Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 2008, p. 4

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,'54 -ý Thàônadian Chanýpion, Tuesday, '.F ebruary 19, 20 08 IU0WN W- ILIUUN BUSINESS PARK Il SECONDARY PLAN LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS WORKSHOP Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:00-9:30 pm Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Room 605 Sauta Maria Blvd., Milton 1. Background _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Business Park Il Secondary Plan wilI provide BUSINESS PARK Il detailed policies on maffers SECONDARY PLAN AREA such as land use, urban form and design, transportation, servicing, including sformwater management, and other related issues. 0Ipsraan The Study Area (See map) Busine ss Park includes the area within the1 (Phase 1) % >Milton Urban Expansion Area, l'r I- bounded by Highway 401, the Middle Branch of Sixteen Mile Creek (west edge of floodplain); Sixth Line; Centre Tributary of the Middle Branch of the Sixteen Mile Creek i (north edge of floodplain); and James Snow Parkway. 'NIf R An open house was held in She<wood s January 2008 to, review the Bi Sre background research for the Su fy oî uve study. The draft background report discussed at this meeting along with details Phase 3 Lands N relating f0 this project is posted on the Town of Milton websiteRýý,AR at www.milton.ca under the ,.sin ranAe links of "Town Hall" then BusinessPakil SecondaryPian Area "Projects" then "Business Park -- 16 Mie Ceek Aes 2 S 7 Subwaershed Bonare 1l" found in the left hand column of the website. 2. Options WVorkshop As we move forward in the secondary plan process, draft options for development cif new areas are created and open for public review and comment prior to finaîizing a preferred option that would be carried forward to the next stage of the study process. To assisf in determining the preferred option for this area, fhe public is invited to participafe in a workshop to review proposed land use and transportation options for the Business Park Il Area on Thursday, March 6, 2008. Details relating to the location and time are noted above. This is a great qpportunîty for your ideas and voice to be heard! At the workshop, following a presentation on the proposed draft options, those presenf, will work in small groups, f0 review the options and provide comments and/or develop their own variations on the options. The individual groups will then report back to, the meeting facilifator on their discussions to ensure thaf ail ideas, concerns and issues are recorded and can be considered by fthe project team. The resulfs of the workshop will provide input into the developmenf of the preferred land use and transportation option on which the Secondary Plan (a detailed policy document) will be based. AIl members of the public are invited f0 attend the workshop. However, f0 assist the Town in arrangements for the workshop, if wouîd be appreciafed if anyone wishing f0 attend couîd advise the undersigned by email, telephone or fax. 3. Public Input to the Study Public consultation is an essenfial component of the preparafion of the secondary plan and relafed studies. Members of the public wishing further information on the projecf should contact the undersigned. Members of the public, who wish f0 participafe in the secondary plan sfudy process and require notification of public meetings or other matters relafed f0 the sfudy, shouîd advise the undersigned, in wrifing. Information on the study, as weII as copies of fthe Draft Background Study document (dated January 2008) and fthe Draft Options Report (f0 be made available in early March prior f0 the workshop), are!will be available on fthe Town's websife and at the Planning and Deveîopmenf Department in the Town Hall Annex locafed at 555 Industrial Drive and af the Milon Public Library, 45 Bruce St. Wrtten submnissions are welcome at any time and should be made f0 the undersigned. However, written submissions with respect f0 the land use and transportation options should be made prior f0 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 so fhey can be considered formai inpuf into the preferred land use option f0 be devised. 4, Study Contact Ms. Angela Janzen, PoIIcy Planner Planning and Developmnent Department Town of Mlton 43 Brown Street, Mlton, Ontario, LgT 5H2 Telephone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2307 a Fax: 905-876-M04 E-mnail: angela.]anzen@mlfton.ca or bualnesspark2@mllton.ca Town holds open house Curious about tbc upcomning Milton Sports Centre expansion? The Town of Milton is inviting the public to a coînmunity open bouse next Tuesday for an updaîe on tbe expansion project and the developmnent of the adjoining community park. The session wiIl be held at tie Milton Sports C entre, 605 Santa Maria Blvd., with a presentation on the proj- ect updates at 7 p.m., lollowed hy a question and answer session. Concepts will be available at www.milton.ca alter the session. Town staff have prepared a lacîlîty fit concept for the coinmunity park, which proides for the integraton of the proposed park development wvith the future expansion of the sports.cen- tre. The plan also reflects the sites incorporation with the adjacent resi- dential lands. Tbe two projecis wîll be launched simultaneously due to their physical proximity but wilIl ollow dîflerent work plans wîtb the use of separate consuiltants. The sports centre opened in 2003 and consîsts (of two ice pads, a gymnas- tics complex, banquet hall, multi-pur- pose room, meeting rooms, concession operation, pro sbop and administrative space. Outdoor features include beach vol- leyball courts and an outdoor patio adjacent to tbe banquet bail. The facility was designed [rom tbe outsei bo allow for future expansion, witb the intention to undertake a detailed feasibilîty study in the future to conlirm the exact program needs and design required. The original design included the provision for two additional ice pads as well as letsure components such as an aquatic facility and associated ameni- ties. Elements beîng încorporated into the park include major lit basebaîl dia- rnonds and soccer fields, a practice soc- cer field, lully-accessîble playground, minor playground, spray pad, park pavilion and a multi-use field. Also being considered are a skate- board facîlity outdoor skating rink, a mnulti-use court and volleyball courts. Town's website redesigned Milton bias a new on-lhue look. The Tow'n's redesîgned websîte- www.rnilton.ca. feIatures a number of imiprovements, including enbanced menu selections that ofler easier access to infonnation, a new section that hîgh- ilights isîtor and tounism information, a community events calendar and an on-line events submission formi. Also, photographs have been added to showcase the town's cittzens, netgh- bourhoods and landmarks. The upgraded sîde replaces the ver- sion launched in the spring of 2005. f I 1'I'I01!l( -iîI/ir 11pjIII;IgJi[ij S un Wisefl Plus If you're worried thaf a drop in tht stock markef could hurt your retirement nest egg, SunWise Elife Plus, wiII provide you with a predictable income stream in refirement and a 5% annual bonus fhat cao grow your future income by a minimum of 50%/ over 10 years. If you have a portfolio over $200000, we have a greaf opftion for you whefher or flot your investmenfs are inside or oulside an RRSP. Investments Su For mare information, please contact I)ONALDSQN N IBLETT FINANCIAL GROUP www. dona Idsonnibiettf inanciai. com www.cuttaxes.ca Lie Financial Tim Nibiett, CFP CHES Helena Donaldson, CFP CLU CHF TAX EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL PLANNING Personal and Small Business ~7~ï Il5ÇM:X Mulual Funds/Segregated Funds provided thru " RE Sun Life Attirance Company of Canada. a member of the Sun Lite Fînancial groip of companiet, ts the sole istuer of the individual variable annuity cottract providing for investment in SunWîse Flife segregated funds. A description if tht key feataren of the applicable intfîvdual variableI annuity contracti n confaîned in the Information Folder SUBJECT TO ANY APPLICABLE DEATH AND MATURITY GUARANTEES. ANY AMOUNT THAT IS ALLOCATEO TO A SEGREGATEO FUNO 15 INVESTEO AT THE RISK 0F THE CONTRACT HOLOER AND MAY INCREASE OR DECREASEIN IVALUE. CI Invetments, tht CI Investments design and Harbour Advsori are regiutered frademarks of CI Investments Inc. SunWise in a regiitered trademark of Sun Lite Attirance Company if Canada. A portion of this communication paid by CI lnvetmentî mnc. 01/08.

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