18 - The Canadian Champion, Teaday March 11, 2008 e .lac-anAd *aIa905-88-23k I * Rentais 170-196 0 Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classif ied@m iltoncanad ianchamp ion com 0 Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 0 HeIp Wanted 500-57>" Mon. ta Fri. am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads aso appear on www.haltonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad sabmssn by mail or in Persan: The Casadian Champion, 555 lîîdostrîilBrios, Sîde Door, 2xd Fons, Milon, ON L9T 5E1 Deadlineo: Mon . 11t arn for Tus. pubicationî, Thoîn, 11 a m.,toi Fît publicatioti. Special Featoîx & Holiday deadilses may oary. Payment: Wx accept cash, cheque, Iblesa, Visa, MasterCasa Amerîcao Exptess. Al ado placed are non-refundable and noncredit witt be ssued. eusinessoaccoovîts cao ne opeoed ilS an appsooe edimti application aoaiahle rom pour Sales Consultant CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS tu enisure tee information is correcr. Contact onor Sales Consultant wtlîîn 24-Hours if an error appears, An error ix a Fni publication mot 5e reported nos later Iflan Msn,,il1a.m. m Aar! mnt F &aS or: DE..5 Onth Deaths eahscr tcrf lmFat o -n lute mm oses For Sale1 MILTON, 317 Eimwood E Cîns. tor sale out nase F 3-b4îm, 22 i Otache4 ' grage, main fbot ean auesnze Cthen sasment s 085 t-Odrm apatimeni. immediain posnension. v 905464-894. T~wnhouses WFor Sale MILON 1700 snulit.laine 4-dîm iawnhouse Onita- tîxîSteeles aiea, many up- grades, pieisty ardi & ntauespnrae taage Conmpre, cail S saun $22eoou0ý 05-749-0999 No agentn pleane. SPACIOUSO2-bedîo'10m. 2 Sulthoom, condo fot ais in "The Santin Peuse calu 905-875-30X comm.SpecîaI MLTON oi iesno aoosq. it Manî i enînSute. acoonn tom GO Staton Asu for easo On Hattup Rde 3900sq.h t onlase, 2500office 8& 1400 cate- Souos Cal 905-875-9500. JOB ut hume. $457 ex Wee Asemble Cîod- unis, Mal ut Compuiet mots. Fee Otaix wwTopJ25PReiew com cîtte CHudobsn 372 Ri- deau i 9t5-Ath Otawa ON, KiN tG7 t-800-351- 5t1'J ta place you.r ad în l Mbe Canahan C(Iion cati 905.878.2«"'1 ERASE Tout C,,mnai Rlecord. Wn succeed where oct compelîlion cunt, ee tienfeecon- sultattons. Oui cost 1001 $475. Appie onlino wwgoveontmert pat dans.cu Cail Soiîpn t-800- 298-5520 $ $5 C O NSOLItDATE $$$ bati cridt, au/mort- gage atteats. oel-sm pioheO t001,.Motixaxen, duel pay tyt Piogiamt On- tuito-mia,, înanciai Coi- poation t-88307-7799 Fiats For Reni DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitlide Towers 82 Mitiside Drive. AttracivueOuiet hbuding. 0pu'ious rih. i eun 1&2 betuom oeils wclO laundry faciîiy andt social înom 0o:n i/o Regolatrosîieti sactin Open 7 daps & exenings Cati 905-878-1249 www.realstar.