Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2008, p. 20

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20 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday March 11, 2008 GenralHel Geera Hep Gnerl Hlp l] eneal elo w iaon Sp He aonSpa ep M jhica HeIp TochirHep c Tnca Hep We are eow h59n tfor the sommer' positions available: -Crew Managera -General Lbeurere apply@studentlawnscapers.com CHILDRENS RESIDENTIAL MANAGER One year conracî Ceccunity Living Oakville, CLO) iv aeeksg a Manager for ave et ver Çhiidren'a homea. Duties wilI incuded; superviien and cheduling et taff in a unionized envirncent, udbering te a budget, enauring pregrums efered retect the needa et the peeple we uppert and are in ccrdunce with CLO and Ministry guideinea. Pesitien reperts directly te the Eecative Directer. Qualificatons/ SkilIs: Cecpleted pet eecvndury diplemu and/ or degree in Child and Yuth Wrker or relted field. Seunid knewledge et CFSA, including icening preceva. Minimum 5 yera eaperience in Develpcental Servicea including preveus aupervisery esperi- ence. Eaperience aerhing with chiidren preterred. Firt Aid, Sute Management ced pharcacelvgy training requred. Valid drivers licence and acceva te a vehîcle needed. Ability te respend te crîsie situatiens le an effective mnner Demvntrted leadership cils, effective intervention wth amillea es required. Demontraied organiztienul yod hime management ekille. I-ours of Work: Prîmurity, Msnday - Friday, 40 heurs a week, levibiiîry in hors et asrh iv required, Shred on-cali revponvîibiliîes tr the chldren'v homes. Submit current resumne ta: Shannon Cales Resource Manager 301 Wyecroft Rd, OakviIIe, L6K 2H2 Fax: 905-844-1832 Email: shannon@oakct.org ~:$ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR S Hates Wnme's Place is a vital, progressive agescy tsar rekes prîde en !'j/delisering shelter and community baved suppor te ahused women and their dependent children ecrosthe Regse ut Haires. Hunes Wsmensv Place iv currently seekîsg as Eecutîse Directur te previde contiîued strueg leadership of ian shelters and the promotion o trunstienel suppsrt services. Ttis raaizatise has ensyed the privilese et signîicant csmmunity support te prosîde eveential services en keeping with cemmunity sieede. The Eecutire Directer position presrdev leadership and management te the speratien and admniatration et Hates Wumen'e Pluce ts ensure optmum service iv presîded te al clients of the ehelters in keepîng wth recegnized best pructces n the ield. The Eecutîse Director iv uccounitable fr the eseral inancîi pertormance, service deiîery, humun reseurces, marketing and comonity reatossoe the rganîzatren and reporte tva sevlunteer Board et Drectos. To uppty tor thie position. pleuve submît peur recume aed cever letter by Tuesdup Mrch 25, 2008. We thank it candidates for ysur intereet, heweser, sety thsae censîdered for un interview wrît be cvntacted. Ne teephone enquirîee pleave. Psition detaîte vaîable se our webste. Job Contact Information: Human Resources Email: info@haItonwomenspIace.com Website: www.hatonwomensplace.com PERSONAL TRAINER RECEPTIONIST part-time 5See our website for more details. www.ourortyitness.ca or cal Linda Burden 905-639-1440 GENERAL LABOURER Scrap Metat Recycling tacîlty requirea a Labourer tor generut yard duties. Forkliitt icense an auset, We uffer long-termn emptoyment and an attractive Benetite Package. Rate $15/hr Appiy in pereon ONLY at: DOMINION NICKEL ALIQYS 834 Appîeby