Lack of Ieadership to blame The Canadien Champion, Frday, February 29, 2008-A7 Town officiais consider drillîng 1,01 VVdtÏei ù01i Lîie esc.dï IIli IL DEAR EDITOR: In a retent icîter, Masball Herner suggested that tbis ycars signifîcant tax increase was a getsd idea and in fact we sbettld bave bad tax iscreascs ai 4.5 per ccint calis ycar fer the paist [ivc osr -six ycars. But cuî tosis, Horereu c gees ai te adist tisai cvcîsil tisese adeittessal tas istrcases isad takcn plactiscte xseuld bc noe goaratstec tisai \'iit lîeias svetlcl bc cnoesitg more servsic- es hi tiesiý 1 havc noet tisailirercwsas aise prescos at[ccsî cointe minsîccliscariîsgs rcgardtssg tce propoed0.6 pci-cnt tax istrease, ix lscrc liec trgeti tetn- t ilîtîts te incicase îisc staffinsg anti spcnistiig en Nîsîtess lîsl tunseclire scrvscisx l10)fiscliglisi ers ibis y car anti an atitiîsnal 10 i n 2009. Scriettsisyisave ssc getîctet tbe peint in eur planning arsd spcîsdîng precess wbcrc mcmi- bers of tbe publit are îsow ett liîiîsg specifît petrsennel reseurte requîrements fo uireu Ttown departincnss? Wbcrcs tise plan iresu tiselitre cic[? 'iitisett a stslid, ulseugliitit plhaiatdwiîiseît atcetintaiîtv, ut, ail tîsi tax andtipenst. iLet toclieasos sîggest il 'se iat tsi lict t\p-ict ec ti tise sax u ftorsesli tise patst live s ,trs. sets\ fitile weeil l ic tlireni tedas. sets\ dilic essri [tesa iretess ss'Isrebs iiiu lii s itsntitets tax anst tcen stick se tise plaits s svassst tise lit k iof siisiestist sas; led i, os egs îtlistk es I isesspsets Read, a.tss.iisîsg sstst neon l)es n ansd ,î ll obete tiser issues tisai arecot istg bserne te i eesi, t was tise acktsi'pianinng andtlecadetr- sitp. i s1,tsggestetl te a prists ictter, Mltsnîaîss arc willsng tî pay iîsr reai value, but wisere was tise fîî'e-ycas isaîstiai prt- ectins based on tbe grîswîs, sersvices anst infrastrutture necds? Thsis grot(ss'iditissi sap- peuî tith ie pasi ew itnitlis; lisere sias isecispienty of tusse ifor rcai fitisiîsisl iplannitng. Miton ss as esiterîcisct-ti siz- able resvessec sst reases atstitise ssesî sttidsisisiossarer ietliais [lii like vMilitn uts ses ci istîsi osi esisaist ietiaisiasesheltise or isi.issed cvSe te usix is s set iti isswit stail andti tîtiitil mu se i sds tise sýistitietiIss ste anditirtsastrsuct ts iee ,issoiated sististliîs griuîs ils listise ensd tise pulictu, iio esîsetiti 0 tsi itet nd s ati itt stitis taxnissîsîsestsi ti> sîsesîsi titi ssssoutft iisittt'ýs MIKE RANK MILTON Ministry of Education doing students a disservice with its grading system DEAR EDITOR: Titis Ictet is in respîssse tus tise Nitisti s os Educatien's ptslicy te alissi' laie assigiitsistti- otut penaIt li a psslessîsr at a searlss teliege. i teatis urss secat tcommsunicationss -Lisgissis Tiss scîsester linsssîatbiîsg studeticsss w bilset the rcqtsîretl [ail semester t îssssstsssst atios tcourse. Wisess asked wisv tisesaie repseating tisetas tises css elsiî i te a atk iiofiigi Scst lî prepaatiets. Tises' sas tiseywere ussprcpired ifor inandaîtss-sand tîsueis ctîssîletsssss ofiwîrk. Many'ofthiese s'iepeat stîdensîsare ses Ictîls capable tof undersîassdsng tise isatersai assd sasstssg easilv. My tcaelsîîg istlits issu te oaccept laie as-agît rnents wiîbîsuî prssr dissctussionî, s e. laie îor sîssset assîgnînents reccîve a mark osi zerto, i rectgssîz tbat tisere arc ssany factors tbat cîsntrsbtîte ts a student's abilitv tîs tîîsplete wtsrk uostinteanti 1 make acctommotdatitons ftsr tntlvidua tsrttns- stances. Tise Ministry of Educaîîîsns decissen sectes te isegleet an eppotrunity ts teacb key werkpiacc and furîber training skiffs. Frein an emspoîyerstsr cîsiiege prslessîsrs posit oi sic%, sorie skîis ,ssec as essentailuiorststtess as a student s ablitis toundsster- stand tise mates tai Scli sssaisagesssesss s a retireti tisiss riste oif ssii titti si rkpsi.te suttess. buts it tise aininssg sttCeCss selfi-mansagtemsens t itîties thte aiit svtsi ss'trk tssdceettcsss l, msanage assît' ciiecttîsels, sîeet tîcatiisl i isu iss ad isîisesiailisis andtlacise goal"'. AHiiofiitlittst sus,rairt rîtîtti l\ussttiniijoli ,tsls ti ietsisasndl etitireti tir t uiiiegt andsti- icritý 5sut tess. i te Mîstist s ioi i titatiss is s tîsssg s a îstî se iii