Milton's Community Newvspaper Since 1860 IG E ARH E AD C A R EA L E ST AT E S POR T S C O M M U M 1 T Y See what's on Scarffe sinks Easter ideal time the market inside OFSAA competition to help food bank wvw mlta)ncanadiant hannai(r n cam A eýôIrj Mdi'rop ubiýtin-Local49No group co netGsT. torbis'rsu IRISH EYES ARE SMILING: Knox Preshyterian Church held ts annual St. Patricks Daý Tea and Bazaar Saturday after- noon. Here sx-year-old Kylie Manin enjoys a homemade sucker - one of the many baked goods for sale. At eft, apparently missing twvo front teeth ddnt deter her f rom savourlng the treat, GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Cornes to aid of sick and injured bunnies By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A local rabbuî rescue organîzation is up to iLs cars tryîng [o find vet care and homes for 80 bunnies it took in alter several hundred of the cnitters - some of tbem suffening borribly - were sur- rendered [ast week. Milhon-based Rabbit Rescue hic. was called last week 10 assist the Barrie branch of the Ontario SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animaks) abter the animals were removed lrorn a location in Simcoe Cocînty [[aviva Lusli, exccutive director of tbe c bariîM, said appro\inately 300 rab- bits were being bred bi.t akfoi mecat. M',atîs of thein -vere sick. she said. "I sc nex er scen anthîiug quite lîke t. and I se deait ,vith a lot,"I usb îold the ( lîoopiîîmt Rabbit Rescoe tic. i-,the onix organ- izatton in Ontario - anil tbe largesti n Sariaca -- dedcated tb fitiniig iurss boimes [or doinestic t abbii~tis aibave bren abused or abandoncd, I rsb said. ln addition to the 80 biitunies tbe organization took in, it belped find spots xx tb other groups for an addi- tional 70. Kristin Mîllins, spokesper-son i tb the Ontario SP( A, said site rouldut c omment specificallv on tbe case because of tihe ongoing investigation, but did say the owniers voluntanily sur- renderd tbe animiais Cbarges are pending, she added. I usb basnt gotten mnucbi sleep since [ast Tcesdav night wben she received a cali saying bnlp sas needed. [he next das; sbe went to tbe shelter wbcre tbe rabbits were taken, and ON THE MEND: Sprout recovers at a foster family home after requiring mouth- ta nase resuscitation. began to assess tbeir medical needs. Mais of the rabbiLs bave respiratorv, infections, Lusb saîd, ansd there are akso -see RABBIT on page AlO0 Inside Today's Champion OPINION SPORTS CLASS[FIEDS DATELINE A6 A13 A15 B3 ýAvwmiLtancanadi-naýhamr, a ar GORRUD'S AUTO 6 a o up L i Wallace