Ofie eHesOfie lp tliaII Hoe [MeîHI tsfetV , Denal M me Iat 'Dental HoeIResauant HelRetarant Hotel sauant J WALLACE POINTIAC Career OpportunitV The Canadian Champion, Tueuday March 18, 2008 - 19 lniaiday t1f0 Lr Slrd 3pm-9 pm One Suturday a month Please fax resumre 80 905-878-0960 Or email to chall@wallacepontiac.com Sales Hetp Sles Hetp if ye >t h Sales Reprenentative we are ieekrng fot, yen ciii have high enesgp, be self- mntrvated, enthuerantrc and catit a position wth ne appas imt os peut rewarde for werkrog hard. We wiii reqnîre: Dedicatien, loyalty ability te ears a wcde varety et prodecte iv the automolîve gssphrcn industry, initative, fecused approuch te meeting goals, abrlîty te establinh yens own marketing plan. If yen are thîs paserenate and esergetic perses, be ready iv tel[use why yen are the ONE for thin lob when yen cai 005-299-0679. EXPERtENCED STORE MANAGER INStDE / OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES Paî-Tise and Part-lime Fanox sgtar rare rarantyrr osetus ati sacss '55 ard rmanagem-enaittarrevfotiemGergtara.icar, Or ta Mus! rave celular ard 2-. ars als ca na.'ce Pivasan x,sr.ta 416-630-781 0,'eal uirmar-renourc'es irren bcl i persn with superror costomier service/ communication akilis and wbo loves to mark with people (nci. kids). Please cati 905-878-5020 on Monday March 24th, between 12-2pm OR 7-8pm AND ornait your resume ta drheatheriËones@eyahooca s seeking PSW's and HCAs for Georgetown and snrrousiding areas. Must have so transportation, bn reliable and avaîlable to work some week- endslholidays avd variable hours. Please send resumes by e-mail to tamrnyccmpassionatacare@oogeco.ca Or tas te: 905-702-7044 OffiA ASSISTANtEELI Fhrp A STic OffceD PofEsont repo oib e pern wîth reat miti ank comp ter îtnas deing eu Pikig fernsenemar itesme Aito: i info @KimFamilyChiropractic.com Local GM Denier requirmn a parlt rme Cahier PsRe - a lernate SarurdaysNe Pieuse tas resurse ta 905-877-6946 Oremilt: dolan&gerUtownhevçni cIassif ied@miItoncanadîanchampion. Com Z IrC qaiaîaî janîpion TOn Milton Canadran Champiorn, a divi- sion of Metroland Media Group Lsd., bas an rmmedîate openrng for an: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qualifîed candidate miii be a moîr- vated, independent, uni-starter drives by achînvement. You wil possu excellent vritten and verbal communication ukîlfu and be famîttar mth Mcrosott computes applications. Advetîsîng suies auperiesce s a detinite auset. n this rote, you miii bu customer focuued and witt buitd trong retattonuhipu with nom and eiting clients by ensuunng that their advertisîng needu une met. You ii be goaf-oiented and capable of meeting regutar monthiy budgetu and speciat uec- tion targetu. If you woutd ike 10 mark for a leader te the media înduutry thiu opportusîty may be the rîght one for you. A reitabte vehi- cie ta required. If interested please formard pour renumne by March 27th, 2008 to- szawadzki@mnetroland.comn Fax: (905)632-0308 We appreciate the inferesf of ait applicants however only those setected far an intervew wil be cantacfed No phone catisoa agencres pleane 9* j ei a es Hep Sefai es elp Are pon esergetrc asd ontgoîng anrd cant ta be part of an eecîting tearar If no, we have the position for pan at ISLAND INK JETîin Milton Mail. RECEPTIONIST Part-Time, tee, tes fr etytas taý a.irtgea cffîcs Apply OWu Pilepert- erradinr L'etai Pecepl or Traveling T' 3 sepaîurv offices ia a teqnitn'nen' Cormmîlmear une relruorlity are a MUST Pinava eereoumne la 905-828-2358. rqid frdoctor n office in Oakr'îîîePFi- t ne are Part-ime poorîrors anaiabie, Ethnerastrc use me- tlve îsdrnrdnals nhentd aDpI b amaI t a@e-t Haîlon arîd Peel regrons, presevtly have a tomber of pari lime caterisg semver and bartender posi- tions available. Candidates mont be wllfrvg iv work evenîngo. ceekende and holidays end mont be team piapers wth position attitudes and nopror cotomer service nkills. Benefits sncInde- paîd gra- tuines, staff meals, smart serve traiving, fine dîvîsg truinng aod uniform. Prefeience meilI Os gînen ta thos applicanrs wîrh previous hoopîtalîry service îndnsrry experience. PIeuse forward resumes ro- jobs@ siloerrhymec a 'riicivr&n5 iibr contacteri ilo F-1 hS ilt f('. 