RE-12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 19, 2008 How to eliminate excess moisture in your bathroomn these necessary indulgences cai also lcad tu stcamny mîreors, damp walls and fogged windows - true signs of excess mois- ture and that your bathroom isn't properly ventilated. These signs of excess moisture are more than just annoy- ing, they coutd also indicate developing problems hike mold 2800 SQ FT ON PRIME WOOD LOT Absoulueîy Stunnîngi Lads oi upgades! Hardwood lios ini vng, dining & amiy rnun plus parfiaiiy in b"se mnent 4 bednunmrs, 3 bths, lage kltin and familyrorn with wakuut tu deck nues innking wods. Desgner decon isea masterpieceni See yu 9 the open house' Whr lus een M'loe n jýR R ~ 4~ WMA X SPOM IUC, IOIU S"l. Ipuo.ate 46-23&41 air quickIy and ellicicntly, rensioving potntsial pibins Iefore they invite themselves into your home. Tmdays homes are built airtight for efficîency. But that ineans moisture and aîrhewne penlutants stay where they are unless they are vented away. Eliminating excess moisture keeps your h6'me dry and cesmfortahie and cao help avoid mold and miidew Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), louigas" from construîction matenials as weli as attergens, dusi, conking vapor and what the kîds hrîng hoeme from school are more reasons why good ventilation is crtical. "Often tîmes customers are conlused hy whaî they need in order to adequately ventilate the hathrmnem," explained Matthew C ripps, product manager for bath fans ai Broan- Nulone Canada. iiusing a simple rule of thumb: one square foot equals the need nI one CFM. Therefore an average bath- room nf 100 square leet would requere a minimum of 100 CFMu to get proper ventilation." Other things to consider when huying a hath fan or home ventilation system are quiet operation, hlower power, and decorative design, or you may want something thatîs virtual- ly invisible. Conventional fans are noisier and less appealing visually than newer producîs like the Broan Quiet Sen-es Fans, Cripps added. The Quiet Senies Fans offer extremely quiet operation whîle aises cmnsumîng less energy ultimately cost- Meuic informsationiionsaht ans cinbc lound unline at -News Canada A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FOCUSING ON THE RESIDENTS OF MILTON & AREA IN FOCUSis d fre nioirthIy u ltblict dionfoi'(1!Mîlori&, S d produced bý llre Canadrrn champion. INd FOCUS is difleî'eril rtini \mir ieuspaee! l's tesigiied Io tiler soniviieliig n IN FOCUS, yon l l indl d vvde \driety of local bîisiîiessuitions, sporiing events, festivals, charitable evenls adi new business opeiigs. Residerîts of Miltoi r dieat wiII be able lo pick uii d (01W oilIN FOCUS eh locadl bnsiîiesses, t iininlttiiy ( entres andI loc;alarenas. Newer 4 bedroom home situated on a quiet crescent in a family orented neghbourhood. Warm & neutral colours thru-out, hardwood & ceramic floors. For further info contact James Oman at, www.James0man .com JAMES OMAN- DISTRESS SALES, BANK FORECLOSURES, POWER 0F SALES! FULL PAGE 10.25 x 14 inches $675 includes process colour BACK PAGE 10.25 x 14 inches $775 includes process colour 1116 PAGE 2.5 x 3.5 inches $70 includes process colour 118 PAGE 5 x 3.5 inches $125 includes process colour 5 x 7 inches $199p includes process colour 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL I 10.25 x 7 inches $365 includes process colour I FRONT BASEBAR 1/2 PAGE VERTICAL 10.25 x 3.5 inches 5 x 14 inches $299 $365 includes process colour includes process colour z!IM (anaibian qfamption 555 Industrial Dr., Milton DIANE WOLST[NHOLM[ Real Estate Sales Representative) (1litil(\Xe@m iltlicid(d irtdl dl(hmpiunl.cuml Tei: (905) 878-2341 \212 Fax: (905) 876-2364