AI 4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 11, 2008 rotessionals If you have any questions these nrofs~inaNcan answer, please write to: ASk !i'rfl rOessliisb c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Davo Phors, State Farm Agent 917 Nipissing Road, Mlton, ON L9T 5E3 905-876-1667 - ww.duvopooru ca Our hours ara: Mon. - Fr.9-5, Sat. 10-2nn n ekodaprie îuy scn Emere7- mu Paered? berr-- -rar ire face possible drasiers - wldfir-s raribqsrales, ionadoes, burricantes and Minrer- srur-ms.Ia drsacstrr inus vîruir home. re son and sour- fomiy pr-rpar-rdl Dos-on know where impur-ani documents. nedîca- axens. and essenîrai supplies ar-r-in case vou havr- ru rvacirair- Do cou and cour famlc kuors how cou wold ger oun f r ai s un-bnr-si-bwai s olrud do wrrb sour- pr-nsuber-r-sîrr u ne-rr-.cb rîrbarif sio ger -spraîed? Do xou bave a snglr- pointr of contacti s aran cali ru r-rtrîrbers kbarris ruar-ale ifnoui.nuistie ime rupr-rpar-r-Dor n r nitrmi facd misrîb a ssir- ru begro rbrobîng aboutr emergenîs- prepararruna No maarer- irar pxtir-irrridcsa.srrr- sunmrgbîface, ibarr-are basicaerius esersoor- sbould ase in trriren kit. b *"llaslirgbr " Baii-srurry-lwrd ra.dior (dontr rger resxtrbattries- " Noa pr-r-sablr- food irr-ats arrd a rrnual can i)crl5a " BotrIrld ivatr * ledicarruris *Firr-aid supplir-s * lnpsrianr fomiv doumnients in oaiaer-proiri .uiiarer O fne cumpir-re change of lohirng and saur-dr irrîrîear- Tiresr- enis shub c nà rua .cpacb orr irer- casls poîrabl-erbar cit 1 strrd rn o soir- place for qaircr-rirval Loch famîls meiiber -.rold basa ibeir- .0asa oce a.r irorrernk Nsaur-ktiad r-rplae batteries, food and cloîbes lu additiona ruanemrgenc i ti bc u.r- r- lU-faml s ics a x aarro pl.a .and communicatiorns plaa.bîcri inember ofl\suir bîuscr-bhul bcha fuls airareuof sîbar rudu and sîberc ru gorrin cae aian r-mergieaa Arddtiroalinrfonmation ira berng prr-parr-d for- r dsaa-rcraja ible fr-ni emergenc ascsisct.ance- rgoarruutis oor sielarin 'rîr1 For more information about auto insunce and nsuane frand, contatyaur asw-s r eagent. BARROW FAMILY CHIROPRACTICU4 180 Ontario St. S. Milton n i (905) 878-4994 DA niA S,- Fax:(905) 878-1559 8 S, CI Emaal: drabarrow SPRTINOINJURIES W-!ierYesu are a wr-rkend isarior or- a proiessiasal ariere. chances are, vou bave ber-n rnred whîle parciparrng ru a sporting cumperiios. One of tihe major- r-r-sons for- injnr- s s mproprr sarm-up and cool dîrnu before and airer- exercie Realize obar inroaires occurs dur- ru repeirie motions. The mus commun injura r-. a puled muscle. and i s due ru nos ,A amng np proprrl: A nmusce pnlli crcurs ruben a suddeu force -.recbr-s riremscsle fibres l-rrand rieir- capucitn.No marrer bois caeini son are. certain acriier arelikelrer sian aibers ru land sou ou saur- bock. lulise karrsg inurie-.. ror intance, has e double snrthe pas ara If tihe pain la la vour md bar-k or toiser bar-k. houve probabty aggravated the Muscles, ligaments and tendons la your bar-k. sabcir-b u hro cause thre vertebrae as tire back to ber-orne misaigned (subluxatedi. lcei r- -uall\tse s-.. mass effretive ira', ru cane for- any sports miures Wieirceris ppied isonardrair-i irer- a sports im-.ap. ir .an significanIv reduce pars. s%elirng. and inlamnmaiou Thet rof tbomb for sports injuries la kno-wn as RI.Cl.. ssicb means Rasa. Itee Compression, Eevation util pain and inflammation subside. An ice par-k or a bag rf frozen N egetabtes ran be applied for up Ira 20 minutes then test for an boue and repeal. Oncerire .einrg and paru subside. \.oich ru maiteai irriaber op sir muscle-. and rrarnNsaur fuli range cutioîrrn 'eet se o bar pack for- mur-e ban tisesîs amure>. nd du