Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Feb 2008, p. 14

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14- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 26, 2008 j t * - ~ * .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 24()-299'\, Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampioncom e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5à,b5 Mon. 10 Fni. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al classified ads aso appear on www.haltonsearch.com-: Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad submîssîou by mai u nepersun :The Caadiau Champion, 555 Industrial Drive, Sîde Door nt 0Foot, Milton, ON LOT 5E11Deadlines: Mosn- 11 a.m.,lftrTuespuicaion, Thuts, 1l o m. lot Fn .publication. Spe-ciFeuture & Holiday deadliles ntt8 0017 Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, Masteukard, Ameican Eupress.Al adn placed are nan-retundable and no credit wilI be issuRd.Business accoOts con Su upened aittu an apptooed cuedit appliucationtaiabie luom uour Suies Consutant. CHECK YDUR AD THlE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensote the inormation is correct. Contact your Suies Consultant aihîn 24-Hous ian error appeats. An enrr nuIaouFus publication must Se teported non alertIhas Mon.,il1arn. M lm FlasFor Rent MILTON, 3t7 Elmwood DOWNTOWN MILTON Ces on sale or lease Mllside Towei's 3-bdnm, 2 t112 deached 82 Milside Drive. garage, main flion han Atractive galet buldng. utersize ktullen. asement Spactous bigh l ees han 1brt apanument t&2 brm nt ls wth mmediate possession aundny aoiuV yand 905-4648194. social rtuonte Regulan resdeel evets lm ,min.SpecîaI Cali 985-876-1249 wwwrealstara Service Space MILTON 3-edroum apat- Avalable for Rent. menu 5515405 pyard, 8000 toi10000 aq. f t 00gut ., Fndgetntue, parknig 5t 000/mth inegotiabie) nusîsues pets ueay Compete wth tain Aaîabe immediately ducs draft Paint 905-854-1687 BootS and Sd MILTON lage t edoont Bastîng Boy apanumenu aatale Apil Shared Wash Boy 1tnt 8gOinth +pan6ungý avoulable. Cals as 41e-723-480t. Lcated cose lu 401 ONE 5ednm Aptu. don- 1lai & ualtmonth rent tose Mîtun, 750mtn plus requred. Seau s ydu Peternen lnterested parties smoking, isu &O ast e contat Mîe Dlck, uintd. anaiabie mmedi contct l Blck, ateiy PSU appltation au 905-876-1662. Begsma's Hume Peson on emaîl JeP uBengnman Buin ushmedecor.lm OpportUnitieS MILON 2-brt apu, k1500 mm en, washnuunt. antiy om lUal appi. Cail 905 864- Unique 8890 lOpportunityl BACHELOR uni aitS suni Mstt t8811 nsuded Peteu nunsmuis Wutk fotomue/Office ePneupets Appiy V Mule Pat-tsme/Fusi-time 905878-3208 Eaun $1000 n eekliy.1 2-BEDROOM apanumets oet and 0581 0§siutt Aaiabie se Oen Wiiams. Paîd weekiy tltes îcuded St1 t 0/oieh.Cai 905- Cai Ndia: 873-8006 41-2.53 BRAMPTON Oseent Maie. 75s.ft.ent -otonts p- PART tine ultume Make staîs Coto tnrIanbs $4000 nen and onen stations. No pets peetted agaîn. Must ee. Calil 80/orSith plus 905-877- Edwin al 416-450-7259. 0083 - GEORGETOWN 3-bed- JOB au home. $487.88 obun ugaow, main guetr Weekip Assemble Pînod- 4appianesn. asleient sols, Mail un Compuer ouded. 1,51 tssonth plus Wouk. Fee Delals patial utlîlîs FrsFtlastrf- wwToplobRevue w.sem eensues No smokngpes white CHRJobs: 372 Ru- peterd.Ceil 905 873- deau St, 8918615 Ottawa 393t9W5877-1305. ON, 1KIN tG7 1-800351- __________ 5120 GEORGETOWN nenp bnght, lage windowed, Proiessionai basemeel apatntent. New- y pauntet. $850/moe15. Mm Dirctory Avaîabie întmedîalety No ERASE out Oint s mokn/pets peened. Recund. We satseed 905 702-330tý whene ouncoumpetîtion GEORGETOWN. nenunai tant1 Ne gue free non- location. Sce ueigSbouu sultations, Ont cnt jut onod Fîepace. panking $475 Appiyonelne 5825/rmunt5 plus t/3 sos gouun ment nas utltien Culit905-7034584 dons.a Cai Robyn t-800- 298-5520 GEORGETOWN. at ShauteFPuhs om gusu E Mortgage, 3 becnuont mth