îa MILTON largeqe dtnon apailent av04 40e Apîil 1 t.i 590 /tho+parking, Cai Jas 416723-4801. LOOK MILTON i bedîoem bane- ment uaiirmeetiwaik-nuti, aie paît oni loue Availusie Aptîl lti 8850.nO/miS. Pîset er o smokingipets. Calil905-876-1441 8& leaun a message. MILTON i baîm uchelai api. 5730/miS,ushateA utilities, 4-appi. casleie ci Cal 9a5-876-0982 auser apte. immeditate. Frs/liasi. Sesoîmots pion tiîiîiîes No ets Cai 905-454-4559 ut are-662-1 716e GEORGETOWN 2-beA- ruom avartment auaiabie Apti ltiOoet huilding, Ciose-to-GO Uiîiîiesin cuded. Cali 647-203-8095 ut ate-e0e-7537 NIAGARA FALS achelot basement ap, sieon- tance, parking. aunrty soitsinîgle Ca i 289-292- 3167 STEwARrTOWN laige 2,000 scufi 3-edocom avartnieni 2 aashroonin Si Ono/month psiion t Aua, ahie oeA aie Firt/ asi nofernces No pes Cail 905877-3954 MILTONu dnn nmain fon, bungalao as tîtepiaco. 2 pakngunnacus, aut.Aty. tenouateit aithonl, S1375/m1ni0 ulîiîitos o' citteti Pnteno' SMOK ît'qpe/c AaîabiuMay lsi Lynua Agueîo 5oval Leage are sos-8314a ACTON, 2-lnndooonomi, cea,lsv,/.os, ato 04r, parking. O aslilanc- ho veto prentorenu SgOoimonin pion u/iiînn Avaiabio Apîi i 0iCel 519-855o 3223 GEORGETOWN 39 584 toom Sbungaow cdean, ninue and fritîe St 200/mont0plian uiîiies. No steokisegpein peiettxd May ltt Seiniencen 905- 8771209. GEORGETOWN 3- 084 noom bungalow, main flotr 4-appiancens, anlie n ciotid .i.50/mnî,th plan partital utltien Frs/iasnrei- etenuen No smokng/pets. Caîl 905-873-3931905- 877-1305 TiownIuses OAKNILLE- 2&3 bScoon, lownhouse avaiabie îm- nîediateily touqo Aptîl ls 4appiancen, Hope- date Mal aea Laeshote Management 905-s7i- 3336 "' Huses Wanled to Mltoan nonnîns api. smim inMay 2b0t, witl, 5-appi Cal 905-876- Reni & Wated MILTON îoom nforeni, S425ih icldiutn ifiones Ca i beteîn pm 900578- 3632 ask for NN nS CAISSIE, June At the Milton District Hospital os Saturday, March 8, 2008. Jane Catste, beioved wife of the lte Ernest Caisate (February 3, 2008). Lovîng mother of Theresa (Andre) McKinnon. Jo-Anne (Don) Rebutl and Gerry Caîssie. Jane wîll be mssed by fier grandchitdren Hoily, Heather, Katyn, Jease, Carly and Tyer and great grandchiidren Madison and Taylor. Remembered by a apeciai cousin Stella Roach. Predeceaaed by ber brother Douglas Vîbert. Speciai thanku te, Dr Lynne Robnson, Gayie Jensen, Nancy and a heartfel thanks 10 the great nursing staff of the Contînnous Care Unit and ail wbo toucbed our parents bearîs ai the Mlon District Hospital. Famîly and friendo are invîled 10 vînt at the McKER- SIE-KOCHER FUNEHAL HOME 114 Main St. Mlton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Tuenday Vgil Prayera wîll oe prayed ai the fanerai home on Tuesday evenîng at 8:30 pm. The Mass of Christian Buriai wîll be celebraled ai Hoiy Rosary Catbolîc Cbarch 139 Martin St. Milton on Wednes- day. Match 12. 2008 ai 10:00 arn. A luncheon will be beid ai Hoiy Rosary Parish Hall followîng the intesment ai Milton Evergreen Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Canodian Cancer Society moulA be apprecîated. Letters of condolence may be leh for the famiy ai wwmckeroîe-koaherca ~Seed/Graio __ SMALI square ains of cieae uheot staw, Onlîs eîry aaiabie. cr9-843- 7270 egusn MILTON 1roîsm ta iennin POOL table, pruessianai 4-SArm hume. parking/ sertes cilS eesrp opran ulîlties ict t/sitxi eg , 1"silae, $800 ariS ofa a Maxi lise pes. Avalabie cessartes. Brand nec in tmmediaiely. $500. Sue. Coun $5.000, maxi $600/mth. 95-299-2171 sei $,500. 