stititis tatd tiis t t11ilts uttilt is i ssssdasit g i iat test isers ,tiiisslaie tsîisttistsss tistîîtotîs scqtsesste it ntti tîtti tcites tanesrîiisstscst tissi iesiti izes studensîsisiisaic edeiitcdti t ieis edtstîsss aist get tîiset r ssktitisteouise - msx icîls e cli tir sst - but aisus perpesuates a systeissotsi îetis- îstriiy' tisairesulîs usixtung mess and stisiseis wbî are tsîsuccesslttl se cislege, utiversiiy; tise wîsrk- plate aisdi heir eîssnîsussîes. AMELIA STEINBRING CAMPBELLVILLE 'Tinte Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from past issues of the Champion and aiber publications in order ta provicle a window int Miltons Explanatory comment is sonsetimcs provided ta place the situa- tion in context. April 1911 I bere is talk of drilbing foi water on tbe suuntain. if enougb water can be gaitbat way s0 mucb the bet- ter. Tbe expense will not be beavy. if drilling does not succecd, the water and plenîv afit, inust be gat anvway. fi can be gat in tbe Campbellvtlle direction and conveycd beside tbe finc of tbe C.PR. to Milton witbout aniv grcat enginenng dillie'ulties. A second reserveir on the saine level as tisai wc bave will be netessary Tbe (aînpbellvillc scbcmne would be tbe more expcnsvc, but tbe advantages iveuld bc great - ne more water lamine and ne more of tbe trouble there mtîst be and bas been in dlean- îng a single reservoir. Jolbn S. Povab left on Monday mnorning lot bis baosse at Vancouver, B.C. alter spcnding tbe wînter attise bairne of bis daugbter, Mrs. Hugli Camnpbell. He lived in Milton in tbe 60s and [ound few oi bis old fniends alive. He lound Milton greatly im-praved since bie bad seen it in its early days. He bas lived in tbe west l'or a nuiîsber of years, spending 18 of tbeiss in Vancouver. Mr. Pavab is in bis 87tb year. but remarkably weil presers'ed and active. Ibere are fcw, if any; vacant bsous- es is Milton ises and tise caîning of two new industries eacb empla> îng iset less tban 50 bands wbicb is con- lidenîlv e xpccted, will nîcaîs an imîneciate dcînand lor a large nuin- ber of stitabie dwellings. Tbe Eastmnan Motor Ca.lisas bougbîtbe Willmatt buildings, pay- îng $4.000 and assuming tbe mort- gage and bas asked cantractors for estimsates for the wurk of completing tbem according ta original plans. It seems ta be practically settled that tbis important industtv will camne ta Milton witbin a sbart time. A MlIlton Capsules removal to larger buildings than those it now occupies is imperative. its present payroll is $800 a week. When it bas room for the many addi- tional hands it wiII be greatly increased. The campany may ask the town for certain privileges, but no particulars have been received so far. The county council has given instructions [or the dra[ting of' a bylaw [or the issue of debentures for $90,000, the unexpended balance of the sum autborized by the govern- ment te be spent on good roads in Hahton. Payrnent will be distributed over 20 years, but the money, wben received, can be spent as soon as con- venient. Tbis will be an improvement on the plan followed since the good roads bylaw was passed in 1907, wbich was awkward, as it necessitat- ed frequent overdrahts, and slow, îbougb the annual taxation was mucb heavier than it will be under tbe debenture bylaw. The decision to issue debentures shows tise încreased populanîty of the good roads move- ment in Halton. As expected, bylaw no. 441 to guarantee the bonds of Williams & Son Limited, to the amount of $12,000, was carried last Monday hy a bandsomne majority - 230-4. Tbere bad been practically no opposition and the candid explanations given by Mr. Williams at last Fniday evening's mass meeting reassured some citi- zens wbo bad been doubt[ul. It is understood that as soon as thse Williams Company can get posses- sion of the Winn building thse work o[ removing ibeir plant [rom Brampton will begin. This material is assembled on behaf of the Milton Histonical Society by Jim Dills, who tan bc reached through the socicîy at (905) 875-4-156. ROADAH Aj Next Course: March 11, 12, 139 14 Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri (March Break) 9:3Oam - 4:I5pm April 12, 13, 19, 20 2 Weekends 9:3Oam to 4:15pm 905.875.0480 YOUNG MT .MiS aut.d 5e9m,., duisuue