I ln% wnfln Milton's Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 4 R E AL E ST AT E See what's on S PO0RT S C O M M U N I T Y IceHawks advance Province honours 1 luum, the market inside to conference semis prison volunteer w wrnWtoicanadianichampion.com UI 14 o 11 edaeFbnay2 ,8'4Pgsa$.0.ni ... Medical marijuana use Iaws Turner pushing for reform of law sunvounding use in public By Tim Whitneil SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Haltons Member of Parliament bas con- vinced Canadas bealtb mnîster 10 re-examine tbe use of medical marijuana in public places followng recent news reports of a Burlington bar owner being taken to tbe Human Rigbts Tribunal of Ontario by a former patron. Gartb Turner, Liberal MP for tbe riding of Halton, wbicb includes parts of nortb Burlington and Oakville, told tbe Chanipions sister newspaper, tbe Burlington Post,,lbe recently received a response to a Februarv 1l letter be sent to federal bealtb mînîster Tony Clement. *Under the current regulauions tbere are no limats on wbere tbe medical practitioner can utîlîze tbe prescribcd (marijuana) mnedication, an oversigbt wbicb bas led to unfortunate con- sequences in îny' riding and, 1 am sure, in otber junisdictions of Canada," Turner wrote in bis letter to Clement. "Tbis is a malter tbat mnust be addressed, as it affects tbe bealtb of Canadians wbo bave no wisb to be exposed to manijuana, or second- band smoke. "Numerous junisdictions around tbe world bave Iegalized medical marijuana and inany of tbem bave also regulated wbere it can be used. It is time for Canada to follow tbeir example and implement crystal clear and enforceable restrictions on tbe use of mnedical marijuana in public spaces," Turrners letter concluded. Tbe MP said bes siding witb Ted Kîndos, tbe longuime owner of Gator Ted's restau- as, 7. gone to pot? rani/bar on Guelpb Lne. Kindos is awaiting a Human Rîgbts Tribunal of Ontanio bearing i May following failed Ontanio Human Rigbts Commission mediation talks in the wake of dlaims of discrimination by formner longtime customer Steve Gibson. Gibson, 42, a local resident who bas a fed- eral licence to smoke medical marijuana for a job-related neck injury in 1989, believes be was unfairlv treated bx' Kindos tbree years ago wben be was first asked to stay furtber away [rom tbe bar~s entrance tban regular cigarette smokers and later told by Kindos not to smnoke bis legal pot anvwbere near tbe Gator Ted's property Kindos, 42, counters tbat bar patrons bad coînplained about tbe marijuana smoke. Gibson contends tbat be sbould bave been able to bigbî up bis legal weed and stand in tbe esee BAR on page A4 Inside Todays Champion BUSINESS A5 OPINION DATELINE CLASSIFIED A6 A10 A14 BRIDAL B3 wwmitoncanadianchampion.comn www.miltontoyota.com GORRUD'S AUTO www.gorrudsoutogroup.com '1 .-.- - ~ ~ r. Fr- - - - -- - MUR 1 _ami m