519-722-4077. LARGE fluotlai it clac- censoîten plan enail ot motse iotmaiuon daaLa@baaica HILE-A-BED mth Serta matîsun, hatdiy used rsat oi campetuy $20.00. Oel 905-875-251 HOT Tub (Spa) Coets Seul pîtue, Besi qoality miil shapes & oxiors. Calii1t 866-585-0056 www.theco- aeîgop.ca ln Mmoam IneMemiam Molii VO\il î, î' lîîîîîuMI IlrIMLL A' %i: a'id .1 il t on oiîîtusoîildc AscvOtigîcýý iciI aniiutî'oiîiidJ ,n the iîoid gaitîiiîou ,%toinî & t3.îJ ou (,.irîd iiýi iiit,!, t uied an d gready nixsed Yur faînsits 8EDROOM Cheriecooti Be,d dresser, miror cheqi. nhtsian/ new n hoes Soue/ai Contruction, Cool f7000, Seiil1500 Sînun t m l pînco Chen , New. Cont oSoon Sel $1900, 905-57C07 12, CARPETS - i havenouvetaI thousnîd yrs et nec ojamfter& 1001,, n catpet. Wl d iving homomn & hall loi $389050 le- cu/es: naroni pacl intalla- toc(30 yard) tonu SIon 3890- 5552 mmc car-pet/su.,Ca HOT Tb/ Spa Brandcoou 2008 mo/t cWall options , d $900. Sacrifice $4290 Cal 95591-t1777 POOL Table. Band New. stili Secox.Soiud mood, i 'Sa/e, Al Accensorues Coose 7600 OelSi190.905-304-9994 UNAricesWated 8EST Ca$hS Paid- Ail Jeweliery, Goid, Siixer, Diamunds, China, Crpe- tel, Sucver, Fig urines, Royal onction, Swarov- ski, Ail antique urnih- ings, Art, CutecOies, e. Eenanle Speclitn, Tnp Cash. Cai Jon/o Tracyn905-331-2477 FAST anA Furoon. Nuith- umberianti Moospoîl Chou 2008, endoî space asailubie inîm Maînh 29th -30th. Cats, bes,hoatn. 8005 , itaces, tOtoss e nhow lui youl Cail Onu, ai 905-373-7355, eut 234 ut email SmcguoeîtiCOiorih- umhetiandnews.cum FAST and Puttous Nert,- umbnriand Mooispori Chou2008$. unodot space auaiable t0,,, Ma,, h 291h 30hCats iks,en 1/4/ 47/c utIfil taces , hi Onth show fi tut lail KOct, al 905-373-7300. et 234 or email kScoeît ,nrth- oiiieitttinewsc om ao paae your ad io] 0/i)reCanahiaisnnieu cal] 905.878.23411 comper COMPAQ 1924NX ATH64 19' LCD Monitor, WndownsFX Hume Edituan 550 9ogh1Sept. 2006 Cai $1.089.48 (an saisi Cali: 905-693-9744 ce Creative Memoriee5 5crapb2ookirng tnventory Blow-out Frn. March 14th - 7-9pm & 5at. Mardi 15th - 9amn-Noon 592 Roreheath Dr., Miltoni Auons jjjion BLEGeortnONW905-83-092 NeFrid a ay t finish10:ndcamted0furnr Dtresesar moiearch1t ro10e ih ables.:0quilt roks lNke o x f aed Res oa nîry. S deaco benches, cotIse and end tables. curio cabinet, cor- ner cabinets, fat panel componient stands. hulch osdbubftel, bookcases. sota tables, dry sinik, mcroaaoe stand, asoka. haroesaitables, elty cabi- sets. porîtry, jarncupboard, mirrors, qosen sleigh be, magazine racko. magazine tobles. tIriog a truck take i wAur you. Ordera celcome. SHOWROOM HOURS Mosday - Saturday 1000 arn - 600 pm 0 Casffrale 2001 Cheutoini Cavaîir a e ootrau tomaio $2295. certitfied. nîgh Smos, ocel- oent cîtediutn Olensor Mo- loin 900-875-h0t0 1998 Ford Contour. A nylto- dent 4-dtataomatec tsiiy equipped. ,nimacuiaie $2295.. ceîtttîed Oiesnet Motoîs 905 970 0010ý 1993Voulua 850.Excelent osapet Pions weii, an s $1 000. Caill 905877-42i70 aitet r1 Opm. 2001 Pue/ian Gtand AM SE Auto, ait. Cm/PL.Mon- so0e au0,o AM/FM/CO. e7.oooSkms,$7,5sao Cuul 905-873-0937. 