A12 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 29, 2008 SPONSORED BY THE GREENBELT FOUNDATION Species protected with Greenbelt help Iisc 111 C01111101o. Ihiey are aînonig thie 6-' or so endangered species protected by tbe Ontario Greenbelt. Tbrougb the preservation of tbe Greenbelt's 1.8 million acres, tbese species bave been able to persist and witb ime, will bopefullybe taken off of tbe endangered speciesist. "Given ongoing tbreats to many of our birds, plants, mammals, ampbibians and reptiles, Ontarians are lucky to bave tbis land protected in order to preserve wildlife babitat," says Dr. Anne Bell, Director of Conservation and Education at Ontario Nature and une of the lead partners in tbe Save Our Species coaition. 'Witbout tbese species, tbe natural heritage of tbe area would be severely depleted and we wocld sufer a great buss, flot being able to experience A that nature bas to offer." Reduced pesticide use, appropriate management of rural areas, dlean streams and woodland areas -these are important to al species, wbether endan- gered or flot, in order to, help tbem survive. Preserving land from development in the Greenbelt, which wrajis around the Golden Horseshoe, flot only helps Ontar- ians today but provides a natural beritage for future generations to enjoy. We can take prde, in knowing that preserving te land is doing more tban justp)roviding green space; it sllows a number of endangered species a second chance to, rebuild and bopefully flourisb. «For some species, the protection of the Greenbelt may very weIl be their laut hope for survival," says Bell. "The possi- bi]ity of stopping and reversing the current decline in these species is possible and we will bave the Greenbelt to tbank' &IEEwwOurGreenbelt.ca Here's your oppor»tunity tosv live v Milton Blood Donor Clinie: Saturday, March 8, 2008 Milton Seniors Centre 9:00@m - 1:.00pm 500 Childs Drive Thursday, March 20, 2008 i :30pm - 8:OOpm Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria Blvd. Cail 18, 2 DONATU1 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION HONOURED FOR HIS EFFORTS: Retired Halton Regional Police Supt. Dan Okuloski shows the Crime Stoppers of Halton Rod Cliffe Award - for his significant contribution to the organization - during the annual Crime Stoppers Recognition Dînner last week. The other three recipients, retired chief James Harding, retired ser- yodiit Dave Atkinson and Randy Pîckard, were unable to attend. Fraud case back in court Mar. i1i Tbe case of a Milton businessman lacing a hanilful oi lraud chargcs rmade its firsi court appearance February I12. Nick Coriese, 43, bas been cbarged witb seven councts of fraud over $5,000 in connection witb a series of alleged frauduleni boans and mortgages totaling more tban $8 million. Cortese wasitai tbe Milton courtbouse appearance. 1 isteail a representatîve from bis lawyers inn attended. Tbe case will inake its nexi court appearance Tucsday, Mar. 1l in Milton. Halton Regînnal Police recently completed a four-montb investigation ioto four mortgages and tbree small business boans taken oui in the Milton area over a two-year peniod allegedly using faIse documents. is alleged tbe documents over-valued tbe properties, allowing larger mortgages 10 he obîained. its also alleged taise documents were used to over-value tbe businesses wben getting îbree small business boans îotaling $750,000. Cortese was released in Deceinher. 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