Line, Burington No hone cat/e p/vase idianchampiorkio Service & ProIects Dept. Vvj Iij1*wd, Missi ssauga-based commercial swimming pool company. We chfer benefits, bonus programns and a great team. We are looking for a ful-time Service & Projects Dept. Coordinator Duties Inctude: Daily & oeg-term sohedul- isg; service dept dispatch; service! project admis; team & client support; vendorieg; purchasisg; warehouse management; geseral logistics. Must have service or construction industry esperiesce. Post Sec. Ed., MS Office, bondable, dlean drivers abstract required. AccPac esperience a detinite asset. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Salary Range: $40000 to $45000 Commeesurate with experience Fax: 905-569-6160 or email resume ta a tcIarke@servicepIusaquatics.com Merchandisers lPart-Tîmel- To service greetîrg care depurtments in Oakvitte. Apprnv. t0-t5hr/week. Dcp- ime Heurs Mut have geed command et Eegliîh. 5./hi. CulitSyia Thursdcy 12:30-4OO0pc eniy 1 -800-387-5614 ext. 4491 Nt ail calis aili receive e responve, AVG $20/IIR Enumeratuen type eerk Pieceeerk Cempeneation PAID TRAINING NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Trainng for uccepted applicunts Rupîd advancement Te chedule un interview Cali 1-866-421-2727 Landsource Organix A andscape cervces company, ueeking motisated for varieus positions. CmeiieWages. Plase cati 905-875-1366 Plecue cpptp 80: Parkee sCeunere 480 Guelph Lme, Burtîngen Pus: 005-632-4690 Email: parkers2@ worldchatcom Ftoi hýt" HIRING for all Tim Hortons Waterdown locations Shift Supervisor, Managers, Store Fronts, Bakers FT & PT Benefits availa e 888-M4-2134 or Cali 905-689-31 31 RENS Pets Depot requîres eeergetîc permanent F[T & P/T Staff. Mut be abie te lift 50Oibs, have custemer service eklte, 0e usuilahie weehende. Pet store esperience un cevet. Competîtîse auge! beneftte Reeucee te teve@rencpete.com or faxv9052574614 Wue ed fte MilonGeorgeosa, Acon, Cc eden & Orangevle e Must have ehce LADIES Reqsired 1cr the Miton area. Datice hours, terting part- ime. $10./hr Please Caif 647-892-4770. ESTHETICIAN I sUme oe@haueaeC or ea tus v05s-877-t557. Tep f heurly su urp, plus commicsion. HA. IlIT EEE I$300 Sîgning Bonus. I Excellent stcrting auge. Grvwing Scies. I Psitive, tue wvrling pace. Fesîbe heurs. Aice iveking for NAILTECHNICIAN Cuti Chris 647-234-1846 Findg a grtjb wa vo easy. Jest opesn l caý s ctaasfied e k mitsoncanadiau hamnpiocmi IIIRIN(; IinVorcrk in Oakville. Mcd Autoinictiwn QC Inspi..s.or for ait shifts Salcty hisots/gicssc.v îequirs.d Fax:9/)5 743-992 1 Eîesii: ncrwire(u phoiîi sixciitv cuits LAN5SCAPING - NURSERES GARDEN CENTRE SINCE 1953 Vîe reors ng fr9 ti sperier c e owedgeabiis erui Assstant Gardes Ceetre Manager uned Lanidscape Manager We araseerurnupli reensuor sas ep GENERAL LABOUR -SALES - CASIiER - RIVERS 675aTraalgar Roaa mrer ofTraflgar and DSsii Phnne se-un-tics Fx 905-875-2060 CARPENTERS, HANDYMEN dPITR Paresume ts 519-856-4481 Or email: cgarvn (Cch ariesteenhomes. ca MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAW/ MILLWRIGHT wanted for tend production tuciity en Oukeille te keep ail cechueicul and cempuierized equîpcent n the productioe ued aureheusee aciîty eperatînnal by persrcîng 10e remedîi, preseetu- tîee ued predîctîve maintenance one the equîpmeet. Muet 0e an tedustriai Mliwrîght wth extensive knewiedge and espeience ire eieciremechunîcal repaîr and maintenance aioeg aith esperîece iv Process Autmationeand ie caietaînin iestrumentatioe devîcev ein a inductriai enirencent. Certiticute etfOQuification (Ontario) as Sttîenary Eegieeer. 