--wkeýanadian Champion, Friday February 29, 2008 - 27 ~~a eIp :S&alp-l ca, Dl ~etl m cal, Deta IBUSY Salon & Spa requiren the followi GERETW TERINL RO T ES RC TIONISI? I____________________ IF-T/P-T Esthetician g Q RN EK ~riji~ - Pif flair Dresser Excellent communication skills required. Flexible hours. Senlous inquiies onty. For further Info please cal! Vince or Toni: 905-878-5751 oornmai!: sheroleasure@cooecoca HAR.YLST IlDE $300 Sîgnîng Bonus. Excellent starting wage. Growing Salon, Positive, fun workinig place. Flexible hours. Also lsoking for NAILTECHNICIAN Caîl Chis 647-234-1846 ['I i ngT: Experienced * ort-tmeKitchen Hairstylist Cabinet Installers Plaecafi: equred 905-878-1530 Munt have sas 10010 S.Icile l ni 16-358-3957 imeairRiîi*r m u c s currently accepting Resumen for GENERAL LABOURERS & FORKLIFT DRIVERS For GEORGETOWN & MILTON Businesses *Must be able bo start îmmedîately -Counter Balance & Raymond Reach espenience an anset. -Must be a Team player -Day shift only 7am - 3prn Mon to Fiday *Lght Genenal Asembly mork reqsîred. Please formard an updated Rssume 10: Fax: 905-693-t1895 un Emaif: patriotoure @çmail.com Goodwags, bnefts.Gooddriersrecord. Fx resume o:905-702-731 We are seelng two teami players ta ffIl the following positions: DIGITAL PRINT OPERATOR Ysa wîlI be responsîble for al aspects of runnîng Ios on the Digital Pnînters, including troable shoot- îng, ensurîng quality of lobs, and perfonming esery- day maintenance. Ysu must hase a minimum of f hee years related wsnk esperience, attention f0 detaîl, espeience usîng computer systems, and hase a mechanical/ tectinical aptitude. Shift wsrk is a muat. COLLATOR Ysu wilI be respsnsible for csllating and flding printed sheets. You must be able 10 hanidle large sheets of papet, work independentty, and maintain attention 10 detailaccuracy. PARKLANE MECHANICAL ACOUSTICS Progressive Oakville manufacturer of custom Noise and Vibration control producîs la now accepting resumes for the following plant and field positions. Welder/ Fitfer& Sheet Metal fabricators Appentîceship positions avalable. Att positions are fuîltitms. Hourly rate is cnmmensurate wth level nI espeience. Excellent benefit and retirement plan, PIeuse send ysua esumne via emnaî in strict confi- dence t: steveab@parklanemechanical.com or by tas ta: 905-844 0170 Finding a re jb ws so easy. Just ope~n igza classified secto sali ok. Phone 905-882.4 o mail cIassfid(a miîsoncanadianchanpion.cr Han an immediate opening for an ansenlive, e- nults-oriented indvidaal for the folowing position: ARlCllections Representative " Manage collection and reconciliation ac- tîviies for a variety of accounts on behaif of sur publisher clients " Minimum 2-years AR collections esperience " Posl-secondary accountîrg courses hîghly de- sirable " Slrong working knowledge of MS Encel, Word and computerized A/R sytems required " Proves organizatioral, analylîcal and recon- ciliatiso okills " Demonsîralesointiative, accsunlability and rn- dependence Please forward your resumne 10 Fan: 905-873-6170 Or e-mail: khsghes@gltwcanada.com Wie thank you ina voua interesothoueverr nniy à those selected tor an ineavew wuit Os contaciso. updot inanoushepMlofo orenifor 30far f101 houinr. csn o l ie Phsetylev ose torwa rn ipmes t nly hoeansedfrn interviw wîllecnfce Deociadf c aalvtandplicaflo ffiMaceU Wel tehdurevsusRa sae seine F r equired, by ue etsnmantOffice & udtn ofv Riuepotsfo: seio PlEEason fnv esme t sekn profes@sional, cler'nt foe LENASERASSISN Responsibilities include:rcpinadohrceia d res as clent queni k n upot e enc Prep ard omesfrveclients. me en i Wr an Fxelo-up o nnatio d n tiviy llpsto o SMantaîn duatbesfilescigeneratcesreortsupr or Anser eledpoegree cint, cedl *Sedacse coritrespnencby ail,5 ema-822 ImCoodnate maînnnceorolecaAseeuficean pplie-1 s.cae, eew prsfesso nal. la rcess * inimumd 3 res dcmerntr asi e desp eriene n hesfianialpluaningl endusr vn btrc n f anlad inSetie Aastselfrteqr oivt copue Prsteawth MWord, Ecel,tlosk, te re sEmail resdumb e to Dawihmniemlsupevisin. n Fo@ eeatson519- sm53-s279 witt good onganizationai and selI reiaunt abililico needed. Forward esumes to CIS & LW, 871 Equestrian Crf. Unit 9 (opposite Dativille Hydo, aI 4th Line and Ssuth Sersîce Rd.) M-Thurs. 