20 - Thq Canaqýita Çýan pionTusýy Feb3rt.pry 1P 2.0Qe Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampioncom e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57v Mo.ta Fr. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ali classified ads also appear an www.haltonsearch.com: 0 Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad nubmîonîon by mail or in persono- The Canadiani Champion. 555 Indunfrial Drive, Side Donc. od PIot. Milton, ON L$T 5E1 Deadileen: Mon., 11 a.m., for Tues. publication, Thurs, il a m.- for Fri. publication, Spocial Feafure & Holiday deadlines may oary. Paymeet: 80e accept cash, cheque. lnterac, Vina, MaterCard. American Exprens.Ail ads piaced are nen-refundable and ne credit wilI be issued. Businenn accnurts cao Se opened with an approved credît application available from ynur Sales Consultant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ennure the information i0 cnrrect. Contact yoxr Sales Connulfant wthîn 24-Hnurs if an error appears. An error in a Fri. pxblicafion mont $8 reported non lafer f500 Mon., 11 a.m. BIRTHDAY CeaiF«dal oss For Sale bn FrCeUS ed it roo of2homesCONSOlIaTle batbr o on tor sale n 95dredit,3a/ mo t 805-8753530 oed 1es Mrtggee dm1y pa Y rPorm n tarn-îde Fîacil or *Vd~l Indutrial poraoans83779 SP CIU -rom 2 SueclalLDA MîLTON for leasa 4000 sq. 1 Mcin St. expxsure. across rom GO Station. Cal 905-875-9500. oorunities- Unique IOpportunI I Must 588! IWork omrhomOffce * arttme/Fx O-tme over and over aganr Fad eekly Cli Nadia: 416-527-0523 JOB ar home. $49785 Pleely Assemble Prod- vers. Mail or Computes Work. Free Derals cxc.TopJobReview.con wrIn CHRJos: 372 Ri- deauvSir 09t8-AtO Ottawa ON, CrS 107 1-800-351- 5120 rfssional Dirctory ERASE Your Crîmînal Record. We succeed chere xur competîtion car . e gise tree con- sulrations. Our cxst just $475. Apply online ccc gooernmenrpar- ioes.ca Cal Robyn 1-800- 298-5520 k Aar"ments & Fats For Reni DOWNTOWN MILTON MiaidsTemsr 82 Mitaid Dites. Atracive quiet building. Spacious bnight dlean 18&2 bedroon units c laundry tacility and soeial room xn site. Regular resident evants Open 7 daya & eanings Cati 905876-1249 wwwrststar.era MLTON 3-bedrovm apart- mert nclxdes yard. t OOsoq O Frdge/stxve. parking. St .200/mth + utlties, pets uhay Auailahle îmmedîately. 900-80416807. ACTON bachelnt apari- mers in quiet 8 plen. reno- oated, laundry and parking. $Shîmonrth inclusive. Avalable Match lot. Cati 900-873382 ACTON hucholor uyart- ment. Friage, 5100eOC. 5890/monitS inclusive, Avalable March lt Cal 416-710-1K ACTON, 2-bedînxîîî eci, dlean, s5acoun uarge yard, parking. 4-uppliances. no pets preterred. $gOSlmnnth plus utlties. Avalable Aprillot. Cal 519-855-3223. GEORGETOWN t -bed- room apartmert in small, cdean., quiet building. No smxkerslpets. One parhing spot. Aailable Aprîl lSth. 905-877-8839, celI 416- e60-8639. