Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 2008, p. 35

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11%YALLEàAmEL 1 Meadowtowne Realty,Brkae [Independenrly Owned and Operatcd The Canadien Champton, Tusday February 19, 2008 RE-7 S905-878-810 475 MAIN ST. là, MITN P Li , - Direct go58l6-7979 ntsBl8-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE CUMFRUKION A UKLbIENT Opportunity knocksl' Stunning 4- bedroom Oaveriral *Venice' model on cozy crescont in Dempsey Park - 2050 siq feet of comfont and style! Upgnaded mapie kitchen cab- nets and ceramic bkspish, oak stoip floors custom paint insites, huge bacKyard compiete vath interiock/iandscap- ing'shed 2nd tinor wiaikort hairony and morell 1Ask about ail the etras when you see titis beautyi 11 Ai Mon!$ u.4784101 il This lovt O~ a wonde' Walkiog I SM"U BATS AU~ atre, tran AH Y on Mfhon. UTTE mm! 4 wmho This homi 4 BEDWJOM REENPARK BEAUTVt! ety home shows pride of ownership . Locuted in defui neighbounhood and on a quiet street distance to shopping, restaurants, movie the- ansit/go station, schools, panko and Downtown 9 foot ceitings gleuming hurdwood flours, roums, main ffoon laundry room /mudroom. me has h t with nu nemi for improvements. îi eur kmaiwmyvùl» -t - sComw/aiunuis Karen Cumhy a! fu i sf.aJeJ, B EUMOtnire IOWN HOUSE If you have a similar property and want to get ht sold fast call Karen today! M Tisera is no need ltoutok n foudser for the periut .19h borhsuud à home. Our local agents con help yne tocate a haome with oser one unique home styte, pice rngne, ameniies, commutes undt neighbourn n d. Bem Homes Real Estae Section 15 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Cali 905-878-2341, X212 to meerveypusrsae *Sales Representative **Broker J We cou ausit SYom ln Engith Uralulan t5neeuk Roias or Poligh. Ie m tu the 'lob Il-dM ~UbI

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