10d H3VG]NVSN3AM 3 1 13VU 3n]SV N 3 9CIAO IUVS >1V Z 3fONS L 1