The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - A13 SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sinks competition MD freestyler golden in OFSAA debut GRAHAM PAINE / CANAOIAN CHAMPION GOLDEN BOY: Eric Scarffe proudfy dispfays the OFSAA gai d medal he efaimed reeently in Etobicoke. By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Good as gold. Eric Scarlfe was exactly thatiniii is DF SAA swimrning debut carlier ihis inontb ai tbe Etobicoke Olyinpiumn Part of one of' the stiffesi, battles of the two-day provincial cbarnpionships, Milton District's 1011i grader took top spot in the junior boys 50nm freestyle eclipsing Mayfield's Dav'id Murray bv a lûîb of a second witbi a personal best 27.01s. Wbhile knowing lie was a leginrnate medal contender and feeling a lot more relaxcd lfor the finals alter getîng tbe bciiierflies out of is systemn bel'ore the prelininaries - n wbicb bie placed fouribi, after anxiciy nearîy(s Oi bna taise stai t - th i-iorer Marlin was stîli sîcinned upon realizing bie bad pre- s'ailed. fI was in dishelief.- recalled tbe 15- year-old OESA.\ champ, ref-ering t bis posi-viciory reaciion. fven sben 1I bad the niedal arocind msy neck 1 cocldn't bheve felt sveird- A self-described splash and-dasb swimmner, Scarffes golden performance (:aille on tbe beels of anoiber individual record linisbi ai H1amilton-, McMaster University wfîere bie clocked iii ai 27.20s ici \vin (GHAi, and set a nemw neet standard. -Oser tbe past miontb or so ît seeîned like every tîîne 1 got in the water 1 set a niew personal besi." So wbere does tbe Mustang gcolden boys success lie? -1 wouldn't say iny flip off tbe wall is great for the top club swimmers, but its definitely' good for the bîgb scbool level," be explained. -1 make up signif- icant time ibere." Leadîng MDs largest OFSAA contin- gent in recent inemory Scarffe also reacbed tbe event finals in the 50m but- terffy A personal best 30.73s effort was good enougb for sixtb. On day two lie cornbined witb Brent Burke, Alex Davis and Paul Zîelinski to take fîfîb place iin tbe 4xlOOm open freestyle relay Burke and Zîelînski would finisb one spot bigbier in tbe 4x50m open mnedley relay; wiîb tbat foursome riiunded ont by josb Burr and Andrew Scarîfe. Tbe Mustangs'fonte femnale competi- tor, Larissa Ruiz made it to tbe finals in botb tbe 100 and 50dm open freestyle - iin wbicb sbe placed fiftb and sixîb respectively sbedding almost a full sec- ond off tbe longer distance between tbe preliminary round and main event. Also advancing pasi prelimînary comnpetition was Burke, wbo swam tbe 1 00dm open breaststroke to eîghtb-piace bonou s. Woodcroft's Chiefs in finals Not %vanting t0 tempt fate, tbe Western Ontario Hockey League's Tecumnseh Cbiefs squasbed any bope for a semnifinai îurnarounid Friday nîgbt - îbanks in no smnall pari to ibeir resi- dent Miltonian. Netning lits second goal of- tbe playv offs, i 7-year-old rigbî winger James occrfisparked a big comneback alter bis ji. B club feul bebind 2-0 to tbe Straibroy Rockets in game byve of the besi of-seven series. Tbe Cbîefs would go on 10 oust tbe Rockets witb a 3-2 overtîmne win, puncbing tbeir ticket to cbampionsbip play' agaînsi ithe London Nationals. Seemng four games witb tbe OHIis Windsor Spitlires thîs season, Woodcroft bad 10 goals and seven assists witb Tecumseh. Tbe Cbiefs will look to end a ratber lengtby championsbip drougbt, having lasi won tbe tille in 1980. -<e ,ur1 V 011 eLhi a eU~ R pun7ig isJJUits Bes .....................................................diton gxf Cooling System Service Service Includes: ttspect rttt.l,t' [lIttttttscfin p Peace-of-Mind Maintenance Service Service Includes: -V M,l, 10' t , h p etiqtt ', tst l, bcPt tttettnttppt-ttt PJ 4v S905-878-887 Veýsnhtcadsn heti HEMoti ci l hds tou 'Whiesple t Seedale for detals ALuS-RSPRT A typical camp day consists of a momtng sessýon con- centraling ci) sports skilis and an afternoon se,§sion of swimming, games and activ- dies The camp is open fior-n 2 9t h T ne s'Oc 0 0 'f s s k ýlis"' JLJIY lst - AUgUst 29th, The ope n' 'sc 'ts la y F rfdjýOp off ýý hOUrs are Monday-Fnday 9ani-4pfii, viitii drop off as early as 8 00arn, and pýck LIP as late as 5 30prn LOCATIý,i ON: SporshCmopRen ih eosortln COST: $11 Olweek/ Before Junel/08 FEATURES: Free T-Shirt, Awards, Games Fo m r if cll 2 9- 4 -2 2 Vstusa vý,ai-tipotcrpc F . j