Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 2008, p. 43

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Market Watch by Fabe Fedrigo, Manager fews trom he US. housing market, the Canadian Real Estate Association has released its Canadian Housing Forecast for 2008. If's a very interesting and positive read. Annual residential MVLS® sales activ/fy fofaled 520,747 units in 2007, up 7.6 per cent from 2006 levels. This was the largest annual sales growth since 2002, and the first time transactions via the MVLS® systems of real estate boards in Canada have surpassed 500,000 units sold in one year. "The resu/fs in 2007 show the sfrength and the affordability of the Canadian residential market," says CREA President Ann Bosley. "The statistics again show just how different The Canadian Champ/on, Tueoday, Febmuary 19, 2008 RE-iS5 United States. Canadian -IEALI URSQýf know thaf Canadian mortgage lenders correct/y see that home pr/ces will continue rising. We know there is stIl strong competition for mortgage business in Canada." Three key economic ingredients will keep Canada's housing market on a different track from the Unted States. One /s consumer confidence, the second is employment, and third is affordable interest rates. The Bank of Canada cut interest rates on January 22nd because of weaker prospects for Canadian economic growth in 2008. "Those lower interest rates wIl also help temper the erosion in housing affordability due to additional home pr/ce increases,' Bosley added. The Bank of Canada is expected to cut ifs trend-sett/ng rate again in March. CREAS Ch/et Econom/sf Gregory Klump says that the Canadian housing market in 2008 wIl but this is st/Iltorecast fo be the second- bus/est year on record in almosf ail provinces, with residential unit sa/es reaching an estimated 512,705 units. Average pr/ces for MLS® home sales are expected to keep seffing records in 2008, alfhough pr/ces wIl increase more slow/y as the market becomes more balanced. According f0 CREAs ch/et Economist, a larger supply of listings wIl be one of the balancing influences n 2008. "The challenge for the Canadian housinig market wIl be the extent f0 wh/ch employmenf and consumer confidence may be affected by a slowdown in the US. economy," ,Ann Bosley adds. The tu/I report is ava/lable at www.crea.ca efy flic. One of Ontîano rgo s et pi ae/y nained real estate brokerages. tMe conapany tas over 250 sales assoutes and staff wrelng from 12 locations fnc/udfng Niagara regi on, Oa/esi/le, Mlton, Bronte, Bsrtington, Missfssauga, Tornto Region (OTA) Klngston, Brocevile. Iroquois, Meoiclie, and 09ta3m (the National Capital Regi on). Mr Fednigo can be reached by emaitlat ffedrigo@pn.tcrcom or by cal/fng our Ml/on location: 905-878-900. P/ease note that thefinformation proded above is for flus/ratne purposes onýv Anyone consfderfng a real estate transaction shou/d consult a real estate professional prior to enterfng fn/o any contractual agreement wheherftfis wni/ten or vetral. I 11 f ý f Prudential ALLAN BAINKi DIANE FABE FEDRIGOO MICKEY CAMERON CATHERINE GREG BILL CAROLfN GRAY Pan/ident CARWAYî Manager OALEKOVIC* GALL* GARANT* GARANTî OONCZ Cliet Co-ordina/nr JOAN CAMBRIA OOMENIC JOOY JOY JOHN DONNA JOE MICIIEISPTHERS* HOLLINGS* LETT* MANCHISI* MANCHIS* PATERSON* PERCY' STARK* TAGLIERI* Vice Prenadent 55' X 120' LOT $359900 Ww.. iuveiy nome on huge priva/e lt with double garage. main vi tam i wiîepiace for S359,900! spdated windows/doonsînoot /C air Amazinf ackyard & lots o/ parking! See photos at mis ca/i/f092324) or email Donna ton detaiied Fea/ure Sheer. GOGUI1UUHILLT5IIUUK MODEi $404900 fpei cvnceprtioopan ofers 2000 sqh .Sep fin/nf ig m arge am 1/ ine icl fviip enced