B4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ChampiontTraa-%ks AROUND THE WORLD: Clockwise from aboveý Miltonians (front row from leh) Marily Berry, Margaret Duncan, Corinne Turnbull, Bill Turnbull, and (back row from leh) Rev me Gray Beth Gray Susan Naismith, Lois Cairns, Helen Reichert and Kari Reichert show a copy of the Champion while standing in front of the Tower of David in Jerusalem, Israel. The Prochorowicz farnily, încludirig Henry Sandra, Steven and Adam, stand il front of their ship "Adventures of the Sea" during their Caribbean cruise. Froin lef, Williamn, Andrew Jessica and Thomas Davidson erijoy their vsit to Space Camrp in Huntsville, Alabamna Frorn left, Allison Sîdnell, Andrew Sdnell, Jef Thomison, Roy Sîdnell and Paige Panrtta check out their homnetown news whIe in GUardalavaca, Cuba. The Gerlewych fan< y, including (from leh) Cody Sarah, Nathalie and Stephen, vîsit \Walt Dsney World in Florida. Mike, Christiane anc Taylor Reid celebrate Taylorhs seventh birthdlay in Jamaica. Lousa and David Dngman relax on the beach in Puerto Vallanta, Mexico. From i eft, Margo and Daryl Graham, Gerri and L'ers Faggion and Lorena and Glenn Turner vsît Florence, taly Those iîterested in submnitting a photo for Champion Tracks can do so by e-maîlîng it to mlton)ed@haltonsearch.com. Be sure to include destination inforrnation and everyciie's name.