ainony Nean eeythîng Rane land. lm Loans od. Cal Sean 647-268- OOS5CONSOLIDATE __3753. _____ $$$ bad cedt taon mot LARGE 2-bednount gage areas, sei-ent Pîstianu and eleeneces. poyed t100-. Molgagen. Avalable Mauvh 1 ttNu dont pay tyn Pngami On- pets/smoking pefetned, tain Wde Pînanvuai Crn Pakngtauedtu St,195/ puation t-888-307-7799 mutS instustu e, 905-877- 2993 Mm (Cat f el NIAGARA FACCS 5acheîon S Chrtr basemtent apu nîideen ACCOUNTING on home tan e. panking. aundny and smaîî susesses. uis snge Cali 289-292- CumplemutS end, yean 36- enid, payo' nsericîes ROCKWOOD t an'd 2eo- avaîante. Runlia 416- vn pnmrnvîaî 459 in Sstonît builngin Rotk plceoud. Stattinig au DO paeyOUr ad int $7751montS platus uiiise Q:I) Cmidiancbaupion Cal 8 tabese nue i Sales ~lî ~.eîaîte ~tOOl5iRep Johnson Annuvates call 905.878.2341 Halune td. 905-877-5165. lm Flais For Reft M Acommodation SILER Cekspcs MLTON t oom Ioint nen u rLtLJMEO ann bright -bedrom, main4-tntm honte.panking/ AISN D ann flor f wnr-ccupid tistes îinc, sî/stnt eg . Aller a fllluifîeManning passed away hoseonconty roeryMuIstke pets. Aauable j yL-ý peacefliy os Friday February 22, 2008 bakn n rc ral medîatety $500- ai Forest Ho ghts Long Term Care nsntnh 905299271.r LImont'j Centre, Ktchener. Manning mas plsuiiisN mk oplace your ad in lt i . predeceased Sy hîs Seioved aile, Helen enesAri It 46-3- Ir C1Cathaii0ripioni and Ima grandsons Scott and Stuart. He 515& leaves his son, Duncan (Thunder Boy), cl 905.878.2341ý and daughters, Diane Danyiyk (Kitchener) ONNING ew ghDycr and Vickî Riiey (Miltas). He was a pca baemn aë,.n grandpa and great grandpa 10 Sharon, avial mdaey M Availabie LTrinh, Ras, Keilh, denniler, Marah, S90/onh tiinie i- Warren, Morgan, Marshali, Mitchell, Pam, clddCP4-6-40 FORMER DACARE' Kepîn, Kylie, dames, Tyler and dessica. A TEACHER 5 MOTHER "ceiebratian aI Manning's ie iii Se heid toss ofr ut, ut e sale ai the Henry Waser Funerai Home, 507 Fa Ren -îy cane tome nFrederîck St.. Ktchener, 519-749-8467 an BRIGT OH y pci dycanu Svp. Nutttios Frîday, February 29, 2008 rom 7-9pm. trebdomuprlvl beakatnuech & Cremation has taken place and his ofîu e dintaurequit sacks ottened Lage cremaled romains mii Se îsterred mith ,rig distnce o ai infnts elcoe reer-Helen in the Exeter Cemetery. Exeter. I ameeties Hadwouutot- ences asîiabte lieu af liomers. donations ta the Azheimer ng, centnal heaS/aîninsurge, Cati 'Miss Shirley" ai . Society aouid Se apprecîated by the stune onu sepanate laundny 958-2112 ": .tit Vutaahermiscm Ia rom Pnîate eetauce, aiy ii w.enrwle'o o garage, parkieg fton ou Manning . memorial. AuuiaSte tut Match ltt ~~ ~ GEORGETOWN 2 f11 gades Puily enced, AC poessionalîy andscaped Serious enclumes only No agents 905-873-6652 NORVAL. 3-edroom Hîgh- aay #77dsnston Chinnoîlý ongquiet sideoad Acusibe Manoh tsi S1 200 ntsh plus utlties, No sunok- ingpets peterred Cal 905-873-8844 OAKVILLE- 2&3 beuoom townhouse avalable m medately through Maron ltt 4 appiansces Hope dale Mail aea. Laiennone Management 900-876- 3336 R msFor lm Wa!teda MILTON Bedruom nue liuingoem 588180 ktuthenSath. 50P-'n e1t3 utltes. Inuoes. digtal sable. hi-syeed rinennet. parkineg. Clone lu ail amenittes, GO Aatable Mach ltt 905-299-2614 MILTON ont or ent. $425/mth inoluding utlties. Call betore apm 905-878- 3632 ask or Nck MILTON age om ne capeingncountny home. Shated kthen and bath- mont, Maie peteu'ed. 4OtIGoeilph Lne OHSOtmthISt 25 seek 905- 854-0359 MILTON age rom n lean Omquet hSusse.Share ktonen bathOaundrylpatk- mg. Soîts mature non- stokingmale. S450 905- 875-1518/16t-402-8004 ROOM lutut nt noltn, Ontanio Use oftSusse huld acilities Pttone 5t9-853- 1631 or 905-699-9188, ROWLEV - Bob & Amanda (nee Alexander) are thriiied to announce the sale arrteai of their second son Dayton James weighing 6ibs 2ozs on Wednesday February 131h, 2008 at Qaleilie Traalgar Memoriai