Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 2008, p. 37

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 RE-9 wwmeadowtowne.com Meadowtowne Realty, Brokerage lnependent p Osned and Operated AMY& DARRYL wers- Sales Rsprountataves DUO YOD KNOW? Top 1% in Canada JOSEPH BRAZEAU WWW. MILTON-REALESTATE .COM RylLP ge oeb0,'5i rgn. 'N Il T H E BRAZEAU Josephr B azea, Virginia Blazoau Jade Nea, 905-878-8101 BA. RN SBA. IDYLLIC SETTING 4 S0 cIU 5-Dr-1 eeCýe Wglear ig aid cP rý frpn m ru wust ek& pa tD 4l8> lg I crri ebul ô2486a cin 0 wa * 10 fccd pa te/aaa sOr Dans o Bo te eek For faiher information and photos - om iNh Miton reatesttecoi 1.36 ACRES WITH WONDERFUI STONE CENTURY HOME ero, ý4e, co rrý orthe 'orr rg u'a ,c"ý à ' m 0j,rcoXs For turflier information and photos please visit. Miton-realestate.com HOUSE ON THE HILL -re vtgrec em abuos W, soM Q4utar oea nssreo M e rocr tla ntc ara Ou ta'auancr gQrarra For ftrther information and photos plose visit. Miton-rolestte.com L 12,18 ACRES Country Bungaloww etircomre pn vocy Large eot ie kchen, Formai Ire ngroom Marrer sute wîftraspirghts and ensuite. 3280 x2358 n om tn loftr Speng fed pond1 For further infonmotion and photos please visit. Mffon-rolestate.com CENTURY HOME .. .with eat in kichen. Main floor aundry. Original trim. Detached garage & dri- veshed. Endless possibilities, For krther Infomation and photos please vis/t. Mlton-ralstoe.coni CUSTOM BUILT 3 acres Cusom nbuot 6880 sa. t irh pool soc, i lac ug oe Exeption01 upgaaes rearo 5,5tien wrtt state-e5- reoart ano arr es Maint tor r narrer sU te 3 stairccuses Cariery naeroking Great RMan' 4 cor garage. For futher information ond photos ploe visit. 1 Mion-reaestate.com CENTURY HOME Stone $ bdrm w/ai tre charmof ut estet- yea" WVood ftouts hgh ceilirngs, rg prin- i oipal tas, 3 irtepi tBank barn, dlsired, dbl 1 aet garage, tennis court Creek, wnods, meaaows Incomparableý For futher Information and Mitton -rf e. ote.corn 1SOUGHT AFTER "COUNTRY SQUIRE" MODEL 4 ee ba)ckSplr raa aflnnrS mhrouagnrot ranoarelt r)er rotivr- rtgrurarrr uorrr ne sicrefra6ce. Wrk-uur 'rom min ftor amrmt ont a nu ingrounclrpool.Finmed renreutrun tncm For AherhAoefmaimxIoon - - oRaeff Vu Miiioo-reaiestoi.com Mi16.00 CE tative **Broker I

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