RE-8 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 ~r nwI ('r J Meadowtowne Realty, B,îktra. O inlpndnl-Owe and 0[irtlout 905-878-8l 1 475 M UAN $Ta 4% or . mm 0588-8101 9(oûaes. gDq(e &W~tt aaoeU" . i M4 as el. are ot ndpakig orserai cs ars.geal'gfrntprh 6a , sron l e A i Eaedn oo re uci oari bweaiaAr it and e noir lOis , rianoe srrofpp r A an c ee rteci 'o n t - Sel 'ta e or aiCiui j or COO1l S S ù ýn a-olfr Caltoh roLI-01Jserang oavr slos tel agoîcanes arltodd foa gvalto rn e ciauOOOy 5479 ,900. Torwnaptece onanudt ltn bungalow nOtudte ecrMent proectedintroeoelopmeot. The bnt u ati nrldkipecetu rrlstng onlwy 5 mhs o walkoutlocher aessdoble ar e ageeertwindpasgfurace rufarood, eaicssuro, gas fvielace -eo aerti n or wi04,I0.00.e a ela $7000 Prrocy ersnifrd nt wo of th ppov uon otS.Rul sernlVbut oan onsfieoatin s an tei fr1 an eatficlden ypd o lot tub ba unrnom, hdoblle atrod gnMi arage Very chQaind xchen om adpiced gorori Stlets onail sthî ai l kîgtee doon ista ce 0'scuuf an Mou parks.Nîcl5 dn if bugaoattcthegaaelare roeck 2 baths uveoptîoe Th e t 0f od avpaîable fua er tner de5aial ta Piaypersoaafiedt an.o$30.000 Eva oding* 805.88.101 .'fet905691-2401 In rn nehandnood losr, tecitet eWb ram arat d o 9m Mryadoaki touerd Ndh ~cnIral arcoodinm And surpasses Mos Mllir, for te Meg plis ai apytuacs îrcided, eps concept roV ne 0&Wdni r ome, prslaassallytfited asd isurtb bedron, proessmueattg tndscaWe front aod boc yards, a specllr wam and iniuing bone, prmehbouse, ptin lcaioe * NWIAWLL.. Pusiete interest rotes ends motdy puy- ~~ meals ower ter reni pride of sener- s hi p utntis deached oeur bedrsem homre aitit many rerseatîses and changes ser te loot tew e ers, raod sew ktchen mit al placsindouded, separalo dinieg ois wtit itrdwood fluera, woedberniog garage, pins 24 x28 doaciebuitdirng. W i suM, a.. ca uOniq FAMY - Few and far betweer ..donset part bungalo ota ut crh appeoi ertir ot ppelng bock- yard tr the grsrrtg amiy, double dnoewoo, Oak cuboretry tn kcher with ou appiinces inciuded, an inioihng fihed etear teel wlfth eashrnom, recetoto rom wfttt woodhumn- îngfireplace, tohulous opprtuntytgto eome pod of a tomiiy cunmunity, cimse proxirnitu o tor transportasor routes. and vmoelles uf tour-ueutn recreotiol uppodtu- rue U.I$OOaM ...oo LetsHI o Fi ln integer Hfusue!M There sno needluslaakany hur hefor it pelcln igha y&me.esgsadloal agets ian e o caeshaentofypro owfnqesshoe lsepniceang oep amenities, com ute nd preeigusila md.c Tareerereu sacea ou iae yuwl oe dianew@milîo canadi am incf 1DWm Coultor * 905-891-1148 nSLP Direct Lino 1 drm +don -huet.wellkglt murul0dng cloef0 amenitne oey & bigharugo wndows & /o tofrulcono,'! ake Maso rw/v/ 000 , nse r I cl5 apg oances mgo aby cea uielndynsor uaggparking. a ker.Soo.nnerr 0s00unaeeso rm gurfy m mork- shong cuits rmgames m, lbua aues sio ait m Cashter 905-691-1148. Renooated country homo mintes to 401/407 acceso Loon y rualasel-ýi tncunveneotyclose .46 ACREtoooMi bedroomos, bthrosmn, seporate dîning and sunny country kitchen, master hedrsorn mtb waik-oat to muti-tier deck and pond. Bsemnent uputment has 2 bedroosa 4 pc bthrsnm. bright ktchen and4living romr nfth cornet gos firepiace and aooe agrage aboan grounatou. Grceendoubt. cgarae, alkot toupato toc.ed dobe Fleible clooîog. ASK ABOUT THE NE Cait Kim Caulter 905-691-1148. locel ooitb3 renoonfeof 'DRY CLEANING BUSINESS FOR SA LE' Ii WNeil Established Depot Et Plant,. i caîr Kim.for furike, inform.ation. Sales Representative Idmscott@royallepoe.eca CLEMENS DRIE Tastefully decorated and apdaed Erocullie homteuen a que. dessrable and rarly offered sfree Fumace & eralersot '05, driveway '01, roef '99, garage door & mosl wvindlows OFifi UE ~ay 24, 2 p re ed, opdaled battis & fuornag, MM VAM Fià 24, O en w, spinkler syslen, gas bbqhlne, bedraura & full bath, parking for 4 catrs on drle Close 10 sc*taos (hsclahsg Reerh mmes.), pash & hua tails. $479900. Loveey 1239 sq ft 2nd fluor unît wth batceny. Spacieus, oper concept fluor planwdth 9' ceil- à ~ingo. Lg master features is & b-- er closaIs and ensudte wîth tub & separate shuteer. Second hedruem hou buifh onhîdeaway Morphy bed & osentf 2nd full bath. Gond sized hutcher wdth onder cooniter ighttsg, custom wîodow coveings, insahte laondry, lt & ext. swned parking spots & slsrage locher. Coeently tocated. A care rees illestyle at an altardable price. $309.900. FABKUIS STARTM HMV bove3b edru om 1274dli ba rdwo o oldrooml27sth freli- o main levd and opgraded carpet & cemrmics. Lg. master bedroom enili good stzed malk in closet & WM MM M Z4,Z'W bas great dock & s perfect for 8 h m u m Uet ertertalnîng mi prvacy & large trees. Newer curctson in a mature setlg. $279,MU.1 Sales Represer