Cinderella semifinals Windsor a bit too inuch for AA minor peewees By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Fred Heîîeiîî wasîi t abouît le play ttîe 1wfiat if" gaîîîc Down i 0 miîcway ibrougb a ut-or- night, his mino' peewee nedc Winterhawks appeared te have knoîîed things up - and perhaps found the openng nedd tii protoîîg the OMHA sernifinats. However, the ptay xas wst sled clownî before the goat-nouth scranîbte was poîîed. Jusi 30 seconds alter codg- ing that buffet, the WitidsorJr Spîtfîres would bcîster ticîr lead and go on te comptete the besi-olfifve sweep - wîtti a last-îuuînute cumpîs netier ccîîiîîîtig a 4-t dccisîen. So woutd the second-periott equatiz- er have tumcd the tîde? its liard te sas,- ias att lcîîcîî wouud offer fottouiîg lits V îirau 2007/08 swaii song. -Tle tact is 'Windsor gcî tie ieutîtes îoiiiglt andc canme rends lii ;las- Keptitî respectable One oif jusi two tocal tearns te icacti tîhe CIMIA semits tiîs yeai. the riîior pecwees hetd itîcîr oîîwn ii the senies but jusi toutdîii rnout any tîtonien- tm againsi the strong-skaîîng and fii- dame iltatly-souîîd Spîîfires - ,Nvio put theni on the proverbial chopîpiîig block with back-to-hack shutouts the presij- eus weekend in Windsor. Re[using te he îoîatty whitewastied during what proved te be an insur- t mounitabte final hurdte to chaînpî- onshîp play, the \Vinterhawks finatty ftiuntl tie back of the net ,vith a ltte under îwo mnlutes remaiuing iii the second period. Capiîalizing on a mishandled rebound off a poitîî shot froni captai Ben Preîsner, Atex 'Webster sîabbed in a loose puck te draw bis tani wvitiin on0e. Bui NViîîcsoi woutct resiere is isu î goal tend bel ore ilteriiisslii., aîîd froîîî ihere a pair of tîîrct tiriecl penalties esseiitiatly wîpec t d aîv tiigeriitg tiete foi a ttîîîebacts. C tîîîîtr Hnttvbtîrteiî iiu ai tensi a liafcozei big saves ti teep lits îe.îîîîs vitîry lîd atîse, uvtile \\ ebtsî anîd Michael Bergîîaîî eatb tînd a ttouple of gtotl st oriiig tipporldîlillls anîd sc o)vernît sialiotli s i tIi ;oine stitrilett pltay. t itotglit \\e plasc ettuscIl iii al ilîrec ganies.- îeiîiai ed tteiieiiî, su îtse cluîb renthcd tlie scîtlfîiats svuli eltctl rallies agants Georgettown aîîd Ancasier tasi nionti Wîîh goaltîndîng andt defence ilîcir sîrong suits agaîn ibis season the milieu peesvees gave uti jusi seveni goals in the three ganies with tlie Spitfires, who out-shet them 17-13 Friday The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March il, 2008- A13 BiaigCourse and Exam the ISaturday -March 15, 9:3am.12:30pm BIG ASSIST TO HOSPITAL. Milton District Hospital Foundations Monry Kuntz (third from right) accepts a cheque for $10.000 f rom Milton Active Transport Oldstars (rom left) Rck McTrach, Jay Norland, John Loeprch, Peter McCuaig and Dave McKee te go towvard the CT Scanner Fund. The second of three cheques toialing $25.000, the fends wvere raised through the group's annual hockey tournament and golf tournament. University big adjustment from MOFFAT on page A12 largety' indîviduat training regînîclît thai awaiîcd hîmi ai Guelph.i In the begiîîning it \vas a trtils big acjutîitnîeiîî, epcndiîg on iiivsctf for the miotivation ,aid the gifîcci wrestlcr, wlîosc C IS bronze now gîves hinm ticcnational lcvct tiecls n a, ian y ears -hasing t tainied sîtveî as a jus'c ii 2005 anîd agaîn as a juniorltast scason. tîntt 1eventualtv gel LuScLIi e t iai ii li c sonictliingil antr unideî stateiîcli actordîig to is ncsw týoacti. Saîd Co\ c oîiîg frein one ef tic top f jvc bîgh scboot rograîis ini C.anada terlainît gave tiîni a tcg up. tînt is mîore îhaîî itiat. Atan just gels wht i iakcs lii siicccf aîd is vers sîublioriabotlohsiiig. Stoff a niot tîavc e uývait îoo long for a tchante ai tpaha k agaltîsi et inîi. as tht\i lui rc seltle lic pari of tbceîpinot and scenior ntiionats, Gutl uelptht is iusîiig ai the cindof Correction to cutline Asports cuti in iitridas s C tîeipiîiîîc ottaitiecl inicorrectinîîformatinîîî. hatNin Bell ini factiuwoniilier junioriBronize Sîarskaîe flighî, as dîd fettow liositeopetitors Hayteigh Bell andcL indsay Mîîdcnhlal. Fat-f finîshcd fîrsi among eîghî skaîers. The Chamupion regrets ibis errer. We believe Soccer Summer 2008 Santos FC-Soccer Academy now offering development teagues at our Mlton Felds Registrations now open for boys and girls ages 5/6/7 Limiîted space availlable. 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That is a question that many home setiers ask, but it s difficuit (o answer because the price. ternis, condition, location. exposure and market are ail key factors in deter- mining how quickly your home will sel!, There are some steps you can take, howtvtr, to make your home ready for the market. A home wvith a lot of curb appeal will make a better impression on hayers (han ont (ha) seems neglecfed. To increase your homes curb appeaL: " Keep your awn and iandscaping frimmed and fidy. " Store gardening tools out of sight. " Rtmove leaves (rom your yard and gabiers. " Wash tht windows, inside and ouf to ma'Ke (hem sparkle. " Apply a fresh coat of paint if neededý For a market analysis or for answers (o any of your real estate questions, caîl me. As your real estate profession- ai, if would be my pleasure (o help you sel) your home. Tune Up with us'. DRIV ,E Choose Experience, Choose Reliability, Choose... oe rther