Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Feb 2008, p. 4

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M4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 29, 2008 TOWN 0F MILTON BUSINESS PARK Il SECONDARY PLAN LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS WORKSHOP Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:00-9:30 pmn Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Room 605 Santa Maria Blvd., Milton 1. Background_______________ ______ The Business Park Il Secondary Plan will provide BUSINESS PARK Il detailed policies on matters SECONDARY PLAN AREA such as land use, urban form and design, transportation, servicing, including stormwater management, and other related issues. The Study Area (See map) Bu sinèss Park t includes the area within the(Pae1 Milton Urban Expansion Area, bounded by Highway 401, the Middle Branch of Sixteen Mile Creek (west edge of floodplain); Sixth Line; Centre Tributary of the Middle Branch of the Sixteen Mile Creek " (north edge of floodplain); and \, James Snow Parkway. \Ai An open house was held in Sewo January 2008 to review the é She<wood Ie background research for the uty IBiiuve study. The draft background ' report discussed at this meeting along with details Phase 3 Lands relating to this project is posted on the Town of Milton website at www.milton.ca under the *-.,tgIIAe links of "Town Hall" then B.nesPr lSeSlyP-Ae "Projects then "Business Park 16 W- Ceek Ae 2 & 7Subwalerýhed Bundais Il" found in the left hand column of the website. 2. Options Workshop As we move forward in the secondary plan process, draft options for development of new areas are created and open for public review and comment prior f0 finalizing a preferred option that would be carried forward f0 the next stage of the study process. To assist in determining the preferred option for this area, the public is invited to participate in a workshop to review proposed land use and transportation options for the Business Park Il Area on Thursday, March 6, 2008. Details relating to the location and time are noted above. Thîs is a great opportuniy for your ideas and voîce to be heard! At the workshop, following a presentation on the proposed draft options, those present, will work n small groups, to review the options and provide comments and/or develop their own variations on the options. The individual groups will then report back to the meeting facilitator on their discussions to ensure that ail ideas, conoems and issues are recorded and can be considered by the project team. The resufts of the workshop will provide input into the development of the preferred land use and transportation option on which the Secondary Plan (a detailed policy document) will be based. AIl members of the public are invited f0, attend the workshop. However, f0 assist the Town in arrangements for the workshop, if would be appreciated if anyone wishing f0 attend could advise the undersigned by email, telephone or fax. 3. Public Input to the Study Pubfic consultation is an essential component of the preparation of the secondary plan and related studies. Members of the public wishing further information on the project should contact the undersigned. Members of the public, who wish f0 participate in the secondary plan study process and require notification of public meetings or other matters related f0 the study, should advise the undersigned, in writing. Information on the study, as well as copies of the Draft Background Study (dated January 2008) and the Draft Options Report , are available on the Town's website and at the Planning and Development Department in the Town Hall Annex, 555 Industrial Drive and at the Milton Public Library, 45 Bruce St. Written submissions are welcome at any time and should be made f0 the undersigned. However, written submissions with respect f0 the land use and transportation options should be made prior f0o Tuesday, March 25, 2008 s0 they can be considered formai input into the preferred land use option f0 be devised. 