4-7 pm or email dr ron@lffefimewellness.ca Condor Signal & Communications lnc. is a leader n te field of railway signaling and due t0 recently acquîred contracto, is seeking: 2 Drafts Persons Suitable candidates must be efticient with Auto- CAO and the Microsoft Office suite of producto, Micro station would be an asset. The succesaful candidates will report 10 the engineering managsr and wilI assîst in the follswîng areas: 2D drafting of sehematico and mechanîcal Isysuts. Please fax resume to 905-469-0256. Na§'ylor Orup tc, located n roUksîe, s currentiy seekîng a part-lime AIP clerk 10 loin sur team. Re- sponsibilîties include data entry, back-up reception, managing ut supplier tatements and othea general administrative duties. Previsus accounting expert- ence is requîaed. Strsng communication skillo and organîzational sklîs are also a must. -. - *-sbmt ou rsevamil Financial Assistant Oulso le (mutual fund cersedi esperienced preferred) 10 work wth ado sor $20- 30hr,20+ h week, Raveyou hêTd 9% l6Wt? Flexibe. mmediste Classied rme has en Stant. Isaffieo 905-338-7689 eteaamciopsa Ine Sales j :1InsdeSaes n Georgetown is lsokîng for mstîsated. energetîc in- disîduals wth great communication ukîllo in areas ut personal training, teception, coosultîng and membea- shîp sales, Yu must be fit or in the process nf becsmîng fit. Earnings based on commissions, ho- nuses and service rendeaed, up 10 $40.000 annually. Fan resume 1:905-877-8169 Attention: Elaîna Pass na ansasorenrt ar s, wr'ay yn on ns dea godu nana ai nat ins ns 5nannd v yyo lenn sua sa n sais ans ss,n Immediate speninq with Oakvitle Auto Parts Distribution firm. Reporting ts VP Sales, duies inclade: cool analysis, quote preparation, castsmer support ne: installatisnlwarsanty, and new prodact promotion. Tectinical knWedge w/abili t read engineering dnawings, preferably relatîng to auto- motivemanutactuning prncess. Excellent csmputer akilîs necessain. Rel sle elp tiSleHelp ENTHUSIASTIC? CUSTOMER FOCUSED? We are looking for motivated PART-TIME RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATES for sur Os Ie locations. Retaîl Espeience & Wine Knswledge an Asset Orientation and Training are prosîded Days, Eseningo and Weekends as required. Please drop off youa resumne ai Vinoyards Estate Wines Within Sobeys, 511 Maple Grave Drive. or emaîl youa resume and coser lester t0. careers@vineyardsestatewines.com or fax 905 643-4515 or mail fa 697 Southi Service Rd. Grimsby ON L3M 4E8 visit us at www.vineyardsestatewines.com for a location f0 apply in porson. Whie ce thank ail those who apply we twll only reopord 10 those onder considesahior and aok that sna responoe bu made by phono. Georgetown Dental Practice Dental Esperience Required. Please fan resumne 10: 905-877-4003 IMeîical, Dental -Mamun Home Health f Bayobore Home litelth is u Canadiun-owned compuny thon is a leader in hume and community bealtb services. Wr promone u csltuare based ons respect. continuns leurning and impronement, and valuing sur employecu' individuality and contributions. Olur caregivers enjoy cssmpetitive compensation, group benefits, flexible hours and diverse usignmenns. Nurss -I-Ie Wr are secking quulified nurses (ANs und RPNs) ini botb the Fialton and Hiamiton ureus. Our Oakville brancb requires pediatric nurses to work n tbe fitlton region. For furtber information, pIeuse contact Luanne Ellison an 905.844.5588 or fax your re-stiteelau 905.844.7714 or email lelison@bayshore.ca Olur Hamilton Branch requares nurses for its visiting nursing program. For further information, pieuse contact Elizabeth Copelansi at 905.521.8411 or fax resume to 905.521.8671 or email eropeland@abaysbore.ca *ErnaiIx must tate "RESUME" in Subject Une. www.bayshore.ca 1</fer <aie/or a blcier le/e SIGN ON BONUS! Giving You Smart Optic Smartllds Phermacy Group, a dllon ot Ced.r springe Ptoermacy, le e leedlng provfder of phéamnacy seelces to aouen Onferlo's loosg-term care taflltte. We offeir a unlquely streenined and customized amivce mafched to eaoh ecltty and ReI resldents. Our pharmacy ln Bellngton le currently soeking... RNsç/RPN.s Ourrentiy regstered with the CNO, you hase signatacant iong-tenm cure faciity espeience and strong pnosentataon and wnanten/oral communication skallis Acting as a consultant, you watt have a nine 10 lave work day and nteract mth consultant pharmacauts, regaster nom clients, and provade support 10 LIC faclties. Outgoang and team oraented, yss hase trong leadership/training abilitien, familiaity wth MS Office, and a valad drivon's licence, If youre ntereted an bocomang a part of 055 growang feam, plusse apply an wrtng 10: Ituman Resources, Cedar Springs Pharmacy, 960 Cumberlandi Avenue, Burfington, ON U7N3J6 e-mail: Jason @smartmeds.ca We ihank ait applinantn for ihesier ntest howener, ont5 ihose naiectea for an Siatv'. i5nteviw watt 5e cntaxiea & M tw www.SmartMeds.ca '"Y~v Hanng Immediately: Fuîltime, Part-lamne and Eleet-to Wsrk for Burlngtsn, Oakvitle and North Haltsn Areas. for Gakoille Brn eiLction. o-ineat: www. or e-mail your esme a: jms@c paramedCom 0 " O u d s IMonday toFradayl GET PAIDTO VOLUNTEER! Avalable Seniors and PSWs needed 10 make a dafference in the linos of the eider- y Proside non-medi- cal companaonshîp and in-hume help for the elderly. Flexible houas, servang Mlton & suarounding areas. Apply Today wwwhameinstead. com/3014 miltoncanadianchampiumîltom