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- rsxnn, beautitul. brîght cem- pletely tenoated in quiet building. Walkts 10GO. Parh- ng. $785/month plus utlities. Aadlabte Match lot. Firstlast. Steve 519- 3070189. GEORGETOWN, gorgeous 2-bedroom wth balcony Near enerything. Rare tand- lord. cal Sean 847-268- 3753. ROCKWOOD t asd 2-bed- roxm aparmeets axalable inhistoric building in Rock- cxxd. Startîng at $7lslmxnth plus utlties. Caîl Elizabeth DoelI. Sales Rep. Johnson Associates Haftne Ltd. 905-8775165. Towwnoses MLTON Nec 3-bedrnom townhouse. finshed base- ment. 5-appliances, A/C. $t .500/mth + utlties. Aoalabe smmedîalelp. Contact Paul 416-230- 1862. OAKSrLLE- 283 bedroo tomnhose avalable nm medîately hrnugh Match lti 4 appliances. Hope- date Mail ares. Laeshore Management 905-876- 3336 MILTON large room. new curpetîng, counry hnme, hared ktcher ara bath- rnnm. MaIe prelerred. 4O/Guelph Lireý $450/mth/$t 2hlceek 905- 854-0309. MILTON ronm lot ret, $420/mth înicludîng utlties. Caîl 905-878-3832 ask fot Nids. *uusimmiiuy iui905.878.2341Ž ~ MMAomodaton MLTON 2 ronms axailable in Stand nec 4-bedrasm house, SerrylOntarîx area. $480/mth l-nclusîoe. 416-825-4019. DAYCARE aoailable wth experienxed prooider Fun eamîing enorxonmert. Flexible schedule. 1 toddler space available. 905-875-780 OCCASIONAL naregîxer wasted for t intant in our home durîng daytîme. apprnx. 4-6 hours. 1-2 tîmes ceeh. Thxmpsvn/Clark area. Experience requîred. 905876-3348. M nMmoriam Birdayv j h davy j (-\ýHAPPY jS«T BIRTHDAY ýDARIUS EDWARDS rES 20, 2008 WHOSE EYES SPARICLE LIKE THE STARS? WHOSE SMILE OUTSHINES THE SUN? WHO'S SKIN US SOFT AS MOON-GLOW? OUR PRECIOUS LITrLE DARIUS HAS JUST TURNED V!! HAPPY 1STBIRflIIYTOY OUR UTRE HUARKNE' 11315OF 1114E. HUG & KISSES FROM MOM0Y WMDU & EI.IIAH GRA-4& mM100! Markt Basket BEAUTIFUL Alfred Angelo Medieval Style white ced- ding dress for sale. Paid $1400 asking $450, Size 18 Perfect condition. n- clndes oeil. Picture can be provided through e-mail. Caîl Sarah ini Georgeonn 647-208-2378 or e-mail sarairbi t1teogeonca. Artcls FrSuie POOL table, protessional satns citt eoery upgrade. l' slate.$800 crth ot ac- cessnties. Brand nee in box. Cosi $8.000, must sali $,5W. 818-722-4077. DANBY 80 SottIe aine cooler $250, SunbeatnSot & cold coter dispenser $50. Kenmote dehumidirer $1 50 OShent freezer 7 cu fL $165. Maple table leat & 4 chars $200. Canio cabi- net mrrored, glass shelves with plate grooves $80. Caîl 905-864-8983. A Kng or Oseen Orthope- dic mattress set. Nec in plastic. Warrantyi Cost $1800. Sacifce kng $550, Oseen $295. 905-567- 9459. A King or Oxeen Orttixpe- dîc matress set. New i plastic. Warranly. CosI $1800. Sacrifice king $550, Qi een $295. 905-567- 9459, 0 I Meoam AUNTI JO Feb. 20/07 Hard ru helieve it's been a vear A rear iof changes arte mans tears Aithcîugh vou are gene T hc niemorler me Wholel iaimasslice on Missîng y-o and forever remerntering s-nu Love Cindy & Shame Joanne Margaret Macleod leb 202007 Yox wiii forever be ixn ur thougirîs and onur heurts and Invingis- remenrbeeed and neyer forgotien Love Guy and Jesh For Sale CARPET I hase severd 1000 yands ot sec tan Master & 1013%/ nylxn ilatpet. Will do lvng txom & hall Sfor$389Incides carpet. pad & installabon (30 yards) Steve. 905-833-8192 OEOROOM Chertywoo. Bed, dresser, oirror, chesi. nîxhtstand. nec. in bnxes. Oooetail construction. cosr $7080, Oel $150. Dning- room t1 pince Cherry. New. Cont $8000. Oel $t900. 