Committee gives power plant riblçà TransCanada Energys (TCF) tequesi to instali underground bydro transmission cahies aiong Sixth Lmne [or the power plant its building in Haiton His, ncai the Milton border, has received an initial stamip of appros ai The loxs'nt's communitvs setv ices corniTittec endorsed a rnotion lasi xveck to exicute an agreement beiween 3 C E andi the Town to mnake an uinder- grounti cicriîicai connect ion to Hvdro One on the local sidleroad. "f CF was axaided a 2O-y car conirac t 1w the Ointario Power Actîhortuv to buici a 680- megawatt, natriral gas-it ec gen- erating station on Siecies Avenue, west of- SÈxth 1i une. NWork slated for summer The cabies aTieeded b ion- neci the plant to the ovetiad transmissiontin uns hai i un par- alîci to ihe ri alroad trac ks i Miltoni ihe work is siaied loi ibis sunrer. It wîli be up to rCI 10o instail a new asphait sui-ate foi the crntire width of the ioadway \Vaicl ICounilot Rick Day aslkcd if i CF is covering the ion ns costs for woi k on the agreemnent, to which he was told y es. Wvard', i andi 3 C oun ilior Barry' I c e ue(lsted that the n cilsn ithe area bc rnonitored for any iiuientiai negative imupactis arising tronii the cahle inistallation. The minier xiii bc on townvi council's agenda Monclav i eh. 25. Clerk threatened with hammer Robber holds up Subway A hammer was used to tbreaten an emnpiovee during a robbery Thursday nîghî at a Subway restaurant. Police said that shorîiv alter 9 pin iwo maies entered the restaurant on Main Street [ast, jusi wesî of Ontario Street. Onme of the maies proceeded ici ibreaten the 16- year-old female employee wîîh a hammer, anti she turned over a undisclosed amount of cash [rom the regîsier. Boih suspects fled the store through a rear entrance. There xx'eie nt)injunies. Boih stispcis were svearing ski miasks tî dis- guise ibeit identitis and were cressed in dark cioihing. The suspect wiib the hainer is described as a white maie about six [cet taîl. Anvone %viih information is asked iii caîl police ai (905) 825-4777 tir (905) 634-1831, ext. 2415 or Cnine Sioppers au 1-800 222 UIPS (8477). PC" A = WC,,77 Town council to address matter Eeb. 25 I