Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 2008, p. 41

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 RE-13 Windows: Repair or replace? Eneiravefinv and vaIiip fnr vnuir m nnev Beverly Frosch Ask your local realtor In anitent tiitts, wiridviss wtrî as t aviîîîvîîasA daîvrs iii dweiiings. Buti tues were lîterels unies ni a waii used to contralt)hte aitînuitfliîgiîî anvd ait ibat eîtîered a boite. Appearance aitd sisie were not a cortsîderaîîon. We ve ctîtte a lonrg waas silice diteu.Ti I v-i m dows in mosi bornes comtbinîe scietuce anciteerb noloîgies [bat tîterease energv eficîeîtcs nactîc r als' reduce beaîîng and air crînditivitrg rosts. Modent mintttows nol onIs beantb ite atliear- atîce of a bomne, tev brîig snnlightîti dnrng miii ter, wbie preventîng the warniîiî rreaîed irvîr eseaîping onîdotara. Windows aisatae a htoule frviit beat dnring tbe surinter aîtd kee1u roaîed air rota escapîîtg. Wben decîdîîtg wieber 10 repaîr or replare s'onr exîsîîîîg wiridîws. begin bs roîtsîderîîîg ibeir age and ronitioni Povîris desîgned, rvîîsîrîed and placed windows cari rosit rîtes tivraunglit itat loss. Increasing efficecncy i11 yaur havee s maire titan 30 \,cars oid and stil liats tevorginalti wndvvwsvcbances arc s ur wîîv dcrws are liat keeping vavu as warnit vr as cooli as aveu-pI.tced anîd intsalled]itev.er ittadels. Buttibere are mneasures \,aut cai tiatkiitainitrase ibeir efft a ents. - [igbitntite set) arviîiid te windvms avit weatibcrstrîipîtg Titere Ira' itaîttAdilfera-int is avi saeaitber-slrîiîtg l, aaittlaltit'oir Ull n vî srrv itietaîl ,îiuîtîîtvvîiivica lis i 1)11e vol lie easîe-s Ioi appis'iss taiiig raird avihir aviîe IIairavoll1 avr (I is press te rerd itai plaire tlvin iae ai tigliti seal. * scswittdaiw ivani rade oavi isuiaied glass siîauid basve a siarit i mitdava Il s vvr batte litas sian irn ttdvs, eîtsure tes' are ni gatod contdiitin aind itistali Ibeni pratîeris beivîre tbe avid seasatî iîegîîts. \iient bvse ics ssiitler winds stan biîw- lng, bvrîb savîlattd saur iîvckeibvîvkmiii notice. - Il s vîr rhanme daesît ihase sicirin inciîws. air ibey are ini paor coinditirn, s on tan gel as5 goad arr beiter pîrotectioni usîîîgliîeas'sgauge cicar plaîstic sbeeîîîvg. Ical l îit ti viseVrvilir erosittg Avili- doiss and %o aviitae nai îexîîeîîsîve andc effective .ileritise. Replacing windows Repiaîcîng erasltig ssnivvsss avtit navre energs efficilent îîaîceis dvesn i Fhave lvi ie doanîte aiat ontte.iBegîi bs reciig te alits cansîîvg the inoasi beaî loss, sîchitas te large îc ture wiridaîss iii pIur livng anci dinîtg rinis. Repiactng miii daîws uit stagesovser a perîvî \ci ars rosis iess nu) front and st)) iticreases eriergy effîctencs Wiiili tevarit l n)wtndaiws voite mtarket idas bvrwesier, i pays ta sbaîp araîntd.iAe[ore ttaîktng a decîstaîti carîsder te riîîcîie ltypes crf wîiaîows asaiaiie. iTe rairnit muîîidaîw is ies are daubie-bung, casernent, sialliaiars, awîîîng and bhrrizountal sud- iîîg Fte'lit aIS'bctmacdc vifsvarad, aivîtnrint vr sisy ioitr avîîîibîîîaîîîîî vf luese niaiertais Alinttus ail ieatîîre însuiaîed giass andci ass îv-ciean designs tîi praîside tîgliti suais atnd crittate draitinetss. Vbeîliîr saîî uialan t siai)lte new wîndvîws vavurse) air ihave titetnit îaiied prvfesstonaiis, be sutre lovi vsîl a niutber of suppliers and sînds' ibe varions producîs attd opuctis on the inariket. You wanî lai select wîîdvnws titat augment tbe appear- alite of sonr homite, icrease energs' efiiencs