Hospital. A ltIe brother for Justin and rooklyn. Proud grandiparents are Terry and Brenda Rowiey of Milton, speciai thanka ta Dr. Sharma and the entire OB staff. Comn g ents coinqEvents Itî oing nînnuen'ou Michelle Lee Dec. 2, 1986 - Feb. 27, 2005 Nuoins1Ck tonus LIonnuh WC tutus sOts .Andiithelrpinhn s c iao 6 0su if-roui SiricW otst voir hlie'n'[ltIa day'. Michelle, Ihàt W nuoot cnsI iuîtk o u. WCrlove yeu se much Mem & Dad, Julie, Michael, (Charles and Neel RfEYNOL DS, Bev littisnsintg mciiiornn(ifna'ît nlîHisltitn.n Oset tit dWositn tissei o Fei,îniinrn 2'h, 200)2 iiC i thCitivýýcoe oý B i u t in t iis.ntt nnviriirnus tis t tison sl i n,. te onâtesof ini r ilriv r ils' ,. suWC sb011n[I i" OIi inotinonnire koWlusni Wite jean and daughter issu l'ARA LYNNE KIRK 1982 -2006 ihtniiit btismttare Ncutsnsa Dad, Mum. Sun Noah and thte Kirk, Kinîsue andi Hamitrun amilies. n Memoriam donations ta The WilIow 18,5Oniar "t Si Foundation Ms lot ON COT 2M24- are truly appreciated. 905878-4141 eý, in mmoam j 13ine emiam Ini Memos'y of Gina Sonsogno Ou,îehee 9rd, 1951 -january 27rh, 2008. kits (tvissu Od, 1951 an oAugei usas bhum onto km vit,olu Inhcru5'ti eans of le she teepi'y tunchod torait v uuaon'hoanus nuitS ail huer mis- nino puset. ltie and hope f uerone suho kovoiss lie ilaisa vs thn.uuî hetinoiîoe the v had non, lir. tO i anuas' 27th, 2008 uhatsanam Ange]i unseesuontouthe ulvusse, and wuho kunnws lion uans peoupleShe silltuch nom, Long live my Angel Mariuia Sopîaosnv Also in memory ofC my ' Annie Puppy' Augusi -iîh, 2007 BEFor Sale POOL table. poensiuual sentes sth evensiiipgnude. t" siate $800 woth utac cessonisn Brand uew i box. Cot $5,000, must sels $150s.v519-722-4077 APPLIANCES nes GE, nate up to 60 , on al mu- or appiauenOutnurntp. 647-829-5050. PINE armoire susuubie ior computer on enternueeet synuent 59h s43w n 23d, $300. Antgue pîne dryssek (cnou 18501 34 tî2 "h x 55" uw n 20 12" 4 Cals 905- 876-t687 CARPET i have nenenai 1,000 yards ot eo Olaîn Mates & 1tonnylon cas- pet Wlouivinghomo nun& Sull unr$389 Ileludun car- peu pan & insuallauion (30 yardsi Steve, 905-633- FOR Sale- Seans (Pee Spsrit-Clubs Teudmîlî Lus mîeage Gueat Shape 0750 Ca'i Lanny 905-878- HOT lTb tOpai Couens beni psîseSent gaity Asi shapes & tolouns Calis1t 866-585-0056 oms uevo- 0e g ty Cu H-OT Tubi Spa- Baud ueo 2007 mortes oai options, aud cveS 5h55in onappen. Cont 09150 Sacnîtîce 04250 Coil 905-97t-1777 POOL TbpoLie ntONus stiUin tbo SoU 000d Cos 6700> Se. St 950 905-304-9994 I 3l rfes Wanted BEST CaShS Paid- Ail Jeweilery, Goid, Oliver, Diamonds, China, Crys- tl, iliver, Figurines, Royal osuiton, Swaros- ski, Ail antique turnish- ings, Art, Colecibles, etc. Estate Speclulists, Top Cash. Cati John/ Tracy 905-331-247 Veros FAST and Fsnoun NurtS- umtburlaud Motonspont Show 2008. terton spuse uuuîtabte vint Munoh 291h -30t5 Cats, bîken bouts ATVs, fil trases. hSm nS e sho tonyou! Cals Kenni ut 905-373-7355. eut 234 on entait kntcgoverneuuth- untberlninewo FAST and Punoun.Nonth- umbentand Mulunspot Shos 2008, vnutut spuce uvuîtab e fointMancu 291h 30th Cans, bîken bouts ATVs. tftil suces, hs nS e show ton you' Cul Ketn, ut 9055373-7355,et 234 on entait entogouesu nonth- umbenandnewscum 1F4ilE'!.. mTt .1 ti1* ! Csnn - Steve and Jennifer (ne Warren) are thriiied t0o anouflc8 the irth of their beautilul baby girl, Lily Michelle, aho arrîeed safly on February 815, 2008 aI 1:57pm. weightng 9Obs 3ozo. Lily is weicomed by proud randparents Ken and Bonita Cano, Joyce and Craîg Wood and Ed Warren. Lily is also weicomed by many aunts, uncles, cousins, estended lamiiy and rîends. Speciai thanks 10 Dr. Galbraith, Dr. HunIer and ail the wonder- fl nurses aI Joseph Brant. Basic Gardening Planning Workshops Saturdays March lst - 29th For Details/Registration Cail!Diana at: 905-878-0970 1

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