RE-2- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Il ~K2~Ifl~> ETATE sChances are we'Ire going to self your home. Why Not Cal! Us First? Carol Brooks, PERSONAL KNOWLEOGEABî E W4NBYNSERVICE A HOME IN PIlJONa SURROUNDIO MRUL ARAS CAROL M. BROOKS* P&WuaotwnSalas Aaaanl »eur frthyp2i3. à,imAXtajm Lei ,49 JUlST LISTED Lovely 3 bedroom limberfea home located on a quiet court malking distance fo numerous ochoolo, parks and bike patho. Pride of omnerohip os evideni fhroughoui mii h namerono upgrades and improvemenis. A tuf y finished tomer level provideo; an additional 4 pc. bathroom, office and morlisut room. Tht rear yard han bes profeooionally landscaped and includes a largo cedar deck and o fslly tenced. The double drive io enviable. This home mould suit the mosi discriminafing boyers. $319,900. Cali Carol Brooks Sales Rs; for vour porsonai tour. Greut isseoiment possibilify. Thés ~ moîl cured toi homo mould deully BAba -Y A AIE suit s largo or etesdod tumily or .- 3 bedrocen bungalow iih large tumily. nees pc a lénarté main floor tamily room, est-in nîze k ichen, gleaming relia- entray.eTo heecond l50Pthi0 .ished hardoosd floors, ouporate snde enfrance tf0 totallint pîséde ssryténgyo sed ti pévau lség suco Louto ~ished recreation rosua, 2 bathroomo, gus frepluce and mach the houri ot Olde Mlo consasnnt to shopo, uchouls, instaurants more. This atractive brick home is buisg ottered for sale for and parlis. Ample pusoli parking and as uOuached 2 car garage. tht tirai ime by the original omner and os sifuated on a large There s great salue ès thés property Iisiad ai $397,000. Cai Carat corner lot and ifhin maiking distance f0 ail convesiences. Brooks Saies, Rp te vtew. Walking Diutance ta Ail Conveniences $389,000 v ,~/if >1, I 'III 1/ t, Llndsy J. Mike McLaren Morgan, s Satan Rprastattéet romkar BACK TO THE WVALKING TRAIL Fabulous Mattamy Newgate model boasting Af rîcan Rosewood hardwood in livingdînîng and family roomns. Huge entertaîning ktchen with island overlooking the family room with fireplace and entertainment niche. Rec. moom vast deck and hot tub on premniumn lot. Just listed CailiMb $410000 BROOKVILLE ESTATES Situated inuagui estte dnselspment iust minuts -nonS th oft01uticampilîsil . Thés asîseous mansi home has been tssmngly cred toi und miitalned. and shows flua a modul home. Tht home tetures separase L-at, Muis fluai iumily tm with gos FP, a libraiy, ichen mOs mw/o to dnck & guzebo, 4 bdins. 2.5 bathis, tnc Rtm OS Gos FP, Main tuair lauudry, hobby and turosu tms, central air & suc, Hfi Es. Gos Hat, cîsmi Mouldisg, teveled gaus trench dDoun. upgradtd loorisg, 3 cr atiacheli & 2 crtdettchtd garagn, .78 acre lo, muicuieli lamas & gaidens, sprinker sstan & nuch moto. IMM5 OETAILS ON TRIS «MUST SE HOME PLEut CALI UNOSAY MCLAEN. ASKîNS $849000. -N'~~A K... watch fte kids play from the luxurious kitchen wittt extended mnaple cabinets and granite couniters while enjoying the fireplace with cusfom où mantle in the famnily room. Four spacious bedroomns and three washroomns upstairs, marble counfers, master glass shoaner and soaker tub. Nîne foot ceilings, central air and prerniurn lot. Just listed. Calli Mi. $529,900.' Grand 2 stsry four hedroon home, nestie i ntona smo acre escarpment s ettoing. Barzotti oak ktchon cabinets with granite caorters, brazilian chery andi siate floornng, separate dining moon to sidIl open fireplace in family ad sun romo.Stunnnéng weeping oaahstaîrcuon andl lxariaus ensite. Streum rtaing through the mature, treed lot. $9,90. CAL ME. 04 Qe0G granite couniters enhance this fabulues kitchen wth hogeuat-in -area spenéng tu the tamiy roun. Enileso teaturen include 9 faut main level cilings,hardwoad, ceramics, sali otircaut, 3 fu wanhroumo upsairs and imo staiscases ta hatement. Rlagsont front watt pfut ntenrc, igypmyjnj are benus features. Juot lied.