The Canadian Champion, Frday, March 14, 2008 - A17 Halton public schools to have lit wMoksns hsikts Abot 4700coputrs o e rplaed $800,000 per yer will bc uscd MARCH i 5TH, 1 IHi 7TH Haif of thc Halton District Smnith, who rnoved into the al, saidcSnth rne LAMINANE FLOORUNO School Boards comnputers newly-created rolc of chiel The contraci with IBM s O M should be replaced in une for information officer about six maonly a deal for computer UC LU IA the next school year months ago. hardware and on-site servicing.DRC R M lM About 4,700 computers, haif The board received a haif- -.1 1 1 1DIETFO A A of the boards current comple- ment, are expected to be updat- ed in a phased-in process that will eventually cost the hoard $6 million. It should start in about three weeks wth the plan tonbe donc by the end of August,' Bruce Smith, the boards chief informa- tion officer, said of the hirst half of the master plan. "Its one of the largest pur- chases the board niakes," noted dozen proposais froîn interested computer providers witb a four- year contract for Microsoft Windows hardware and related servrices awarded to IBM. Each haîf of the replacenment plan will cost the board about $3 million; the second phase of the project will occur in 2010- il. The board bas an informa- tion tecbnology (LT) budget of about $1.3 million lrom wbîch Smith said most software used by scbool boards in Ontario is provided for free by the Ministry of Education. The Halton public board bas about 200 different software tities, be said. Smith noted that about one- third of tbe boards computers are Macintosh mnodels, used mainly in elementary schools in audio-visual applications. OVER11Sf ,QQQQQQo UNVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM Library construction tender awarded Towni councol bas awarded a construction ten- der for the new branch of the Milton Public Library to the tune of $24 million- The decsion xvas nmade recentîx tor the munic- ipaloty to use Steelcase C.onstructioo li c. for tise library - recently nanind the Beaîy Brancb Lbrarv - that w iii be located ou lourti Lie between Hearst and Clark, boulevards. Stecicasc w vas thc 10w Cst of seven biddcrs loi the project, but stol camne in ai $165,000 over the Town's budget due to addiiional costs to rcimovc poor souls fions the sitc and for upgrades to achieve a 'green' certiication on tise building. Council also approved an extra $80.000 for things like sklights and subsiuting stucco walls with slaie cladding. ITbe additiooial S245,000 will coose rons iings lob-e dcvclopnicno charges and icscrvcss [The Town s currcntly s(,ckoong over $1 msillion ou luosding tbrough the Province s Municipal Infrastorccture luvestineut Initiatiove'loi he c on- stiionof olthe uew' loboar banchb The lac îlts will be onc sioic\ sud Il1,300 square leet. set on 0.83 a(c ie ot lond. lis aitic i paîcd to open ncxt Deccnibei. lJJ Simmons Beautyrest Plush Hi-oft Pillowtop Queen Sleep Set Reg. $189997 BI1G PRICE 1O99197 King Sleep Set $159997 ýý600 AVIN 'i ï)"5Do Not PaFor LeBRICC èu! ýl" Ysiee on H 1, 1 a1220 Steeles Ave E. i U RNE OddcMatheu IP& " Hwy 401 & James Snow Parkwaycoparbl mattress stor905>864-3303 b.10 Mattress Speciallsts Since 1971 '511 ,Mit ,ffersnalabe AC Son yourBik Cmd Painunmin prchse250 &>Brck Sde wg~ pbese% p s"tmaai dmmat fee($9995)e paya50e attim f p"dý BlgKe &d)e 52W0 59 te accre f ote 5eal 25 dm pm te ns 55 p yment a9duedte ut ll e ww 0teparenofthebaance ts mde i l ytede dite, Ped my ý9by lcaiffl. We e ete rihtto I09it qat$bystoe ad per ae . +hisoidrcm be crxeb0 d wOary aff free gf dumn r aeed ,9 Cor te rt or, wl9~5essoü* espried.One FREE gft per a psed>aw. E099,95wMard> s O 1s iC2M so l i wwse *10055 ixiripuds»of%se 99ip se ad iw px usoe) of pKpne bedfrarne. **M S r o .ere a eatfrei pedorM o tec>5/9 e Stes e inSstore fr rileite "K 1 EUROTO