and gise vOn ibe inost vaiue ivor s aur rntcnev ileveris' t rvscb 15 atniaîsard wînîîîtg sales asso- claieem'îîbRe/itax RealtiAsate (-enivre Imc ti Miltan. Real isiate questionîs abaoni bnvîng or seling, aor ideas foîrfutre articles are atisays wei- c ainaed anid ent vitaged i iniai! sonr Real Estate qnestions 10 bes'eris@frcîscb ca Five tips to help you save on your energy bis "Canadian homeowners arc aiways looking for ways t0 save moneyr ot their energy bis. They cars Iearn that a few home improvements might be ail it takes to keep their money iu their pocket," says Brett Henderson, an insu- lation expert for Owens Cornirtg Canada. In a report released last year by Natural Resonrees Canada from The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE), Canadians saved almost $4.3 billion in 2003 through energy use improve- ments in the borne. Just follow these five easy home energy savers: Use caulking t0 improve airtightness Inspect your home for drafts and pay special attention te, areas around windows and doors. Using caulking or weather stripping to seal drafts around seams, cracks and openings is a cost- effective method that cars increase com- fort in your home. Insulate your attic te, prevent energy- loss Up un 15 pet cent of y'our homes energy catt be lost îhrîungh the attc. Top np yonr attîc witeîther Pinîk Fibergias batts, or have a professional bîcîsa' iii Propîîîk Bluw'n insulaîtin. Adjust your thermostat set tings Save cncrgv hi' installing programn iable tterniîcstats. Seal loose joilnts in yotw cooling ducts BMicre tîte bail mcatcr arrises, ils-, inmpcurtantl 10 chteck scicr îcîiî'g sAs- terri eacIt\sear ifîr leaks at joinrts anud elbcî,s. Leakiîîg air ducts wtill reduce the flcuw cof cocl air throughont the hvomte, whîch na\, cause etergy costs 10 jîîmp. You have dreams to fulfili. Mortgage financing. Simple and convenient. " A 'ade blin o f fvrianq opion"i " Umpniivn vairs " lie rpannr i optioni Fiai i.ngage Fapnrisiteai yAtt dv r icp 2417 cntvact Marta Ostrowska Mobile Mvnnqann Aven alîvi te80 d 248 Cvil 4iA-254-4iA7 IMata, vtivvwkagbdtnv v What's rext* for you? Alkdtutuicss FINAL CHANGES: MIl " Naft ......JLIJR JWR NEIL OLIVER, Publisher IAN OLIVER, Group Publisher Adverising Manager Wendy McNab gReai Esiate Ree: Diane Wisfenhvime VPutihe be The Canagian Champien. 555 Iindustiai Drive .Milen, Ont. L9T tEl. e' 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 At v i r avipe .tevi ni v t ion final, in. rae veifa rAlvirapitcai er-innr.taviportion corthe avvt is vave occupeAdy vaeun rneo ev mn'ognle itni arerasvrablr ai oyane ior sgnatre wi o v ceivcrargrv ior vi nîthe vbaane ifinn advarti stanra i m i v a'i ra!te vpplicablenrarr tnn ulishr'esn'v heri n it o Qi vcaregrvnieand rijc vra i sava n t he vn t travir i ivgvv al v',r atyavn gt~r o r . to e a 'n 'a r: ny tv o i r. on i a kil'iii tA vt o nand Ft1 _,ocna TH CNDACHMPINI AP DMEDASOSRFR Close Vents to gi-est mooins \\-lieut spare rloms are sacant, close thte svents 10 avoid etterg cuse lit unnsed spaces. Remeinher 10o pen theini when voîîr guesîs are tnNited os'er 10 ensure a conifortahle stay in s'ont home. A few simple changes cars help sas'e eîteîgvaîud mote' oit cur baomeciter- gy hbis.'sitre infvrrnaticon abot houseliold tnsulatiotu and oit rednrîîug s our energy- bill is asailable online at w'w,,ýw.oxenscorning.ca, or toll-free at 1I 800-GET-PINK. -Ncass Cancida Y YMCA e. GALA

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