vainsdcck& faebo. Spacîovs viner ievel vsbaicony off 4/h ednoom. Lf mas/el vv4p envi/e. For more inormativn on/hin noer/y, cari toji trie 1-877-17-4f28 and en/en iD#2ff3, Domenic Manchisi 905-878-9100 domenic@dnmenicmanchisi.tom STUNNING BUNGALOW $ -499900 0 Domenic Manchini 905-878-9100 domenic@dnmenicmanchisi.com SUumSSFUL BUSINESS FRtS ALE $129000 lîcredible oppoiniîty. Upper Gien Abbey loa/ion. high claso ladies' beau/y spa. 9 years estabiished bosiness, 1.5ff ciîent da/abase loin key operation. Call Caherine /oday. Lot stoe 320/25.recen/ vîgnades inciode turnace, v'onfows. doors eiec/ricai and pivmhîng. Lîve on main level îo-îavv soite in basement, Close Io lySe. shopping chools and promenade. liîved ar 324.9wo.f0 and close /o finie Valve Mal Cail Joan Hoiîngu ton more rn/o Joan Hollings 905-878-9100 or 1-800-480-2982 OPEN HOUSE: SAT. FEB. 23* 77 SUN. FEB. 24' 2-4PM Port Credd 8 WESLEY AVE, TH #8, PORT CREDIT $578,800. -34 v ik ,rg3 i ,- . York 'n i iea 'T riOO lj s'ý h i oa!r -viii O- nDu, v * ,,a. 0- .i' andei-. Dv'v0 Catherine Garant 905-878-9100 FIRST lIME HOME BUYERS... LOOK NO FURTHERI $239900 Old Brampton. 3 bdrw. 2 1/2 bath. C/TH. Double duor en/ry. ma/n tir family rm w/fireplace, 5 appliances, mbdrm w/wi/clooef & ensuite, rec. room & feoced yard. Joe Ta glieni 905-878-9100 itaglieri@pnatcr.com V7 - miî - Me/îcviovsly vpgraded home ci/h hardmood. granite, ceramîcu and more' Jut move in aid enjoy' Cali Fabe Fednîgo ati 9f5- 33f8-655f for a pensonai previewi Fabe Fedrigo 905-302-5118 ttedrigo@prutcr.com $1,098,000 Four bedroom 3fff SF home on 75' e t4f if/ to he 0v/lt by Sharon Homes in oonderfol Southaceot Dakoilie neighbnarhood. Cail Fabe Fedrîgo for brochure aid floor plans. rab redrige 905-302-5718 ffeaIrigo@pn$qqeom WALK TO EVERYTHING! $277,500 Recently renova/ed, huge lot, vpda/ed ba/bs. For more intormation on /his properfy cal tol1 free 1-877-817-492f and enter ]f#2008 or omît vus at www.domenicmanchisi.com for more phons Domenic Manchisi 905-878-9100 demenic@domenicmanchisi. tom PREMIUM CORNER LOT $469,900 Sui ng a 01,1, oie oni/s inousenos uneni on ýpgries approx 3/OC un fiLcaheors c!i go ptih rgi i ch v OC bar îv'ensic enoscapi n ni: vS nle a mon ome' For mole ,nlnîmau oni/ils n-npemî taU ivtfee 1-877-817-4928 and nter *OcOOf or /.S sa/in oe, foar5 iimole pio/os Domenic Manchisi 905-878-9100 domenic@domenicmanchisi.com 1 - - - 1 ESTATE-LIKE PROPERTY $1,150,000 L0 anýn s on aid fiîvhev /his nome hasn iail 'nOv/o' /103 dinh otor v i et courtnack ng olî0 .0005 Fi.e bhînonîs 7Y hnîooî and f f inelae n/sde 0y0, Ililove theooms lai on ni g10/v ,te / chard-ood sa/v and nhn fimd 5asemnît CaIi Fabe roda. fo, a ovrvonai pie - Fab Feddgo 905-302-5710 li ý. tednÎge@prntcf.c~gi $309000 Situa/el on 55 e 12f loi.tEa-în ktcen e/wn /0 pool-ouzed yard, Close /0 401/407. scoo & parks. For more informa/ion on this proper/y cail roi re 877-817-492f aid enter If/tONS or vsir us a www.domenicmanchisi.nom for mure photos, Domenic Manchisi 905-878-9100 domonic@domenicmanchisi.com A4 $539500 1 2v acei Carlisln Prit innova/id tnp tc bnom il, riarovel kitchnl., o/n/ne.'porcolir. ivrO ,:jd ai 4 5v/O af viinéloas hin rotonuace FaO, v gieai i addifion ,*, val-,-?ail brick FP foîgnovo y/nn v ihge nîckpatio 0Home 000es qnov, i& ivaa tel a0/n photo ndvinvrtvai /01 a', v-vo-, nai, T cnn akOle dnuas/anS Donna Stark 905-878-9100 donnastark@xplornet. tom FABULOUUSHOIRSE 0ARM $1,599,000 Trn-key boa/ding facil//y wî/h 80, box f/alils. Fantastîc 5/f training /rack. Large bunlgalow ni/h fînished lowor tevel aid separate en/rance, 4f beaatifvi acres. Diane Carway 905-878-9100 - I We support SUNSHINE KIDS He p o' hidm with acer r. cum

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