ç IE p , uverlneking the I~1iLMtilPend and The Eocarpmtnt. Ont ut tht muni deoireh cotdominiums ta Milita, boasting 1300 square teet ut bnight, open design. Twu bedraumo, ima baihrooeîao, large breakfast area plus a owimming pool and esercite raam. Cli Mtk ... $299,9W0 VILLAGE ' FARMHOUSE Nestlnd anongut tht pnes and with nausi mapéenedoudriva thns cira ta1t Paînhousa stntped inihstory we5h tie chaîn & chracini t a century tarmhouse s lsuatnd un the wst sida ut the hamit ot camphasuvillt und teaturnu. Lt, DR, Et-fs kitchon, Dea, 2 baths and more. ttdh sont itiosations aid tht kichan on sie eady Io be installtd. This ont is idnal ftielnPrudent nusto, as teropetis =5ape by tht piatigious siata dnsaopnent oai"tridltwood Esians lavalua is suet tubaenhticad turthas. CAL LIND3SAY MCLAEN. ASKING $479.000111. I BURLINGTON 4-PLFY Great chance af owning yoar own multi unit b u ild in g. - Located in a great area close f0 shopping, highways, public transportation. Four gond sized unifs in a weIl cared foi building. CALL LINDSAY MCLAREN. Wus $4U.1. OW sl BULL CURRIE* Sales Rapresentativa R F/M W, STATC ENTRE ~a~878-4944 5 l Cotc i ure tu view th is spacous ho einalw raffc aiea of iown Faue nldv eal in Kiceii combe, . . . . . . . LR/R fi il d FK Rhý 2 wasiiioms, uprddwnows,,cnuaavi,& double crvva e ie céssisg. OOaned ai $349,90na Walk tv urladt the end ot court. Go a,. =Transit & shovîs vearby. Hvme viters 3 bedivsms, 2 wvshrsvms, eut-iv Kot comho LR & DR wîth w/v lv dsck. Large FR wîth FP c/A, vygraded wîv- doms, shingles, & electrical pavai. Al thés plus an I/G pool!! Liiad ai $3sY1-900. Cati SBitlCuris. ALL T HS CAN RE YOIJRSI! Lucvted in a low traOèic ares, thés îmmacslvte home s méhés malièg dis- sace of ochosîs & paiS and. Othor tes- tu res isclsdo 3 hodroons plus Nursery, 2 washîsoms, separate DR4, formaI LR mOSh w/o to large dock, hvight val in KtchOs, NO, & tèsshed Rf AIl rhsusn a50' X 120' loi. Cali oBitaIo iawtt Aatuiao $359.900. LIVING SAE - T You'li ho èmproouod with this 3 + 1 bed- rosn sylîl level lhone. unes complote m large vat-és Ktchen, combs LR & .D R, FR witA FP & w/o lu cedar dock. R I muA bar. 2 tul hathis. C/A, CNac & pies- - vi pvrloèng. Ovl fll to 010w. ilokiti SEF FOR MtLES!H -\ Great Condo with 2 bedroomns, 2 bat hs, a.combination LR/DR, large etf-in usKitchen, 2 parking spaces. Ail wifh a panloramnic vieW of gardons, Mili Pond, the escarpmienit, and downitown Milton. Offlered at $289,900. UNIQUE COUeNRV qyPROPERIY , Rural 9-acre prsperty cumploto 0, wîth 3-bodroun bungalow plus delached lnome home, heated sulbuildîng miii 2 wmoos, téoli hatchery, tmo spring-tod pods, 4 nouls and gsod location. Asking $749000. Contact Bilt Curtis ai 905-878-4944. taUNIMIiiPLtRAL ZUI tNt WIUI OPTIONS 1/2 acre commercial prsperoy mth iscomo. Oflerad ai $459,900. 2 acre commercial prspeity mth fourinécomes. Oftarod al $1,800,000. Catl illBut Com ai 905-878-4944 for luriher inter- malien. rI I I i