ARTS The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 29, 2008 - B1 for kmxd ars even go to Artists set to showcase their favourite works EASM hosts annual From Heait to Hand show next weelzed By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Milîcîn has a wealih of taleutuil anîlsîs, but almis cfteîs îiseîr inasterpîcces are couflued ic basemeuts on bouse studios, seldnm seis by the publie. Each year, the [ise Arts Socicety nI Miltcon (FASM) gîves is inembers a chsance ii pcut some csf îbetr fax'nuie pieces on dîsplay and invites the public ici check oui ihese worus of- art absoluîely free. Once agaîn, FASM's aunual I mrin Hecarî ici Haîsd show aud sale îs jusi arouud the coir- uer. This year's eveni will take place nexi Fniday lrom ô to 9 pin. aud Saturday; Mardi 8 [rcom 9 ar..ici 3 pi-n, ai the Milîon 'Spcorts Centre cm Sauta Maria Bouîlexvard ai Det ix Rcîad. Wide array oI art "Therel be scutlptures. staîneci glass put- terx, ail kîncix iiipainiiîgs ,andcipisctîlgiaplix' saici FASM nisenisser - ,îîciAi iMilitn pius icleut - "xaiscx t.cîtle. Shie added tisere arecîsaîsv îew rnintheis ici the grcîcp whnill be display îîg their îrt. lu the pasi, the lIridax ughî receptîuîtslias beets bx tnvitatin isuix: but ibis x eaî bous dax s are openîto ictie pcublic. [buhie cinîglisiex nLi xxiiitcclu msisc, foocd, a chi,îîce ii chsec kouîtishe xxiii lss on dîsýpiay ansdifor sale, ansciaisci a unstiue [cîncratsiug sîleisi acctits. FASM arîrsîs hase icîrîsed 50 eight-tnc i bx ightiîîch hlauk caixa-ses întcî sinaîl inastil pieces, xvbtch xxli be auctîcîrtedonf tisît uigbî. '-FbeN're gcsîng i ci i 50 lttle gutiis,,, tiutie said. "The ltrsî ihaxe coirne îî, andc tisey're beautiful.' The auctîcîn will rcîn f[in 7 ici 8:15 Tire slenît auccîlîî fcrmsat is sîiple ansclntiss itimiclatiug, (cîttle saidl'lise miinimnum bîds will be $20. Ai the end ciftIse allcsîîed tuie pertcsc, tire GRAH-AM PAINE / CANADIAN LuHAMPION YOU'RE INVITED: Artiss (from lef) Susaru Massons, Sandra Spagnuolo and Janis Hodgins show some of their pieces as they aawait FASM's annual fundraosng art showv hligpest hicl on Ce( hlsigri uip sitetxxns. :\îtist Ilainsucireaicd sonic onc-of a-kinci ls t a un111tg b îIotlloxxtifpon thje xxl ail itttî n unia big commnnient inattcial- ixý or trii-wise foi- tise artils,- (-Lile said. I unds raiîscd xiii go toiid a portable dispias xNsteiii tinat'.s -been put-ciased loi $3,500, whîich (-Little saixiii lseip uiinstîsei ih tise visuai appeal of I AS-M's Shows. "If work's ni dsplax'ed properiy, iî kind oflcdeleats ,tise put piise,-s esatd. - lie shîoxwxiii c ontinue Saturday xlsen tesicienis will have a chance not onîx to browse ihrough i he local works ni art, huti ,tlso io pcîchasc a treascîre. Moi e ilais 40 dnes xxiilissalseup tlsc sliîxx xxdic h xxil icnde cpainiiigs (ol al I\ pes ,îs xx CIl assccptis (utile, wlsos a sculptoi, xiii haxve ors dis- play' îhrec pîc e s cclîîsdig ocitîtIeci -Venus Rtsiîîg,-xx'ihcceals xxils tise altet msathi ofi9/il. its aîsciiler ci si scial (coineistarys pteces, site sticl Cutile saîd tise IloisfIleart ici [aîs ceei ix a gîecai wax' lor-pecîle new lu isownin check cocti ASM -xx'isch has 125 ineisibeis ansci x sliais ,ll ,about. its ,a chlanscc' for hiuiisoîshîstîcaleci art iîsxers and cgi grsers ici sec wliaî local artîsîs are up tin its a grecai place for people ici stant who cuirs kncw iîsuch abouîct art," Cutile said, aclcl , tîg ls isot iniiiiscaiing art, and is ni ais intîiiicattig iig to cîtîseto.- Fuicîî îtis t vîl ail bcnîs lsaud aud loxe ici îalk ancd alsxer cquesticons about tiscîr xxoîk, C utile said. i ASNI ruenîber Dîsug Ellîcttlisas iakeiî on tise organiziisg ni Frcsîn learit s 1laîs caclis vear - nco srnall feat, Ccîîîle xaid. Sshes cîplîmistiu nIl once agatîs be a suc.- cess, brnîgiug lASM aud tise pcublic togeih- ,"its a tecal ouireacb isto tihe consîntinit\s Fcor rmcre îisformrattcî i ls o FASM, x isit x xxw.hssîssl tnîs.c o ns. Sicplîanie Hiiiiisc'llc(aisbu i-cc h itt MJo'Fav "ite Gallery &PICi t Ig* & Picture Framing sincel1976 OPEN DAILY I MUR