-AlILTO N PUB'I C L'à iiarêR Y A Mlton's Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 top .Wee kend Edit' or ZAK'8 PHlARMACY Mitons Indopendeni Pha 0CR Fm FaoOoivey s- , *1O% OatifflDmton AI Mn Om isAototod * Wttta, Orag tto. AMNouth "At Zake W.e Caro About Your HaaIth" 70 Main St. E.075-2424 NREW S GreenCart gets green light S POR T S Blades carve up 'Hawks in game 3 NS/Dvjri fltt.ticafldtlDflt 1'impîoc arr A &E Local artists show their stuff />~ N Emotional testimony starts impaired trial By Stephanie Hounsell CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF GRAHAM RAINE /0 ANADIAN CHAMPION LET'S PLAY BAL Harmony Deslauriers, 5, playtfully sticks her head througi tise openîng aI a basebail skîlls cut-aut. Tise yaung t-bail player, wha cariS wa't for the start of basebali seasan, was at the Miltan Girls Basebali Associations table as part of Sports Regstration Day Saturday at Mlton MalTise league offers girls basebaîl frn t-ball ta warnen's Another registration event wîll be held tomaorraw at WNal-Mart. fl ASK DOLLY I>ÀarDo L'4s, Plus. write al onr clients ani ttank thom for the Chrismas geoiles they lroutos in t u opr. e l hmtht hy r@Av kini, ..d tht the piat, choc.- N ý Iar umea Hmi Se whv lii Iflt gjet oven a suiff of fih. Christmas ges? *D4#alOm &Acfually my Nom wu e eng kini net giving me freits. Chocolts n c enovry poisonu. te à dost'&iuniit shel ivmonbhoiven s a red. Huima. fooi uni trte un moka y.u mp"wr yent, ot sers « k, os, hipu, uni ioutal dise:, hwalngte toes a uhohuchof awa o rribleill".IJet afglnftthe Vt, ovin tluouh shi ls MI MONII SeCV<4PASt6n IFONMY PMTCOEEDPE HSWIdÎS Anlmi HOSptal 9» 054t48 88t l" h tl xxas a scene /Ioftnmsainiale isor- ý\ polce tît)i tise xitness sîsantd xxas 1i//cllt i/F tcat s as lit, lc (i cd itie proesîtiesilit lic lac eclas, a t /00/ico(ît (Cet ICn îîolî tt/a (.all tit ila bîtterîx ,t/I xttr tompisi Atain -ttI 1bcii 3. 2007,lxxî \\xxhat x a t Ii rt tllîccet (ut1uthe "(c:tC i1a O/ilisit/t/thi ýa / i ti i t I lort lt/ i Ii i t 1o//t i /0' xxas a sili /tilo' lt / i i t/ I\llt/î aol I laiton iIllîs- oit ot/ti tuaiocacl 3 3 \11 1at ll i1//-01 ttcl tI I tt tl 1ix aîc 111)il1itiî Itti iclicx stttsx A5 ltîir ci s//to3 1 x carilîl loca <l rus, cîcîit Di)lau Itlitic xxas itinîcirci. I ater iltat dlax, Paliier xx as ,chIaipec xx tfi inpaireol crix'iiopc'auxtrip ceatît t topait Cc crî itp gcatusingit isdilxlisarit, clangeronts clii'uipcaustinp (catis cfiii- pcttots dii up aisinp isocîtîx barrit, anti li to xcitIse lepal isîit' o/I alcto iscl i h is isi/iol. 1île pleaclec tnt gtîlix. Tcesdav aîtcl\eclttesdax' xxere te firsi claxs itî' Palister-s taI, x lachis i bienpisearci v Indpe StepliseitBrowxn. InlierbutoRxcix iex, Crtixxn Attornoey Latinte iapntilitoe courttisai Patlmier, aInKile dîtc \Votcd ltitolccoscited alctlionlli st aithutc HarclialCale cn Rcotoal Ruiacl2Lt antoc is ai Cbarley f îîtzwbiskexý's cri Onttanno SîreetbeMcre iseadîng casi alcnp Steeles wisere tise îragedy icîck place Tisree nificers and tise driver cf tise tractor-irailer iîstooi te, hestand îlots week. Tise5 cacis tesîised tisai aitise seene cf tise accident tisey were led ta, beliex e bx\x dru/us pecople tIsai P'alitîeî biadn't been olrîx'înp but ibat iixx as a flurthis an. fiut aftet an extensive searcb ctsitxp police canrine dopx and tise lire depait- nient's tnlrared tec bnolnpx. polic e c dic otp etiiisaitcled, courti beanl Nexebiain t//ICItire cocti xx butib i calizetl lie ci/tint di) arinx'lttf oir tlm' mtalieF/i the' rcacl, lie xxent totihet xx itîan. Sit e xxas bienp coiniorted bx a tinie latet louri nt /ti Nas Palisser, ber c//tiittlAsti-laxx sýpocise. O)tlisr tilicurs art ix ccl.and \exx lianti xx as oliectecl toi eaicis theIse tî unclinp area for a locîri pets/Di. .11x as looisntpfot blond, lontprtncs, a11x thiing to îtliausoneoine bac xxan- tItid t o i tihe scene,- lie said. Bttlie cîit t (nid anx tbînp. Courit tai ci dPainser told itir buexas a t cai asei i mtthe car ancl tisai oct oi \\oot rtendslisaci beet iirîtnp.boit son ACCUSED on page A4 Toctays Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A22 REAL ESTATE B12 DATELINE B17 ww jrictoanctrnaotxmicharnpîo)n CotA Inserts: FU00 DISTRIBUTION* -AR FL- t/1-LEH S:F A/ICD.-AItMtV /0 D ORs t ÈV URt/oREt/tt/s iit/tKW-AR -PARiTIDISTRITIONilitt. %1 AtOut SEA/S -fANADAN 1tRt .ýORTItN0t - /OME HARAWARE PRFt.tCE A/RFR - t0BFRt - FUDAETA R NAt FI A FRA -THtE/00/FARATS/ OPRS PF//R.-LDWFD - AoA/ Oc * ARI SOURCE -/0/t R US - IHA BRICK-NOR AAs -i FUTRARO tEARS - SHOt & SAE - sRARRFFD DR/t MART ICH OR/ ARA AS RA P *PT wwwmiltontoyota.com w e r R' o,