905-587402. POOL Table, Btand Newm stîll ibox. Solîd Wxod, tl"Sate, Ail Accessories. Cot $6.70. SelI $1,950.950304-9994 AriceWaned BEST Cash$ Paid- Att Jewettery, Gcid, Siteer, tiamonda, China, Crpa- WaWtnde0 FAS! and Furixus. North- COOKSVILLE Auto Wtech- umherland Motrspxrt ers, scrap cars, trucki te- Show 2008, vendor spcce moxai, cash. f lat bed set- avaîlahîx torm Match 29th vice, t1-000-433-7359. -3th, Cars. bikeshboats, Ownorships processed ATVs, Ifil races, thîs is the Properly show lot you! Cal ern i e 905-373-7355, ext 234 or I!lHm emaîl kmcgnxernianotth E IHmOprovements umbe/landnecs.com ____________ 0 Car oSale TOYOTA Cvrvlla 4-dnvn Sedan. gnod corkîng con- diton, $2.000. 050 Asis, Caîl 905-870-7335. 1999 Mazda 828. Eacellent condition, Certîlîad. Lxw mleage. Caîl 905-877- 1040. c e~er Trning m rerTrining - I ~~~~ski, Aitlantictq ufrnish Ne eptteîn nt iae tees, rt, oCectibiee, Ne epUS tn ntoaTae ~~~~ ~~~etc. Ettate SpCtilatseNxetneNcsaj Arice Top Cash. Ct John/NoEpec cmy W For Sale Tracy 905-331-2477 Pre-Apprenticeship Training as a HO!r Tub (Spa) Cosers best Truck& Coach Mechanic pneur. hatqaldAl 865- ~sCmi IhOYMCA Carmer Develapmnegt & x00 Caîl.t-888-505- ce & Leammng Centre 0050 thexneruy.a s*h t(905) 661-1140 ta onter todmyl HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand nec www.ymcacareerdeeopmesgîon.ca 2007 model w/aIl xptions, asd nover SNIiOn crapper. This Pre-apprenficeshîp Traning Program is Cost $9150., Sacritice s fundeei y the Governmeef of Ontario. $4250. CalI 905-971-t777 __________________ 1-- us -amCm ar Put-you rseW Ivanhoe Cambridge Cisse de pôt et plaement du iQuébec tgmnhoe Cambridge is a Canadian- based intemnational ceai essaie owner, manager, deveixper and investor whone activties focun on regional and super-regîoal shopping centres 0f the highenf qxalify. It xffers more 8-ani 70 weicoming. enferiaining and dynamic shopping destinations n Canada, the United States, Brazîl and Europe, incloding the il K., n addition tn its presence in Asîx. Join a cnmpany 8-at han beer recngnîzed as onre0f the 50 BesP Empioyers in Canada for 8-e foarth year in a row. and ad8ance yoxr career in an excîtîng envlrxniment where întxgrity and respect, the drive to xstiperfonn, seroice excellence, txamwxrh and innovation are hîghty vaaied. 5iEST Accounts Administrator Mapleview Shopping Centre Eesponsibie for accounts payable, accouets receivabie, collections, and Iease administration, yoar specific dufies will ncl ode precessing invoces, adju$ting tenants' accounts, preparing accounf statements, reconcîling rent col/fesse document changes, as 90811 as verifying year-end reaity tax. Vea wiII also help prepare and analyze budgets and reports. The successful candidate ha$ at Ieast 2 years ot related indusfry experience with an emphasis on acceuntingl boekkeeping. Excellent organizational, mathematîcal and communication skills are required, as is a basic understanding of lease interpretation. sfrong Word & Excel skîlls and the ability to work wel11in a deadline-driven workplace. Post secondary educafion in Business and knowledge of JD Edwards is preferred. Please torward your resume, no later than February 27, 2008, f0: Mapieview Shopping Centre, 900 Maple Ave., Burlington, OHNLUS 238; Email: HR@ivanhoecmbridge.com www.ivanhoecambridge.com MM HARDWOOD FLOORS S 1 .49/sq.ft, F, ý-î! 1 - 25-3579, tc) Place 'in ad Ca Il 905.878.2341 irbe Caitiifiaii Cluiiiiýon 1