I'fie Ohd~CimioTe~ ebrtiarj i, 2008 - 'W25 chamxxpionTLriacks AROUND THE WORLD: Ciockwise from top ieft: From ieft, Jessica Nadalin, Athena Nadalin, Charlotte Tilstra and Brittany Tistra show a copy of the Champion in front of the pic- turesque view of Ei Archo at Land's End in Cabo San Lucas. Kim and Peter Roome keep up to date on their hometown news dur- ing their holiday vacation in Nayarit, Mexico. The Lysenko family - nciuding (from ieft) Camilia, Mula, Kasia and Andrew - visits La Ceiba, Honduras. From ieft, Debra Mayes joins friends Pat Verrai, Brad Bridge, Mike Wînney, Dale, Lorriane and Kristen isnor on the beach in Rncon de Guayabitos, Mexico. Those înterested n submitting a photo for Champion Tracks can do so by e-mail- îng it to mitoned@haitonsearch.com. Be sure to inciude destina- tion information and everyone's name. G L1TZ JO'LEEN'015CLOSINGI1 Our Lease has xie. RA KFRO STORE' miwr~1 fl UP MILTON MALL 905-878-94461 0CASUAL a CLASSIC