nus uirirar- beon Ianor rju fir because i il]Icause- rrr-jjrur- The ara> riýosa as paro anjuir->r ir\ ke e rr. ei ar nti-. at .r- ar-k, BecOàuir- dere iujurie,' arr- tren rlaeodirudect.r-uratioc 1alors ru the bodis -, .r-iriai -.tructur. chiraprar. icý cane\o il pr-aide r-frcise mîanagement for rhsr-nuries. Chroprartors may be best kuowa for tireir sper-ifir- adjustmneots rto te spine Ira betp remeaty bar-k and ner-k injuries. but tirev ar-e also caltes! into play for rare rf sports retateet injurias. The frsisep njurr-d ahirter and r-îr-ciir--îrsca ote su eip tbemirles r-. ru rerk elporaie firt-iea ofippimor- r-sî-dr-d -.reess ai muscles or- oints. Thuir- u%%ar-yru so ýr-k sirrunghir rninjurie-. rudli unis find the% make Oeir- injuriers .arse as iseIl a-. complîcore cane Our patin-,c. %%ho base serdles appoiments prompris. hase ber-n rewarded hNti g er injury rouirn con-e ni before ai becomes a major- problem, Electrolysis College LASER &COSMETIC CENTREIW Judith E. Finn - Directar ,1î 24 Yeors Exporience ILlI rlîr i- r i LIt 1-11 1 il c tor i4 I I -' l- i. .r1r11 1) Whal is Profile Broadhlarrd [rghr? I - r-l- 2) %Vhai o il BBL rcetirrdo.? 3)1,Vhtaconrditionrs car i e rreated oîîh 55[? 4) IlfrroniatNoansireor rrlilio I1Inier-il? 1, Ji, il îr i, i> rI a) r i,1 lb i ifl 5irT î) irllrr-it) rrrr iillir)î lr .di, illi"jfl (ail ousrrrd.nslformore informationanrd ourrrrorrhl pe-iis, Ce' 905-864-0000 69 Miain St. E., Unit 9, Mfilton Nedic-al Arts Building, Side Entrante L- 905-864-0000 Elayne Tanner & Associates Imc. Elayne M. Tanner B.A.,BSWMSW.. RSW., OlP SOC. ADM. i Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayae M. Tanner 0: My dauglter haa camte ta me tor help. She admita ta aelf-harming aad han cata an armsanad ttighs. a Istis a mental ilînesar a suicide attempt? What ahaald 1 da? A Whiie self-harm is reither a mental ilness rar a suicide attempt. tl car cause serons probiems. The rosI causes shouid rot be ignsred. Sef-harm car take many for-ms such as burning or cuttng and car resuit in shame. guiit, seriaus accIdental injuries aven inciuding suicide, The behavînurs. if rot treated caoi become very entrerched. aimant addîctîoe. Saf-harm behavînurs are urheaithy cnpirg mecrarîsmo foroer-uheimitg feelings. Sametîmes the persun doing rilnesot seem ta feel the pair, Sometîmes the pair makes trem feel alîve. Whatever the reasan. tl s rot a gond way ta deai uîth >e and s best stnpped as soont as possible. tl i offer very difficuit ro stop nei-harmirg wdthout heip, Treament car irclude courseilIîg. medîcatîontand ever rn rare occasiors. hospitalication 1t0 proide temporar,ý safety. As tre paters of a ser-harring chld. do rot 51reaet or t*A la undettara hou ta stop thîs behavînut tbut rarfier. hep ,aur daagtter fîra a repurofie cnutnseiint that she car trust and raîk ta Tis caurnse1r i nu elp rer urdetstard the ehavioýr ana ut> ohe i5 ou rg thsandarexplore rea;lth ccpIrg techniques tar ul replace these dyfurctioral ores ommrerd saur daugater forrali g yvuan ad tru ta eeep te lires of communicatior open, Atnaugh saf-harrtrrg basavînur is rot usuaiiy lita thteatenirg, tl shouiri n rie grored. At the same ime. ynu mont ramait caim but firr rn >ur apprsach and rat tum this into a crîsîs on that your dasghtar goas back inta h idirng. " H EL PIN G YOLUH E LP Y U RS EL F DR. [<ON STROHAN O PTOM ET R!ST Wakefield Professional Centre 106 WAKEFIELD RD Dr. Rora Srohan MILTON, ONTARIO- L9T 2L8 oparamerar PHONE: 905-878-5882 -FAX: 905-87-7158 NOT SEEING CLEARLY CAUSES 'WRINKLES First. Ther-e n-re nio abers nofr-be "dFowe tlove ray eyes" Challenge. 