As Luck Would Have Il 0 Mrv peolie ielieve iOiit 7 is a Ihrrký,nriii ber' %vhie othlers tfede il iras rliionis signrrt 10 aroe dure tri BibInnai relererores. Therelore, couîples ookirrg tri slarlitireir lises togethier on a Iuo:;kv rroe have choserr 10 gel marrned orniwirat soine teel wiliIe the Iluokies dy in a long lie. Arcording Io IlieKrîot.(orri, rouighly 31000 Couples are getting rîarried orr Juiy 7, more thani double the average ruiber for a Saiturdav irr tliy. Tierelore, the I noky 7 rush Iothtie aiar Iras o aused rîpile a<r nOle efier t irithe sseddir g irrujtrsirsMaris serr (lors aire n astlrrg i] n orr o1e'oesires tri lie tire srort on tis datev. o is Satwrrias igflît seduirIgs araî parre'treirorli rrir es, toril sort dir er(trrg e itir)rr sirsý arr orter serniors kare r iriraHiirg oroIllie prires tir' corrirs ustror sol rtrrI o r tori r' ar Inr( lk-svv's edir 'rrtrrgOtirrs avr str<r cri a k , i iii hou troir ot i rr r liut'7' surrtrs fsrrr "' ii lror i [in uf ru( option iti llll 'l W i \[l i l'( What's what in aveuàa i Fingcertip ý Hts kir rhe firngertrps Bouffant Gores abrose the hedd and s aIren uvorri wirtroirr a heMdîie e. Chapel or CathedralTh Long anr id rerîsorai- AtHaîto sy estprodirrrg tesîordwedn the trarnordin Mantilla Strorirsir rrsîred arro To maki edged Msrtlace Otheir bro( Elbow Hors al0 lie elhrousIn tur Flyaway Ar r irirrtes thetar k tord !u0 tots l](' trîrori Ballerîna Hort Os i o toi, on t antorilkl CLi Lucky Engagement WhVîile tl rrr<v Ire ltoîrfat,for' itrira ri roîok <o lir k-severr sseotdirtgtiti thins tar, o es plannrinrg oit getîirrg orogrged il os'tire da\ Irrmark Iliii'occaiori. A ioluck-se'vir eriggîrrîro lie flieîlo'ext tres Iltirrg Ir a rok es'r'rsodoirrg. For otîîse îîooîoirirg tire qtuestinrirrsioîer tîrese itis for mar<xi- nîtîrrg thîerore: r.. onirtrrton rriB6... Halton Region Museum The Warmnth and Ambience of a 19th Century Setttng A charming historlo venue aI the foot of the Niagara Escarpmnent in Milfon. Accommodates Up tb 100 people for dinner or 120 for receptiono. The picturesque grounds and cozy Hearfh Roomn provide a scenic oetting year-round. Modemn amenities inctude fui-service catering, air-conditioning, wheetçhair access and free parking. à' *LOVE HIAS A BEGINNING BUT NO END...U 'e ceremony of exchangtng wedding bands is the symbol of etemal love. ýon His Fine jewellery, you'll find a beautiful selection of matcbing and plain ýbands in 10 Kt, 14 Kt, and 18 Kt. We can even engrave both your initiais and your wedding date on the insîde. çyour wedding day even more speci al, it is not uncommon for grooms to give rides a straond of pearis or perhaps a gold locket, diamond earrings or pendant. ou, the bride can give cuff links to the groom for that perfect finishing detail. Tie bars are other suggestions, ail of which have been chosen by Halton His Fine Jeweliery with the samne care as our rings. 218 Man St. ., Do*tow i lo The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5 f lourgiris orocakes owers cookoes, dble lavours and more visît or call 905-r693 0271 Have vour wedding in a beautiful natural surrounding,W overlooking the golf course %wth the Niagara Escarpment as a baekdrop. Let our professional staff assist vou in making vour xsedding a success. Vse offer banquet facilities that wîil accom- modate 100 to 240 guests. Our caterig department willi help personahize vour menu and ensure you are provided ssîth the best service, su that vour daN woll heran oversn helrnng success. GR~~~GE Jmmy Dlakovasillou GOLF CLUB 905-878-5494 ext 2 )eddings since 11966 Our desigrwrs' will lie/p ),yotoselecta floral blend (of cn'atim'ity and (1 egartce "tt ivi/i enliance your special latj. www.karensflow'ershop.tom