The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 RE- RELI 878-7777 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON Chances are we'Ire goîng to sefi your home. Why Not Cali Us Fîrst THE Si F AeMTe ae R AM N a r Tf SAw UlE mDEr. a o Mozzarella Skillet Spaghetti Here is a great recipe to trv wth vour cooking club. Its a one-pot meal that covers ail four food groups, and the kids xiii love the creamN, Mozzarcila taste. t vields 12 serings so everyone can take some Seive with crusty whole wheat brcad and a green salaL 2 ibs extra lean or lean ground beef 3 cioves garhic, rinced 4 cups sliced mushrooms 2 cup's chopped onion 5( 2 cups chopped green pepper 5( 1 thxp dried Italian scasoning 1 1/2 tsp sait 2 catis k28 oz/796m1i) diced tomatocx, mnc uding jttc e 2 cups xater 3 Cops biolcen spaghetti7 2 th-,ip halsainic oi rcd xvtinc x inegai 3 cuips shreddcd C anaclian M:a ciceec 5( 1/2 cup giateci t.anadiani Parnicsani hlcese i choppcd frcsh basil ( optionai) home. Kecp io covered in the f ridge for up to 2 days or ireeze serving size containers for up to 1 month. Thaw in refrîgerator overnight and reheat in microwave or gentiv on stove top. Colby Mcaroni Shillet 1 kg 3 1iL 15 miL 50 ML 350 MI- 310 11L 500 mL i In a large xvtidccep skiiet or largec pot hi owxn bcdf oser nmecitutu hiogh heu. hreaktng ctp beef \\ith a -spooný clitoiotri\ lai \cfci ai lic, mcshroorntx 010 n eoýgcc lpcpic i. I taliaîx scasotng anci sait. Cooks- tilt1-1111 cc siîonalv. lorahocut 5 mntîes or cittil s cgctatices haxe so fie nci. 2. Stir in ciced toînatoes xx ater and bi oken spaghiettil brin,, to hoil. Rcduce hecat. cover and sîmmer, strrtng occasuonals. for abocut 15 mtntîtes or untîl pasta is ten- der. Remove froni heat, stir in haisanxîc vînegarinioz- zareila anci Parmesan cheese; stir untii cheese us meiîed. Serve sprinkied with fresh hasil (if using). Substitute 3 cups (750 mL) uncooked eibow macaroni for bro- ken spaghetti. Omit dried Italian seasoning; substitute 1 îbsp (15 mL) Worcestershire sauce. Substitute 3 cups (500 mL) Canadian Coiby cheese for Canadian Mozzarella cheese. Serves 12 Prep time- 25 minutes Cooking lime- 35 to 40 minuLcts ',ource: w vxxx - es Coîtoda J' Are you connected to your community? Get al the newvs f rom Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on your schedule. e