I. li Vllu ûI.ûpping I'wû, tooruaiy 2ýj, 20Gb Pag.e t ELECTROLYSIS COLLEGE 0F CANADA INC. Cana.du 'S Lt'udî,g Traiingîîs &i 1'ret'uî,u', Cetreo i, l t roil sis, I Osér & luit ula LAST CHANCE TO GET READY FORSUMMER LASER HAIR REMOVAL SPECIAL FULL LEGS $450.00 (reg. $600) BIKINI & UNDERARM S220-00 (reg. $395) BBjR A RN LIT PHOTORJUVENATION SAVE 20% OFF PHOTOREJUVENATION Coqnditions that can be -treated with -B -BL: Fine wrinkles, Sun Oamage/Brown spots/Age spots, Red spotslflushing, small facial veins, Rosacea, freckles, enlarged pores, Hyperpigmentation, Acne and Skin Tightening MICRODERMABRASIONSPECIAL Purchase 3 Microdermabrasion Facials with our Dermal Therapists and receive a complîmentary mask and facial massage. SIýF rýAt 1201) (Specials cannot be cembined wrth any other promotion) Medical Arts Building Tel. (905)864-0000 69 Main Street E., Sute 9, Sie Entranoe Email: electrolysiscollege@bellnet.ca BRIGHT CHEERY 3 BEOROOM, two-story in Acton. $224.900 for quick sale. Mortgage $1,113 monthly. Beautiful oak floors. Fenced yard. Great neighbourhood. 519-763-4000 MILTONISPACIQUS Private bedroom/ furnîshed. Bath- room, kitchenette. Like professional apartment. Only ONE, very quiet. employed, non- smoker. 905-864-8876 SHARED ACCOMMODATION Lookîng for someone f0 ahane a fown- house in Milton. Available May 1sf. $650/mo. inclusive. 416-857-8680 SHOPPING NEWS CLASSIFIEDS; THE place f0 buy or sel I cars, appliances, items you no longer need. Classifiecis 905-82746090 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE Bronle -south of Lakeshore,3- bedronms, wslk nul 10, deck w/hot tub, privaIs yard, Available April lst. Prefer non- smoker, $1.400/mo. + utsIrtes, 905-825-2358 416-316-1053 15 N iring Inoentivos Tired ofRtrmn? lied to the house? Become a steady, part-time School Bus Driver with us! "It reaity pays to become a School Bus Dri ver NO W!" " Professer experieriu ( o reril,.'rec a Aneu utely free firide profesio ai tra 'nii a 1eýerLJ te sfo1r 'B' lierre " V1,e1 niaintirod fooet ýa u airo.itic n"[r haeced àuSe .ldded errproyee eiscount piogrdfl a B par fa. illiu icâ idmut " Oppor liies for extra vnorx and aneancener r a ieafe&1 (rif routes .ic "'er cr s7es aPerfect for ruey ai rlorse Mecn aYsuir pre scr ee or car 'ieay mie- 1er11 citl nr.y r a reai for roilrees aNo 'rifs, rie weekers amc suni[crs r.'" Furst Student Canada formeri y Laidlaw Education Services For more detatis & to apply, cali: 1-811-914-KiR canadaiobs@firstgroup.com *This ta a lmnitad aua affar aabjnct atar ana# may rais by tacattea. Valid tran Febaary 25 aa Muac 31, 2ooe 905-878-2284 TOP $ MINI Paid for scrap LABRIDOODIES FOR SALE: Pine cars & frucks. Non-shedding, armoire suifable for Service availabte 7 mofher and pups copuero ete- days a week good wit h children, cormut or enfer-9 Cal 905-875-6253 vet checked, inches high s 43 HOUSECUTTERM de-wormed, 1 sf inches wide s 23 Wff UUED shots. $375. inches deep. $275. ARTIICLE? 519-82-1995 Antique pine (circa sel tthr-oug- FINDrMnSELLrM 1850) dry sink. CGafie Avaisng Il CLASSIFIED ADS 905-876-1687 905e7-6M9 Cati 905482746090 FOR SALE: 2 JBL 400 watt floor speakers and Sony 400 watt receiver. $150 obo. 289-878-8556 FOR SALE: Aquariums, 1 - 35 gallon, t - 25 gallon. Includes pump, fîlters, stand, plants, and fish. $250 each or 2 for $400. Jr. set of golf clubs, right handed, $25. Complefe set 'Century Bears' best offer. 50 f0 00 square feet ($1 .931sq.ft.). Available March 1sf. Combination office, storage, workroom, and buîlt in coo1er. Showroom încluded and utîlîties extra. 1983 KAWASAKI LIMITED 1100 Shaft dnîven. needs tune up, greal condition. 5,700km. $2,000 obo. Cati Dave 1-905-957-6936 affer 6pm ROOFER WANTEDf We're fooking for an experienced roofer f0 joîn our crew. Cai: Bob Pinnacle Roofing 905-749-9208 TREE SERVICE Halfon Peeli Confractors Large/small & hazardous tree removals. Dead moodîng, prun- ing. slump grindîng, hedge pruning & nemovals. Winter rates. Cati John Nei 905-257-6876 FIND FîT SELL FTf IN CLASSIFIEO ADS Cfi 905-827-f090 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE 1)IRV'C'l'\ýVNI G.,ýS $695.00 1 MI 1 1 \V 1 -l'H MA N 'l"L 1 $995.00 'iU0