4. Study Contact Ms. Angela Janzen, Policy Planner Planning and Development Department, Town of Milton 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, L9T 5H2 Telephone: 905-878-7252, ex.2307- Fax: 905-76-5024 E-mail: angela.janzen@milton.ca or businesspark2@milton.ca Accused denies being driver 1 l iII FaN w anti h o I ,lo'cl akd lu in." o iei ld. like soiticoite lad i ipped itipen on iLs rîghî sîce lincer cr1155 exainnaiion, Newlîaiiî was qciestioied bs' delence lawyer Michael C aroline about svheî ber soilicone cocild have li the scene aloiîg tic roadway He saîd he wcîuld bave noticed if a pedesîrian lîad beaded wesibimund, hecatîse thats the direction he drove n i roin. Dîno Bernithie driver of tîte tractor- traîder, also gave the c ourtilbis re-î olîec ions, pronîpied bv Jagît The massive veicule had been sîopped ai tie souih side of Steeles Avenue, hall on the shoulder, baîf on the roadway; heactmn ligit flashing, l1e saîd. Tîtere was soine illumination fron sreet- lîghcs. le was in ihe cab of a duinp truck on the hack of the Iloat iraîler getting ready lu back i off whcn he lookcd in bis rcar-vicw inirror I heard a noise ai the front id the dumnp truck and oui of ihe corner ofifny eve saw soniîe debrîs,- le said, adding, 'I saw a car gco slidîng down the riiadwavy Noi knowing whaî bad h appened, Berno rcachied the ground and callcd 911, court hecard. le saw one person on the ground 1ie kness was dead, and a wonian lying on the ground wîîh a head injurs l1lovering oser bier was Palîner. -] askecl (Palmeîr) il lie was the driver and lie saîd no. 1 asked uit i îeethe driver?' aîd lie 'aid lie dîdn'i know.' Berno recallcd, adding Palîner showed not sigos toI cinuiiîn. Berio pui a liai under thew ioioan s head aînd weîîîio lookfor a Iourib persctiibh iold the c ourt During ci oss-exainination, Caroline grilled Berno about tbe steps bc bad taken -or not taken - t make tbe seliic le svisi- ble n passing cars. During bis tur on tbe witncss stand, invcstigating oflicer and collision te-con- structionist Richard Solecki told the court it sened the driver of the Nissan bad unsuc- cessfully swerved to the lefi to irs 10 avoid the tractor-trailer. Palmner, be said, told police be was seat- cd bebînd tbe passenger front seat oceupîed hy bis wife. But looking aitbe way tbe car was damaged, that dîdn't make sense, hc said. "The onlv portion that was undamagcd was the front drivers seat area," court heard. ,t didn't jîve that there was a fourth per- son." Caroline askcd Solcki whcîbcr there was cnough lime for someone to jog away hefore police arnivcd I donit know Tnnot a joggcr,' he replîcd. Caroline also askcd him about the visi- hiliîy of tbe iractor-traîler and whcthcr someone would expcct to sec such a vehîcle hlockîng pari of the road ai ibai lime of day Solcki replîed ihat vou cao alwavs experttolufînd somcîhing. Halton Regional Police offîcer David lreeland also testîîîed, and saîd in was tbe înjured wornan who îcîld hîîu there wcrc four occupants in tbe vebicle. The trial wîll continue Tuesdav in Burlington and WeIdniesdas, and Thursday in (akville. Sicphciiiie Huuîsell cati bc e celicd iii siliiesseilbl.ni hot ciîiîîdiuiîichlanipioti coni. MILTON HYDRo DISTRIBUTION INC. - ie 1RichlardVMurray femoriaf Bursanj Wiîh the blessing of his family, Milton Hydro Distrnbution Ine., in cooperation wih the Halion Caîholie District Scbool Board, has sel up a bursary on behalf of our deae friend and colleague, Richard Murray, who passed away suddeniy on December 5, 2007. Thme Richard Murray Memonial Bursary wîll be awarded annuaiiy 10 a Milton sladentîs) pursuing an apprenîiceship in an elecirical trade. Richard was boni and raised in Milton, joined Milton Hydro in 1973 as an apprentiee joumeyman lineperson ana worked his way ihrongh the organization 10 become the Vice-President, Operations. He was a hands-on leader, peoud t0 be pari of the eleetrical communiîy and was respeeîed indnsury-wide for his knowiedge. honesty and îniegrily. Aiîyone wislîing iii coniribute tu the Richard Murray Memorial Bursary, ean make your cheque payable to "HCDSB- The Richard Murray Memorial Bursary". Taxable receipis will be provided by the Hallon Caiholic District Sehool Board for al donations over $25.00. Please mail your donation 10: Halion Caiholie District Sehool Board Re: lite Richard Murray Memorial Bursary 802 Dmury Lane Burfingion, Ontanio I7R 2Y2 Wr belirve that Richard wonld be proud 10 knous that bis metiory education/iraining of young people eniering the elecirical induslry. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Sharon Barkley Chair wtt! tuve on throngh the _______________________________________--------_- i m.-...~. w

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