The Cartadian Champion, Tuesday, March 4, 2008 -A7 SCnO 1MUSTANG MESSENSER"9 Emily Barrie Harbi Natt Leanna Rtchie Zanab Asadullah MILTON DISTRICT 116H SCIGOL As MD is now a month into the second semester, routines have been establisbed and the novelsy of brand new classes has finally womn off to leave behind the duil monotony of academia. March Break is stili a far-off prospect and the snow is simply not letting up - it's no wonder that students are looking for a silver lining. The Semi-Formal may just be that glimmer of hope for some. lt's supposedly the perfect thing to break the 'February monosony' and the Elevens and Twelve's are al abuzz with the excitement that a night of Semi-Fashion, Semi-Food. and Semi-Drink can only bring. Students looking for other fare can look forward to the school's upcoming production of 'Bye-Bye Birdie'. The musical is eoming together quite ntcely due to the efforts of hard-working and devoted studenîs. If*s not just the cast. ther's a whole production crew involved. in lighting. set production, costumes, and more. (irabbing a paint brush and an art teachers approval for a wall mural my raîse a few eyebrows. Cbeck ouI some of the new wall murals around the sehool, space for any more artistic talent is quickly being snapped up. I wonder if the ceiling ha been taken ..Im thinking Da Vinci! Varying from the hip-hop themed to the stylisticallv geometrical, it's obvious that aIl students învolved in the painting process are passionate about their work. But what of those not involved in extra-curricular activi- tics? Well most of them can be found heads down, shoul- ders hunched, in the library typing away furiously for vani- ous English assignments, or scrambling to finish their Chemistry homework. Students, many of themi seniors, believe that there is enough going on in their academic lives that to even consider dances, painting, or even fun, is com- pletely out of the question. Well, they have no idea what thcy're missing! MD is also showcasing its ability su combine fuin with helping those less fortunate. The 'Hoops for l-eart' camn- paign is now once again open to students. For those of you not in the loop, Hoops for Heart is a fundraîser made by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, wbich allows vol- unteers to colleet donations and play many three-on-three basketball games with friends, whilst racking up points to win cool prizes. AIl procceds go to the Heurt & Stroke Foundation toward medical research. Even though spring scems as elusive as the groundhog's shadow, here as MD, the winter season is jam-packed. With s0 many tbings to do, students hardly notice the bitter cold. raging winds, and iey roads outside Now If only we could get the heating to work properly in the building! Kee To ur VelùleJà [u uluiiS h its I BU ?I Cooling System Service Service Includes: ZDrain 500ling 5551em Iti usip Io trhes of Mupar 4-Seasou Coolaul* ZInspect radatr bets and oes Peace-of-Mind Maintenance Service Service Includes:JE /Up t 15.01 i5W30 Mue., 01 Zé Paceof M nd ,speptioo srea raesysteni. e.Suu $5495 oIot,0suspeson temluio Neo Centrîx Salon and Spa,: FULL HAIR & ESTHETIC SERVICES 2O0 OFF *Manicure............ $1800 All Rtci * Yonka Facial.......$5900 *AillFoils ............ 50/-O FF Main & Wilson - 17 Wilson Drive, Milton - (905) 693-0878 Tues 9-7, Wod 9-8, lhurs 10-9, Fr19-7, Soti9-3, Sun & Mon Closod ,Ili 6"DATELENE DRURY" Kevin Boyd Nurin Mercliant Allîson Wallis E.C. DRURY UDISE SCIHOOL Well cscrone. February is bebînd us now, and wîth Marcb upon us, E.C is wartned up to Semester 2, and ready 10 dîsb out even more awcsome school aciiviîîes. Jusi before February ended, E.C hosîed Recognition Nîgbî. a special sîgbî whcn we bosour the academie and co-curricular achievemenis of our studenîs. Way tu go lu aIl hon- ourees. you guys make us proud! F.C is also proud t0 say ibat on Tuesday. February 26th, we par- îîcipaîcd in Toonie Tuesday. The eponymously tiîled event accepts iw(i dollar donations from studenis iii support of the Barriers 10 Learsîng Fuîîd thai was sel up last year. This fusd supports the needs of chîldrcn wîîh financial hardships who would be lefi oui of some scbool esenîs wîîlîouî il. Sînce ils introduction. The Barriers To Learsing lFund bas becs able 10 gise oui $100.000 10 aid indîsîdual sîudenîs is need sn our elemeniary aîîd secoiidar scseools. A wortbv casse 10 be sure! For you sport fans out1 lucre. many ailileiic îeams are ssýrappisg up ibeir sasons ai Drury aiid ihe sssim icani is no exceptionl)on'î worry ihough, îhey ceriainly ksoss bou 10 end wib a big splash. The îeam speni tbe lasi few sîeeks of the season training bard anîd on February I 3ih ibes' raselled 10 MeMasier Unisersity 10 compele