1 utl, The Oakville Club han immedîste positions avaîtabte in the fotiowîng areas: Activities Desk Attendant - This parr-tîme eoeaing, ceekend position snekn vomeone who is conromer Drented, cas mulrî-rnnk. ment eadlineo. be pnoacive adihnndle n faot puced eao'ronmeîat. Must 9e computer savon' und be able ta huvele a moIti-lineswsitchboare. Food & Beverage Servers - RT posýtionis avait. Musi Se able ro work eoenvgn woýekends. Dishwasher - P/T Pieuse terwarci resumne te the attention et HR, 56 Water Street, Oakviiie, ON L6J 2Y3. Fax: 905-845-3186 - tcrne@oakviecubcom Menday. Match 24, 2008 No phone catie pleaae. She, dra Pv jr.-rre a-1J Cos"ienca r'Cý-rre s incar--j trr an r rI&'r Htc]Sain- s Maitn5- - o sp! ai icsi I cifrr m da!týr iac ires r Cakvile -and Bras pi -n Taý ,tc es1 ta verv cnap r' 'o. aca pacrae r ar-O ýpct iv Ii thr e aManager *tp3r r o!reY and Pr rnsrPias -Post Secnrndary cdur,,ii'<prvi/rrei .2-5yis Sales Eaperierce (Hotelisdostîy Prelerreor -Must poneess Clas C cene & ho asie ta ravel *-Weil Organroed, Serf Motuted. Caveer Oierled I Saw-Whet Golf Course KITCHEN PREP PEOPLE Entry tevel ktchen positieonsorutable for asy at home csek' kîchen manager ie. Adulis che are or haoe been respennîble fer preparatres of beirs famîtp meain, gaverai chnppîeg and ntcîng et raw vegetabtes, meats and cheenen and pertrenrvg of fend prndsctn. Wages cempeitîve. Cait Nathan Brown @ 905-827-7750 ext. 3 or emtait : sawwhet@betlnet.ca a\Rporesune o er 1S.S.o Peueho:a Hidden Lake Golf Club 1137 #1 Sida Road Burington NOW HIRING Food!'Beyerage Ail Positions F/T - P/T OPEN HOUSE SAT March 22 lOam - 4pm A-piptly intperons Napoleons Steak and Seat ood 3455 Fariem Street, Burlington Call 905-637-7171 Now Hirïng! Emmo ns ackporch ave The Waier Si. Cooker ara smog nuso for ait positives Ceeks -Servons Bartenders Stuctenluf Hane the ime of ysun lite thîs summeit WVVeare alsu isokiro ta Sire stroosin -55 are wir vo IoCemtn!sw for a May 1i20st nas date Please apply te persan. hlMMWAS BACKPORCH 2084 0f d Lakeuhene Rd. Burtington, ON emmasbackporch.c 'à Pm-eH e elp 'f CET J NE JOB DOHE Ad Submissions Receivdby: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com For puconvenience ot accept . VISA. MASTERCARO, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, ~~imeHeIp ime Hep Become a steady, part-time School Bus Driver with us and get $5OO+* in Hiring Incentives r --n -1 rrr rt-e n - 1-877-914-K'Da canadatobs@firstoroup.com *TisisSa t mited tirne alla sabjent ta terma mhat may vary by location. V.ali tram February 25 ta MataIt31, 2008. Wthttins ad. =p~ftlt=îpapooenIies * 0TM EELPMNTL SO 1 itnai anchamplor( i prnt+workp3lis.com = YourfTg ANS BIGGEST JOB SITE R cutn -g- Acclaim IUHealth Be a part of a wînning team!! Due ta increased demand Potsonal Support Workor Position Avilabia isnmndiately te worl n teBadinglos, Oakvîlta & North Haf onsaiea (Day and Evenîag Shiffel WE OFFER: " Flexibe ehiff " CampeOhm age " Pason Plan " Enenisg shift premniame "*24 heur diniaupport " Pard cemptehamsw rie ntation " Edacatios & Carnet gtnwth * Trane e taibutseement - Suppliad Usiferme Pteaae app t l: Human Resources, Acclaim Heahh Fax: 905-827-6476 e-mail: humianresources@acclanmheafth.ca or Plaaa sole - osly Prose upplicantsselncted for as itervie iii ba contactnd unamuma --j 1 PARTTIME HELP WANTED 1 0 V'. 19 9 194 ind1b lf,*A 19,414 lir a IMOS Ir 44 9