Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2008, p. 6

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A6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March il, 2008 flNMr Tfl1% Asmoking gun blewe wholeheartcdly support the Ontario Liheral governrnents plan ta ban snmoking i cars with chul- dren, wc wander how ithe world i wiil be pohiced. Is it realistic ta expect law enlorcement olicers ta be on the lookaut for smokers wth young passengers, or wîil et- iaw motorîsts be asked ta bc the eyes - and nase - of thîs new provincial law? Will children expased ta second-baud srnake ii the iarnnly car face the prospect ai testi4ying aga inst a parent ni court? Thercs no question, how- ever, that the Provinces dcci- stan ta propose a nevw law in the spring legisiative session s a no-bramner. C hîlcren who breathe second-baud smake are mare hikely ta suifer Suciden Infant Dcath Syndrere asthma and car- dîac disease. Ailnin ail, sec- cnd-baud smanke kilis mare than 300 Ontario resdeiiîs every y car. \\ith tbe priescri and future healîh af Ontatio chli- dren at stakec, we hope the puuishmienî for breaking ibis law will he subsiantial. The deterreut ai a heiîy fine and possible laitunime lor repeat olienders will be need- ed if t is ta bave an\, real impact. There aire saine who believe governinnrshoulci not bc in the business ai legîs- latîng CaInInir III seise. HaoweNr, ihere are also tlunes reinrinhet seaibelis?- xvheiî the laîltîre b> sonie tuembers ai sacîetv ta cxei- cisc caminon sefise lea-ves aur electcd oaicials ohliged ta iervene tni the interesi ai public health and saiety. This is one ai those times. Readers Write E-mail your lettars ta tnrtonad@haltonoearch can-, Complaining getting real old DEAR EDITOR: Max-be 1 aulx speak for mx sdi, buti al these lettens ta ihe editar(icinplaiîning about the sncrw,\plo\,,s are geîting reallv aId. Guess what - this is Canada aind in the wuîer theres goîng tîr be snowSaine years thiees flot s0 much, but saure years - lîke ibis one - tberes goiug ta be a tan, aird were ail goiug ta bave ta break aur backs ,hoveliing. If y-au areu't prepared for this, perhaps youre livinrg iutire wrong place. Que letter asked that the streets be piowed mare tharougbiy, wie another asked that sîde streets trot be plowed at Al if the plow isu't goîug ta clear each mndi- xidual driveway How eau the Town please bath of these ctizeus? I agree that ils less thau ideal ta have ta shovel oui y-aur duiveway and then slip and side y'aur way dowu y-aur street. flaxevei, Miltan lbas seen an inîrease tri tialitcarccients oarte a joatr raads thbss ,cani fs ýcleai ibai tiheIris resacîrccs aie hertci - penî tnîl'ii)g ts keep ibcsc roads sale il you takc a loîok arouird iown alter a mrajor snowiall, the mnajor roads aiectir preîîv good shape. anifi that meaus tIrai the first tswa minutes of my drive ofii my street are a ltte slippery, thaïs fine wnib Ile. As laitire snow at the end of tbe drive- way; well, sucb is life. is uniartunate that the plow can t uite îtseli tacamne araund before every single resideut bas sbaveled, but its also unrealîstie ta expeet the ibat- tain ai every drnveway ta be cieared. Pay a neighbourhaod kd fîve bucks ta, do it for y'ou if ifs that much of a burden. A. BARRET ELLIOT CRESCENT Mayor helped make grand opening special DEAR EDITOR: On hehaîf of the young daucers, par- ents aud teachers of the Finuegan Sebool of Irish Dance, I would like ta puhlîely thauk Mayor Gord Kraut.z for atteuding, and cutîîug the uibbou at aur officiai cipeiug February- 9. Haxing lîxed inu thîs beautîlul taven al of mx life, it veas nice ta sce Mayor Kranîz keeping alîve the spirit ai 'sinail îowu'n Mitou. He speut a long iiiine at tIre open- îîrg eeremony' ialkitrg wtb the cbldreu and parents. He aiso helped those presenit urider- stand tbe value of historv cof aur îowu maud have important it is for us t a injtanu the spirit of cammuuiîy" even inu the midst of rapid growth. Afier the studeuts demousîraîed their great dancing sklls, Mayor Krautz took tessons iram some of the youuger ones ancd showed us saine fancy Inish steps of lris aveu. 'Xe are grateful for the extiaardinary tîne and effort he put inua aur apening and, umore importantiv, bis obvrcus inter- est ti suppartmng ail surnah busunesses n aur great toven. PATRICIA FINNEGAN, OWNER/ARTISTIC DIRECTOR FINNEGAN SCHOOL 0F IRISH DANCE Snow service leaves a lot to be desired DEAR EDITOR: i bave been a resîdent of Milton for umore than 25 years. Usuaîly there have irever been amy probîems duriiîg the winîer dlean-up. However, lateîy I hav'e been notieiug that the roads lu Milton have becu negliected. l'm mot sure if ifs because Milton bas expanded greatly and aur services bave mot. How many snowplows were added ta the fleet since the towîr han doubled in size? Yet how much time bas becu going into the Town Hall expansion, and why are they putting up street ights on roads that arent even opened? Recently the snow removai on Hayward Crescent bas been meglected. After anc snowfal there was no snowplow araund for two days. I caiîed the Town twice ta expiain the situation ta them. 1 was told they were busy. Maybe the work- ers installmnng iights on unopened roads could do a litrie plowing. The ice build-up on the streets is becoming like a skating rink, too daîrgerous to walk or drive on. The ice is aceumuiating it puddles and then freezing, causing even more dangerous driving and walking conditions. Then for some strange reason at 3:45 am. air March 3 the Town sent a grater ta Hayward ta, serape the road. It shoulin't take too much ta see the waste in that. It wouîd he more beneficial if the plows piowed the snow, mot scraped dry roads. As citizens ai Milton, we shouîdnt have ta catI the Town ta compiain iu order ta get drings donc. Who caîled about putting up lngbts for roads mt in use? SCOTT WILSON HAYWARD CRESCENT VIjr aubin ?Iampioui 555 Industrial Dr., Mîtoni Ont. L9T 5EI 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertissmg Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.iltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief Jil: Davis~ Managing Editor Karpr Miceh Advertising Director Werndy McH.ab Production Manager T 'r'"co Circulation Manager Charic ce Hall Office Manager Saincy Pare Thre Canadian Champion, publiihed every Tuesday and Fniday, in a division oi Metroland Media Group Lid. - Group Publisiner Ian Oliver Ai'r Eff'f Q ptff ,f if 1" T.ig p" iui el b"' fy the "ff-rou ,, t ogttfff ff't a re isanaîo1e fr signtre, wf-llff!ire fafifi ai ftheaprlcab5 " ine 0 jbuffhf-t 's@ff- ftheffgh CCAB Audted 4? A Caaian ommurity CCN Neespapers Assoiaf SuubnNewspa pets à p iiri rrrjî a so s ti f rý Jige e v ud A C'a, A Ay UNITED WAY OF MILTON TV AUCIION Showcase Milion- GALAI MILTON SANTA CLAUS PAR AD E

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