B2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2007 NISSAN MURANO AWD UP TO $10,000 AND 0.9% AVAl LABLE Heated Seats, Leather Seats, Climate Control, Bose Audio, AIIoy Tires, Fog Light, Ail Power Equipmenit, Power Driver Seat and much much more!!! LEASE FOR LEASE RATE PURCHASE $1 98/MTH* 1.9011, 02 0.9011> 60 MTH LIASE $0 SECURfTY DEPOSIT FOR UPTO 24,000 MS/YR $1906 DOWN PAYMEUT 36 MTHS FNIIIT INLUER 1204Mrao L I LEASE FOR LEASE RATE $ 168/mrH * 1 .5'o OR 60 MTN LEASE $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT 24,000 KMSIYR $2206 DGWN PAYMENT FIEIGNT IMCLUNO PURCHASE (). 9il FOR UP TO 60 MTHS 2004 irAuanoSE4x4 Auto Auto 74,000 km. 42,000 km. Pt 0, l S , de 1L 1 , i 31 t, 610 MIUMN SRM-$.%MILTO r- 1921 Main Street East, Milton at the Milton Walmart 905-901-4711 Mo nq-"ýffo) Mý9'Ç "nu q ('ý mr-ý q('l 1 PRE-OWNED SPECIALS 1 1 2004 Acura TSX .1 DVD helps raise Video to be shown to teachers wt HaItoný elementaîy schools Hialtons, public clenientary scfnools will soon receive copies of a r-c DVI) dcsigncd 10 educcate teachers and secnior adhiniisti ators about the effîccs of poverty on student Icarn- ing. Flic DVD, produccd hy the lcmnentaiv Tcacbcrs' 1-ederation of Ontario (FTFO), is întcnded to provide pover- iv awarcncss n every ceioeîitary public- scbooi ini Ontario, iiicluding the 76 n l]alton. -Considering thai education olfers a way' out of povcrty teachers ctin henieft front a greater understanding of bow povertv tani affect their stodents and the ways they learn," stated 'a iews relcase issued by thc LIFO. The i TEO-proclticed DVD, entitled One in Six, is mneant io hc a tool to gerîerate discussion and awareness of child- boîîd povci îs anîong Ontario educatorsitstitle ici crs to Fig- uires qcîoîcc by the ETr O, ihat one out of six Ontario chli dien uiîdei the age of- 18, more than 478,000 chidren, live below the poverty fine. "Or menbers sce the consequences of poverty on a daily' basîs,- LIFO Presîdeîit David Clegg saîd iii the press release. Tley know how liard ib is for cliildren îo leam wben tbey arc hungry' or leit behind because tlieir parents cannot afford (scbool) lees, inaterials or prcîper clotbing. The i Il'O say~s te D\D leattîres six indîviduais wbo rep- rescrit soiiieoftifue groups iiiost ai fected by poverty - iiinii- granu, .people ssitb disahiliiies, sinigle wotiîen and Aboriginal people." Iiiterw,,o\,cii tlîrocibtineir stories are ,certes Iroîn the awaîd-winîiîng play Danny, ling olfitie Basement, whicb has tocired clcinicîiary sclioois across, Ontario as part of tie fT sIlOcauiuuiiaîd Poverty Projeci Dcvlopmni of the DVD vas liîiaiiciaily suppcurtcd by the Literacy and Ncieracy Secretariai of' the Ministry of Education. ETFO0 wîll distribute copies of the DV0 to ail Ontario public cie- nicntary scînools tbis spring. Tîne LEFO represents 73,000 clinentary public scbool icacheis and education workeîs across Ontario and is the largcst teaciners federation in Canada. 59'!FF Wht tyou Pai Last Yual Liberty Tax SeTvice Flyer in today's Champion Selecied Areas Only. LIBERTY®-I TAx -MdSERVICE TM owned by JTH Tax ncne used under tiense"