18* ar atd COOKONtILLE Auto Wteok- ers, scrap cars, truck ee novai cash, iai ed set- tie. 1500-433-7309. Ownetuhips poesced propetie [iM eHr-Tm elp CARRIERS wantsd youilh & aAuits iot Toronto Sun for Sunday deiîery. Goosi pay piease caii Petet Sera at t-8as-552-76e4a 7nlnets teers OPENVYOUR DOOR STO A YOUNG PERSON ýfC4L N NEED! National Award Wînning Hosa Home Program ns need of voountesrs. We are ookîng for individu- ais andior famulies who can offer a sate, sopportîse living enorosmeol to Haton yoalh beîween the ages of 16- 24. who are hometesa and facîng challenges ofi ncreased ondepondence and hase a oariety of needo. Honîn il be proîded wth an esperse reîmburoo- ment, 24f7 staff support and osigoing training. For more information about Ihîs excitng spportosity and how yoo cas make a dîttereoce, please contact: Heather Thompson at 905-632-6531 ext 64 or tol fiee at 1-888-389-5535 ext.64 or email ai heathei@tfyhalton.ca. www.fyhalion.ca SMALL, Gardon (formaity of Campbeliviiie) Paased away peacefutiy ai St. Paul Hospitaltin Vancouver, B.0. on Wednes- day. March 5, 2008. Beloxed son of the tale John and Sarah Smaii. Loved brother of Harvey, Muriel, Hazet and Donna. Predeceased by brother Geraid and Jack. Father of Phiilip, Nancy, and the tale Harry. Sadly missed by daaghter-în-iaw Frances, and granddaughters Tracy and Emily. Family and frienda are invted 10 vîsît ai the McKersîe-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 7-9 pm on Tuesday The funerai service wiil be held in the fanerai home chapel on Wednesdlay, Marcb 12. 2008 ai 11.ý00 am. Interment to 10110w ai Miton Evergreen Cemelery. Letens of condo- lence may be lftI for the famiy ai wwwmciersie-kocber.co CHEESEMAN, John (Retîred Captain Oakoille Fire Depart- ment 35 years) Passed away tragically followng a car accident os Wedneaday, March th 2008. Captain John Cheeaeman, beioved huaband of Judith. Lovîng father of John Jr. and hia wfe Allison and Karen and her husband Renzo Baldasai. Sadly missed by hîs grand- childien Shannon, Meghan, Joahua and Krsten. Lovng son of Olga Patin- cia Cheeseman and the lte Abert Cheeseman. Dear brother of AI, Bob and Tom Cheeseman, Pal Benoil and Kalhy Reid. The fuserai and visitation imes have sol heen confirmed yel, please cati McKersie-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 for furher information. Memoriai do- nations 10 the Saîxalion Army woutd be apprecîafed by the lamîty Lellers of condolerîce may he left for the family aI www.mckeroîe-kocher.ca il 1 11