3 peurs et autecuted materîi handling sptem maiete- nance evperîence. 5 peurs et etectrecechanîcai trainieg und manteeaece and treubieshnetîng esperience aîrh Programmable Legîc Ceetretiers, Instrumentation Devîces Variable Frequency Drives aed Dîtrîbuted Centrai, Allen Bradley Ceeitrol Legie PLCs, RS Logis software, Devîce Net epteme, and HK Sptece equîpment. Please send resume ta: Irene Lis, 2379 Speers Rd, OakviIIe, L6L MX or by fax: 905-847-2305 Long established Paving Company requires *AZ DRIVER * ASPMALT RACKMAN - BOBCAT OPERATOR .6-WAY BLADE OPERATOR Expeience Neceseary Good pay mth lots et heurs Cail 905-842-4141 Hawaurd Poel Preducte Canada. Imc., a eading manucturer et ewîmmîeg peol uccessory equipmeet hue veesenai epenînge 1r production wenkers & order pîckere ehîch may ead te tul-time poeitonc wugee startîng t $1 0.00/hr Heure 8:30am-500pm Pteusee pptp en persen or contact: Derek 905-829-2880 evt. 231 2880 Pymouth Dr, Oukeitie (Wetve Churchii/QEW) lExcavatingi tiooyy...0,aipment lOperator Req for Sprng 1inimum 33 Mars exp . DZ Licene u muer AZ Licence preterrea Lscui anre Cali Mike @ 416-771-4213 Offie He Basy Ouhile e eal etate agent requires Pi*1 Administrative Assistant Real esc te experience a must. Pue oremail esune: 905-337-1354 or maryann@ recaxabcutewnexcccn Must have gene j elephone manner IHourlywauge +Beneftst Erin Mlls & QEW Callter itervew 905- 855-0856 Ref# 72 Ass't Manager NOW HIRING Rapidly Expanding Company Taking Applications for the following positions: - Ass't Manager - Manager Manager Trainees - Marketing - Customer Service Must be available immediately. Cali Universal Energy Corp. Pat 416-849-0026 Saw-Whet Golf Course is now hiring for the 2008 Golf season. JOB FAIR Sat. March 8th & Sun. March 9th 12:00pm and 2:00pm 1401 Bronte Road, Oakville - Proshop Staff - - Marshall's - Starters - OwVs Nest Restaurant -Wait Staff - Breakfast Cooks - Prep Cooks- -Une Cooks - Bus Staff -Dishwashers- Some experience is an asset. Top wages available for line cooks. If unable to attend. piease drop by anytime with resume. wmmwÊý What seas the last job you really enjoyed? Progreesive Carpeetry and Drywuii Compan Need office ussitant and boekheeper Succeestut candidates aili 0e recponnîbie for tull cycle accnuntîng rers Acceunts payable, collec- tions, ppreil, remttancev, bunking tuectiens, recevebles. and receptien te meeth end. Evperî- ence werieg aith Quîchttenks preterred Minimum 2-3 peurs et ucceuntrng esperience. The ideul can- didate aili 0e a numbers tecueed indîsiduci ahe dees net mind helpîng aithîn 1he accnuntîng depart- ment on other proiecte. Protîcîvnt aith MS Office applicationesuch us Word, Escel, ued Outlonk. Some tT management esperience un aecet. Streng interpersenal ekie and rgunîzatînnai eklis are re- quired. Aevest eam lsudesw h creatngclient que tenv s, amulund phone management Competitve compensation package avulah e, Pleuue have them fav u :905-877-1020 Oremalut:dane@tesecreekcommerca .cors Reqeiued 20houper w eekl Must have good computerch ics Emai resurne te: gaury@ccaslihoreece Repertîng ts the Casting Superviser, the Foundry Operaier iv respenvîble for pcrtîcîputîng le the sale ced reiable productoe et quctity parts by pertormisg taaks nvvived aith casting and meltreg metal. Duties include: . Fauvews training and techeical instructiens, ued uses preper revis, equipmeet, preceeces and catenuals