A12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ~ Traffic violations are extremnely serious matters I ast y'ear, the Haion Regional Police municipal staff in an effort 10 increase Q-Why aren't you oui alki on ,îli LiltOil 111S. A,,surit 001 (cel î ini ail or ai J ' 10 11 d teai has had tie opportunity îo work attention tai specclîng. Spccd, espe- closely with toncerned citizens and tially on our rural roads in our quickly NEED HELP FINDING A JOB? GOODWILL Employment Solutions Every 56 seconds of each workday, a Goodwili around the world connects someone ta a good job. If you are out of work or under-employed and need help finding employment, then contact us. Ail job seeker services are FREE Burlington -Georgetown -Milton -OakviIIe 1-866-557-8324 EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO Empoyient t fario poiects ar 5uded inpart Sp te G vement ofsCanada -r ý Cnadr e'.'e.yhomaj IiME yrr Please drive safely. growing communiies, is a s!ý factor in motor vehicle c.oii our icaîn is oui on the rmaIs c speed limits, i ssvanted to ti opportunit>' 10 dispel a lew ini perliaps answer a fess of ihe ci we are imost Ircquenti> asked. Q - Dont you have 10 give1 "break?" Although oflicers ima>' cxci cretion ai the roadside n api cîrcumstances, ibis is rarely doi ensures that speed ]nuits arer enforced fîrîni>; but fairly Vs/he er chooses 10 speedlte>' tan c: bc tickeîed for the sers spei chose to drive ai. traff(ic lated incidents eveîy yeai [han foi rom sviolent crime. Dîd yen know tbat 0Ie fr2007 (in Milton and Halton His) neewr ore than i,800 vebîcle col- beat l"ins eslîng in more than 280 njuries and 13 dcaihs? Imagine try îng I i calculate the costinii losi limne, insur- ance, emergents' responders, lhealîh 1,nfic ant tare andI nire. Traffic offentes are seri- iois. As ous inattersý thai iet1uirre.,erious enfoicing enforceineni. take ibis Myth - [he olficer will nul iytbs aitd show up l'or court luestitins The Halton Regîîîîal Polite Service takes the court atîendaîîce of its offiters me a xe sericîuslN. Althougbi emergenty sit- uations do) anse that resuit in offîcers rtise dis- mîssing court, these are extreînely rare. prcipriale Halton offîters are expected to attend une. This court, whether working or not, and if nol onix' court was missed an investigation n a drîv- would result. il one electîs t have a xpeclt toial, ibe>' taitexpeci us 10 he there. ed îhey Q - WilI ibis cost me points? The polite do not assign -poînîs- to y'cur licence. lipon coc'tîion il is the MTO that atînhbutes points ici vour licence. Sentencing postponed Sienctng liaisheen reînded for a Haiton Hîli s wonan ssho sîolc more tîtar '$20,000 fr mît iss Milion schooI councîis and cne nt Gecorgetcown. j Brenda Pickering, 43, appeared - efore Justite Allai) Cocoper Frîday ai Ontario Court of justice in Oakville wlben the scentîîtig sNas put oser îo r May 30. also in Oakx ic. Pickerng lbas pieaded guilty 10 îhrec tounits of tbeft over $5,000. Site scrx'ed as the s'olunteer treasurer for- the school councils at J.M. Denyes, Wl1 Dick, and E, Georgetown's Sîewarttown school b etween 2002 and 2005. She admîîtted îo taking $ 10,000 from - J.M. Denyes and $5,500 fromn Wl. Dîck. Pickening was ordered to pay the mone>' - about $24000 - back in restitution. So far, she bas paid about $ 16,500. She was supposed to bave paid aIl the money by Fniday's court appearance, but ber Iawyer, Siephen Darroch, saîd she needed a lîtîle more time, wbîcb Justice Ccooper granted with the new cocurt date. 'She blas miade substantial progress, but not as miucit prcîgîcss as sliete îîîcî paîed. ' Darroch tcud the coturt. Most injuries in '07* were minor from TASER on page A3 Ancuiti i17 incidenîtinvcuing'bard emipis' iandtchniques' iicicidîng pcincbes. kicks andc cbos siies \sere aisc reporieci For 2007, police reporîed one fatal înjury susîaîned by a subject nu a police encounlter and 29 incidents in wbîcb a subject requîred inedîcal attention - of these 26 were classîfîed as mînor. There were nîne incidents in whîcb Halton police requîred medîcal atten- lion, six minor injuries and one senious. Ask about our diabetie program.