is the Halion mcci. Es'ery Drurv sssimmer dîd lte ieam proud by earing personal besî limes. Partîcîîlarly. Eliz.abeth Mantîn dîsîînguîshed ber- self by placing an overaîl 4îb i he indîsîdual nîedley' and i he 50 freestyle. She also came wîîbîn a stîlli seconîd of carnîng an Ol-SAA lime. Sbe beaded 10 GHAC n bopes of makîng iliai lime wîîb ollier Drury swîmmers: Dale Galway, Cara Uyede. Agnes Herbus. Laura Anse Schneider, Chelsea Lister, Chase Bell and Mark Prusha. The fol- lossîng meek tic îeam reiunîed 10 McMasier t ose lasi kick ai ibe cas ibe 5iIAC mccl ibati îîcluded lalton and Hamilton compelîtors. Notable Drurs' accomplîsbmenis acre a 71h place in tbe breasi sîroke esesi bv (base Bell, a Sih place fron thie girl's relay ieam. and a t place from Elizabetb Mantîn ibe i0 freestyle sîlto was a mere .27 of a second off tbe OFSAA qualîfyîng lime. Tbe Drury Swîm Teain sure knows how 10 brîng bomthie pnize! Kudos for great seasos! In oîber news, E.C. Drury is now offiially faeîng ils legendary Semi-Formal Fever. and the event is fast approachîng. Il bas becs con- firmed tbaî the date wîll be March 28îb. The ibeme for ibis years Semi-Formal is goîng t0 be under the E. Sea, an idea inroduced by tbe Prime Mîsîster of Studesi Council. Rumour bas il ibat ihere wîll possi- bly be meal sand and a bubhle macbine ai Ibis event. As we ail ksow. paît dances ai E.C. Drury bave bers amazingly sîîceessful and we hope thai siudenis from ail grades partake in Ibis event. We strosgly escourage studenis 10 buy ibeir tickets as soon as possible 10 avoid any disappoinîment as tbe tickets seem 10 be sellîsg lîke bot cakes. Thanks for iunîng mb 10 ibtis weeks edîios, Drury fans. Untl nexî lime, Happy Reading! ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"1 i., Joanne Bayeneto Maltt krwin Chantai Pereira BISHOP REDINO 1191 SCIGOL HeyRBR!1Ars Ma dLw o/Ie yew;, we ose e cui &l Sprusg Cieaîsiîg, but noM' we cdffit MARCHHH RREAK,1XgKt Your Inside Sources aIl know how excited you att must be to finally gel a break from seconîd semester!! It's only TWO DAYS AWAY'! JusItbîhnk, some of you will be listing on the warm sand in some tropical country, and others will be bere enjoying the luxury of their new Simmons Serta Mattress. WHIO'S BETTER THAN BAD BOY?? NNOOOOOOOOOO- BODYYYYY'!! 'm sure aIl of you are super pumped for the 10 day weekend! You better gel your planners out, that you should be using for assigniments, 10 plan the ulsîmate March Break! In other news, the HIP group has started bo take on the scbool cafeteria and the contents that they are selling. Last Friday. îhey sent ouI colourful, neon green surveys to aIl Period 4 classes. Each student was to comptete a slip to be entered into a eontest. wbcre the grand prizes include an iPod Touch and a $50 gmft card to cubher Starbueks or Galaxy Cinemas. This sur- ,ey ams 10 gain studeni input about food sold in the cafeteria. The ultinate goal il 10 iry bo get a tîttle vaniation in the menu, witb the belp ofîthe greai miinds of BR. BATTTERRR UP!! Basebaîl players. get your caps, bats and mats5 out because it's lime for Spring sports. In addition bo basebaîl, varîous other sports have catled or svîlt caîl for meet- ings. such as rugby, badminton, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, tennis, and niany others. So keep your cars wide open and ready to lis- ten 10 the veiy important and entertaîning momîing announce- nienis 10 gel the low down on the show down ... ofibhe sports! EXTRA, EXTRA, ibis justiîn! Wbai's justinii, you ask? Progress Reports are! As a lovely (or flot so lovelyl farewell, the schisol bas decided 10 dîsîrîbute them on our last day before ultîmate freedom... for only 10 days. So you better hope that your liard work lias paîd off. There's notbing beiter than a progrcss report full of 'E-s. Here's the one lime thas your par- ents sîill be happy 10 sce a letter lower than D. As devoted and committed senior members of the Students of Living Life Commîtte. your Inside Sources are bere lu salk about the up and coming TbinkFast. This is a 25- bour fast, wbere students refrain from eating and bang out at the scbool ovemnigbt, aIl wbile raîsîng funds for the Icîs fortu- nate. This a great experience as it is a lime to interset and bond wiîb your felloss students. Make sure that you pick up the per- mission form and also the pledge formi if you are interested in jining SOLEL. in ibis great cause. Well BR, tbis bias been another edition of the Royal Report. Tune in next time for the latest news and updates about the lively atmospbere of Bisbop Rcdîng. As the song goes: 'So long, farewýNell, Auf Weîderseben, goodbye, I leave and beave a sîgh and say goodbye, GOOODDD BYEEEE!" XOXO, frons your Insîde Sources. il