te enaure mcnutacturing cencîsteecy and repeatubility. . Remeves castings roc pressure pots, mvvev mteriala and cieces equîp- ment ced aerk area. . Trnsters chelie rers de-eue te casting area. . Leude ced remeves shelie rem evens. . Heipe trnsport ced peur tudes et meten cetl. . De-etugs ceiten cetl; cics siug rvc degus and eurtace nf meten cetli . Receves cccl shetis rac pressure pote, lsuds cenvepor and meves cust eheits eut et the tvundry for cveling. . Leude, ceves and univuda ceiting tock. . Centributes tei investigations te impreve, correct or eptîcîze quciiy or preceeses. . Mevescacstings by hund se by uieg hand carl eith heisîs. Scrcpes ced cieuns crucibies t end et eerhaeek. . Opertea turnuce deers ced temperuture cenîrviier on ovens. . Operates ced centrsis tecpercture on ceit pets. *Makes checictry additive to e eta ahen required by cpectrsgruph eperuter. . Crvss-trcîned in a vcriety ef cresetf the eperutise. Secendcry schvei graduation la required, plus ceverul pecrsexeperieece in cuanutacturing, 3 et ehîch cect have been ie c tsusdry envirencient. Must be abe te undertand ced be cvccîtted te tetiewing uctivity instructions, preduct criteria and standard eperclîves. Capabiiity et îniterpreting and uederetcnding vîcuci speciticcliens is needed. Pieuse cppiy an lune te HOUHGEHR@atcoa.com înciudîeg FOUNDRY OP in the reterence line or by maiing peur recuce te Human Receurces ut APP- AFOF 93 Meunitaînelea Read North, Georgetown, Ontaro L7G 4J6 Henniges Automnotive Scheîgeî Canada Inc. iv a progreseive maufutcturer et perseter seutîng spteme ueed by the cutecetîve ced buildingconstruction industries. We hase a immediate opeeîngs fer an. INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC Positions are uvaîtabie on vurîoue shitse. Shiiied in troubieshoot- îng, you aiti be responsîbie for caîntaieing aed repairing capital equipment. Yu ment hase ise yeursexvperience gauned in a maeutucturîng esoronceet csîng lathes. drîlliieg machines and surface grînders. and Ontario certîticute et Qualification as an In- dustriai Mechunîc os vîl as an enderstunding of pneumatîce and hydraulios, Fexperieece in intection moelding aostd he a detinite asset. Pinase send resumeto: Human Resources Manager, Henniges Automnotive Scheigel Canada Inc., 514 South Service Rd., E., Oakviîîe, Ontario L6J 5A2 Or by fax ta (905)845-3112 OnIy thoce celected for an interview wIl be contacted. CaOfi ep P04lOfi elp Customer Service & Sales Representative Lîteleain, a veterînarp publieher. e-iearnîng cnmpunp und weh sire deveîoper in Guelph, is curreetip seekîvg v Sales & Cuetomer Service Representatîve. Prîmury responnibiîty inciedes customer service & sales et eiectronîc and herd cnpp educutîonel reseurces teieeterînarp pructîcec throughout North Amerîcu, tecusîng on consultative cuetomer service ie telephorencd enline seols. Trveei (20%) te eeterinury trade shows requîred. The succesetut candidate aili 0e mature, pusînnate about pets and the veternnry profession and love tulikng te people. Gond computer und oral communication shitie requîred. Preeîeue veterîeurp esperience (in-practice or induetry). custemer service esperience und useeet custemer datubaseee. e devîrubie, but net candatery. Satarp commeneurate with esperience, plus benetîts ced commissions. Please send yoar resumne wth salary expectations to: Isobelle Gray Marketing and Sales Manager Lifeleace, Ic. igray@ifetesrn.com No catis please.

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