1 wascb the lrnenps as the cour-e shop, the eiecsr-amcs stor-er-be gos pnmps and groceru srores 1 have poatientssebo were once chrîdren non having chidren and obser-ve the pung offiii e-re exorrmations for themn because ihere t al he impression the child bas su crorîrlaur irs> rrthe- parents arcetoc, bus> ýholding drisea rijs» aiand r-ove the cbaldicarr- r» thb schiîrl sstsem Teacher- juise sheir- banda fllii1iheN bave soi> much ru dora see -SalIsor- 'Sam nli doirng wr-l n ciass because ibere Ls sorte perceprual issue ras ilvirîg the serrrLso n nirssies iii r-sesighr hr-onng, and simuple norbîlîrs abilîrues in learng su coridrase sheir actresores rusth hrssrrig tbe priai> ns» the goal. or gvîsîng an -A+ ino shar qnrz.As r-be een varos.peer pressures pur tbe aspr-ct iofvaines ira îbragslirkr- cel1phones. lpodsds-d plasersad rorire, -reerngli she mivus-lnrrablv Populaitio eediag edacatrin storp bas-mg seanrlc\cexamînaaîiins sirmeshere ber-ieen the age rît 1 hand -kl> Vihat a mess on the hrgbua r" er r-sr-r-saspecr r-qoîves vsio uriaiiaccar-aiels duuir- iîrbiraraccidents. leru inschiiol, r-niai tbe ski siapes and shar ar-is raieort ideur garne lcs lîke \%irrbrng backss arduisAsti ans uneisbo strr-ggles i o i mxffirce for a regular- cbckup wo»ar-r- airsagvd and cirncemr-d asscibri& tir robe car-e of sheir- r-es. tlrgb bliorel pr-essorr-, drahetes, îbsrîrd conditiios ar-r becomingerprdr-mrc issues 'x) ar-ecrîncer-sos i bldr-rn becammng jasentile deliroqar-ts, schisîl dr-rp îotis.and leraing dcsablr-d Huis the-,,sdI affect s% irr-hie o U o Oira arrore rla I end rip hainrg ru gisc the bad aerss rbar -Sua cari 0cr longer- dr-ieas Moacular-Drgrnranan had damagedsont esesrgbî h caorobe opta scu iairarhs tcr arrage fr-mr-dical cane itu sec if aror eresrghr con br- sasr-d. saÀmr-Srlr-5 to lare, Tatane car-ecil ý,rucr-se-. ariascao -sa\se iior-face- and sas-r- sîotie, GREG J. LAWRENCE B. Sc..D.CH. LISA HAYASHI D. CH. 4'iFOOT SPECIALISTS [1 CHIROPODISTS 50 Ontlar t.S.LUit 25 it o 511 atariSi 5lnr à Mls Grea J. Lawence Lis Ilasi BeSc1..P. nce.s(905) 878-6479 0. Ch. 1 rnesAnne Dr. ,Geargetown, Ontario (905) 702-1611 omer h e IlOnario Society of Chirraprdisâ oand The OrnanioColaeaofatChlroepadîat Q.ha Wlaîs the mosr common mistalse patients maIre %%hile obrarnrrrg shoes? A. Pr-ople helr-ce a ighrwrigbr shoe rquais a cumrr-able shor- sîben .%haboyres r-r-hdior-Os more suppor-. " Fasbrun n rbhe primats cunsîder-atrun in mousbirhe par-chair-s " Mans peuple make the mrstabe of bus mg shues bhar ar-e tarisff acr-oss the- for-rfour The fourot feiblebi-arithe rue joints for- a reasun 55hen shues use srrff inole huards, oui-soIes or platfor-m n\-pr- rbr-sduoui thase suflrcrentrorccker-rtu rbr-m and sîmpruos ufren resuli. " The mos commun misiaar- r-s r-esone makes in purcbasrng sbur-c is cumprumrsrog Iengrb fat ssrdrh The blunder- accurs sîben ire asti for-a hall sizer-lar-ger- shar- jusi ru gr-r a lîir- r-sxtra s-idtb Tbis muves the-flr-sfirne of the- shur- aisasfrumt ther- Or-s meof the-foar " Ta ber-p the- casr afInrenrarstrn chr-ck. rerailers base resprndr-d hi pr-as ding a grearer sejecio aIfcrs les 1-ar a restr-r.rrd size iras enirrrAs a r-r-s. oir itrealcrc strrckr as îýdi lot isîrmeor char-c and a D %ru dthfrb me ns " Prapea br e firt is a er-I nos a sur-r- urne var-res among Iasrs. modelaý six r-s anid manulacrorers. Even orrbthr-herncreasrag r-ose assistance- ai unknussiedgr-abir- huer-s.cosumrnaxiii continur- 5r assr-ss pruper fiti ased opîobuis ihes r-r-usr-d ru fitfeeling. " A ip for- proper- shue fitr s ru remue-noules from sirues and simple stand an hrn hmbis simple maneuver- cao sase consumer-s bush ime and morne% in the selecrion and pur-chose processi ir s adersed shor carisumers fit the bigger- four. 1