The Canadian Champion, Frday, February 29, 2008 - A3 Town council supports GreenCart in close vote t2d.. j ; ue a bt vtici (aili- aSci .ti& a.j 01aitj ~ tîl. R By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Town council bas said yes to the Regions GreenCart pro- gram for Milton but no to letting tbe Region bave full junis- diction over waste collection decisions. In a narrow 6-5 vote Monday nigbt, counicil endorsed tbe implementation of tbe GreenCart (bike a recycling bin for kitcben scraps) program, subject to tbe Region reporting tbe resuits of tbe initiative one yecar after commencement. Tbis overturnç tbe Town coinmunitv services commîinttee-s verdict front earlier tbis inontb, wben it voted against tbe GreenCart concept. And in an almost unanîmous vote - 10-1 - counicîl passed a motion tbat caîls for tbe Town to retain jurisdliction over tbe establisbment of local waste collection service ev- els. Tbe jurisdiction issue icomes about as a result of tbe Regions new waste collection program tbat's slated to start April 7. It will include weekly Blue Box and GreenCart col- lection and bi-weekly garbage collection wîtb a six-bag limit. Currently tbe Region is looking to tbe local munîcîpalîties to turn over full control for garbage collection decîsions to belp acbieve waste diversion goals and extend tbe life of tbe landbill. But in order for the cbange to take place, approval from tbree out of tbe four local municipalities îs needed. Botb Halton Huis and Oakville counicils bave already approved giving the Region full junisdîction. Now, the bail is in Burlington'is court. Tbe soutbemn munîcipality will be dealing witb tbe issue next mnonib, said Town Engineening Services Director Paul Cnipps. If Burlington doesn't support tbe jurisdiction transier, tben tbe Region wl bave to negotiate witb its waste collec- * tion contractor to deal witb tbe individual levels of service for eacb municipality, explaîned Cnipps. Before Milton councîl made its decisions, it first beard f rom several local residents wbo expressed opinions botb for and against tbe GreenCart and jurisdliction issue. Gillian Earle of Miltongreen said tbe GreenCart would of tbe local landfill. "Tbis is of great benefit to Milton," sbe said. "Tbe GreenCart is a viable solution." She also voiced strong support for translerring jurisdic- tion to tbe Region, notîng tbat waste management is a regional issue and its landfill bas a limited lifespan. Urban citizens Carol Gustafson and Jim Steeves sbared similar sentiments. But rural Miltonians Gary Ellis and jim Harding contend- ed tbat Milton sbould maintain tbe decision-making power AUTO BODY (ROYAL ATLANTIC) 1INC. Coniplete colision repair arnd rei;1shiyservices 155 Nipissing Rd., Milton (905) 878-2721 wben it comes to waste collection service levels. "Witbi municipal control, tbe Region needs to consult wîtb tbe inunicipalîties in order to fully implement tbeir pro- posaIs,' Harding saîd. "Tbis is tbe way it sbould be. Ellîs went on to deem tbe GreenCart "an expensîve, feel- good program tbat bas more to do witb politics tban waste management." Tbe GreenCart bas become a contentious issue in tbe rural area as many o9f its resident-s say tbey already compost on tbeir properiies and don't secetbe need for tbe prograin. But Ward 4 Councillor Wcndv Scbau saîd abe docsnit sec tbe needs of people in dillerent parts of tbe coinrunity as being tbat dilferent. Sbe pointed out tbe Region did a survey of garbage bag ou.Oiy Stuc 'aaiic "I tbink tbe greatest need is to divert as mucb as possible (from tbe landfill)," sbe said. Sbe also voiced ber support for turning over jurisdiction to tbe Region. But sbe seemed to be tbe only member of council wbo felt tbis way as otbers around tbe table came out against tbe power sbift, like Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Colin Best. "Id lîke to bave a little control still," be remarked. Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau sbared similar senti- ments, notîng tbe furtber away jurisdiction gets, tbe more difbicult it is to make a wise decision for local residents. Ward 4 Councillor Paul Scberer also endorsed keeping wasîe collection decisions at tbe local level. esee MOTION on page A13 yHEy'V GOTA GO! TEi9TOYOTAgAE HR~.SO TEE00 OT uë t,,uR L-,L ýýlil BLi* O9%d MO9% Lease * or Purchasee APR for 48 months Lease* or Purchasel APR for 48 months à"'8CAMRY $2500 CASHBACK NO SECURITY DEPOSIT ON ALI 2008 LEASES. 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