A14- The Canadian Champion, Frday, February 29, 2008 WALK-IN and FAMILY PRACTICE 1 1,I t NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Monday - Friday: 9am-9pm Saturday: 9am-6pm Sunday: I Oam-4pm Located on the main level of the Real Canadian Superstore THOMPSON St. O (905) 864-9898 GO STATION 820 Main Street East, Milton Most Canadians arenl. Aller ever-rising taxes and the cost of making ends meet, most of us donl have the resources to put away 10% of our income and max our RRSPs every year. The benefits of compound interest, which are essential to our long-term financial well-being, remain elusive. But there is a way to change that. Its done by transforming mortgage inter- est into tax refunds. Next to winning the lot- tery, nothing improves your cash f low more eft iciently than the act of reducing your income tax - and doing it by making your mortgage tax-deductible. Mtitua! Funds prons to h 119 UILd WAI GET VOUR MORTOAGE TAx-SAVING BENEFiTS TooAV, CALL US AND WE'LL SHOW Vou How! THE SMITH MANOEUVRE is a remarkably eff icient way for you and your tamily to raise large amounts of new money, through f ree tax refunds, so that you can start building a larger nest egg, sooner. QNAssured JACKY DEBACKER, ADELE RANIERI, CFP AMP, CAAMP 'n x u r WAss TEL: 416-242-5956 ~ M> FAX:416-242-9225 I CELL: 416-220-5015 TEL: 416-727-8874 n~ ~ a SuFAx: 905-857-0507 TO RESERVE, CALL OR EMAIL 1-877-242-5956 ~ March 4, 7-8pm Milton Sports Centre TD Canada Trust Room 605 Santa Maria Bivd. Milton ON L9T 3R5 March 5, 7-Bpm Cultural Center The Gallery Room 9 Church Street Georgetown ON L7G 2A3 March 6, 7-Spm Aider Arena TD Canada Truat Room 275 Aider Street Orangevilie, ON L9W 5H6 Reservad Seafing, 30 Peopte. F ý IIA HA MRs r. /CA NADi A, CHAMiPlor i SAYING THANKS: Doug Penson lrightl ts showvered vrn ocifts and a plaque cf recognition by local DBIA mer- chants ni appreciatiori for his guick actions during a recent purse-snatcning incdent on Main Street. Here, he receives a gift basket fron CIBC manager David Soares while Carolyn Anstey of Main Street Yarns presents him vvitli a gift bag, Milton Blooms and Interiors' Donna Brown offers a houques of flowvers and Troy Newton of Troy's Dner provides a gift box Create An Alternative To RRSP's While Making Vour Mortgage Tax Deductible WE HAVE A FINANCIAL STRATEGY THAT SIMULTANEOUISLY CONVERTS MORTOAGE INTEREST TO TAX DEOUCTIONS, SHORTENS THE AMORTIZATION 0F YOUR MORIGAGE AND BUILOS A FREE AND CLEAR PENSION PORTFOLIO FOR YOUR RETIREMENT - FUNDEO THROUGH YOUR MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENTS AND WITHOUT REOUIRING ANY ADOITIONAL MONTHLY CASH INVESTMENT KNOWN As THE SMrTH MANOEUVRE. investing enough, soon enough?