Minor peewees reach OMHA semis The cardiat kid, hasve coic tîbrouglh unr c I en.ihan i'.uo ssisied on Pi-ci,-uer..sccoiid bat k.. toIthe ssall, M bn A .\nimoui 1pccss c.. .ad \Icx Vo eh-ici clcared another OMIIA btirdlc last wcck - rally Sonor late penalty killing aîîd a standout cdee- ing fruin a two-gaines-lu une quai ici huai delicit sive elluri hy' Ausin Dezecuw aiso lac îured inîoi tu outlast tbe las c reI A i i tertii n I iîîtng victtuy wiilu iiu011wed a Avelnhr ndavne ute have. y -1trtiph atMilton Sports (-entre. valahe ni.dac iiiiave.he Heoin tcaime hrucglobetweîi the The Winterhavks hooked iasage t pipes while Walter capped the turne- Ancaster Saturday altrn on. Tbis ~Rtlying heavily on their goaltendling marked their fourth do- r-die sîctory ofad dcftnte again this seasuii, the the inonth, ss'ii ever> ssîse curtd by thte\Vintcrh îwkswon tic quarterinais despîte narrowest otfirargîns. Stepping things up under pressure, captaîn Beno Preisner scored two goals - the irst a mnere il seconds into the game - and assisted on Matthew Lenahan's eventual wnner late in the second peri- od. The Avalanche would draw wthin one just before intermnission, but were stoned the rest of the way hy a sharp Anthony Henein, who held Ancaster to two goals or Iess in al three series wins. scuringjust eîght tirnes in the-lîve gaines. They'll ikely need a bit more production against the Windsor Jr. Spitfires in the semis, whîch begini this weekend in Windsor. Meanwhile, Miltons AE2 peewees - the only other team still alîve in the OMI-A piaydowns, having capped a besi-of-fîve sweep of St. Thornas fast Friday - hegin their own serifînal show- down in Newrnarket îonight. Gaine two is set for tomorrow at Mernorial Arena, starning at 6:30 p.m. Fuy uli DivCamp On fl0aIr-a:15 rs Daiy F, Smilo poirtiontr 605toSpo MrtaBs CenitreBoanoso Februr 9- ~~k~Mrc ,21008 1 erToot CnetinCnte-Not ui ng n Tombits Hock<ey, lids learn that theres more ta hoclkey than just playing the game. I's also a fun way ta make new friends and discover a love for the game. Tom Hortons is proud ta support the 140 children who play Timbits Hock<ey in Milton- where making new friends, and discovering a love for the game is ail part of the drill. The first goal is having fun. (P ,. a î,,.2007 (iaîu,ù Test the newest equipment at the AII-New vy Manufacturers Showcase on HUGE indoor ranges! ODYssE Y <ý> -Il,,-2 1 àAAMCOIeF 5,000 FREE ROUNDS 0F ONTARIO GOLF TO BE GIVEN AWAY!1 Visitthe Admission: FREE PUTTER Lessons & Deos FE-hd1 to hefist Wid: :i S~o s 5. go 200 idsdayiy2prSs flD [i s -1 oiiigiilrli'd Playstation Ca Saa M ~Moe I l NEVADA BO3S GOLF Q ROGERS "572 e905-337-5591 ,126 10o: 1sYwtrotls ho s e The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 29, 2008 - A21 For more minor hockey resuits and hîgh school swim coverage, check out www.mitoncanadanchampion.com. WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE [Due tu circumstances beyund our control, the Infant Sleepwear and Playwear Sets (#2672223 11/8/25/32...) advertîsed in our current flyer (enoing Feb. 29th) will ot be available. \'e aopologîze for éoin foivei'cec this may ~have' caused. Instali Smoke Alarms It s The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali themn in your home or cottage today!