Drury qualifies fine The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - A19 BR ekes out quarterlinal win for UI-MAM Tie host Bishop Ryan for top spot ait GHAC E.C. Drurys powerhouse wrestling îeam delivered anoîher golden per- formance ai the Golden Horsesboe Atbletie Conference (GHAC) champi- onships Thursday in Hamilton. Only ibis time they bad to share tbe glow of viciory Finisbing in a dead-heat with bost Bishop Ryan aiop the îeam standings - witb 121 points apiece - tbe Spartans won [bye tilles and qualifhed nine for OFSAA nexi week in Caledonia. Thats just one less than lasi year, wben îhey felI a measly one point sby of a championship repeat. Leading the way witb ibeir tbird GHAC titîles were Bobby Fillioan aînd KeNin lwasa-Madge. Doninaîing îlot 51 kg division, Fîllmaîo went 4-0 witi tsvo pins lis reigîo suprernot I-e now bas 1 5 mîedals tbis stasoto, tht thîrd hîghesî total tîo teaito blstoiy Thet defeîodîîg 1.31SA. cliaioop. Issasa-Madges iriioopih gave loîîo 13 golds for îlot vear andt hoostedIf is carter win coiot lis 257 - ying hino ih Chrîs Frite for tht all-tînot Di nix lead. Ht and co-capîaîîo Mac Fîllîooaîo boîb in their final G HA C appearance cruised îbrougb lis tht 61 kg finals, where lwasa-Madge scoîed tht decîsion over bis longîime strimnoage pannrer Instali Snioke Alarms I's The Law. wrestii ng The silver medal gives Fillman his fourtb trip to OFSAA - wîîh the top- two finishers advancing - while Iwasa-Madge wilI be makmng bis fifth straigbt tp to Ontario high school wrestling's innermosi sanctum. Three other Spartans captured their first-ever GHAC tities. Among themn was red-hot Jared Robh, who's struck gold at bis last three meets - including the recent juvenile provincials. He gave a standout per- formance in the 77kg class, witb two pins highlighting a 4-0 day. Also comîng into bis own, Ranhir Hans went 4-0 as well to reach the top of the podium among 47.5kg grapplers, wbile 57.5kg competitor Duncan Moffat baîtled back rom a firsî-round overtime loss for a narrow decision againsi host rival Fadis Georges nii one of the nicet-s inosi antipated finals. Roonding ont Drury'. QI- SAA qoali fyng contngent w~ith sîlver-iotedal efforts werc Blair Norland (84kg) and î00lkîes bris 'Vatas-l lediman (q5kg) and ]cil Snclair, whi went antîot- standilng 3-I1 nitalss s stough 67. )kg clhisimn. -ise s'eat vetet an Ntck Ronan feli 31151 short of' reaching QI-SA7A with a third-place finish -dropping twý,o close matches to I lainilton wtresîlers while also claiming bronze was Micbael Md .ellan. Drury will now %sye for its Il tb straigbî QFSAA team mnedal. favoured Loyola Hawks Talk about coming tbrough under ire. Teetering on the brink of elimination in Qakville Tbursday afternoon - wiîb jusi one more slip pushing them over the edge in a do-or- die quarterfinal tiebreaker - Bisbop Reding's junior girls volleyball team reeled off five unan- swered points to eclipse the [avoured Loyola Hawks 16-14. Composing herself after a few nerve-induced moments earlier on, lone ninth grade starter Lauren Furik delivered a couple of buge serves at cruncb time, while the entire front-fine attack fortified its efforts to book passage to the semis. "'m 50 excited for îhem. 1 bave asked a lot of tbem this season and tbey've always been willing Young gymnast qual Jonatban Scrpnîck bas puncbed lots ticket to the provincial cbanmpi- onships. Milîons eîghî year-olcl gyrnnast - a nimbner of Missîssaugas Futres C lob -Iookeclpassage 1(1 Ontario 1 evel 1 mn arîîsîîc showcase wiîb an alI-arottidt sec otîc-place performsancte ai îlot sec ondtIof ibrcet c1alifyttog tootts et tntly 10i ntinsor. U-pgracing îtheovtral l otrtb be setored in Ottawa ioDeteisoloti Jonath Scripni J onathiano ook top boîootrs on rings anod struck silver ono boîlo îlo floor anod parallel bars to grab the iumber îwo spot. Enjoyiîog an impressive transition lroioo bis str(Ing pre-tompetinive days,ît youiog gynioasî lias 010e more qualifyîng toseel 10 go -ibougb it kidcocît. lots s c e tec o seocLIStCt ail y tai alla neyer given up. This group of young ladies bas 50 much heart." Some big kills and impressive coverage by Jelaina Whitney and another exceptional aIl- around effort by Devan OConnor - the stand- oui of first-round play - highlighted Reding's quarterfinal triumph. Loyola forced a tiebreaker wiîb a 25-20 sec- ond set after the Royals took gamne one 25-23 - mounting an early lead and hanging to put themselves in position for the upset. BR will now need to play giant killer in order to reach Thursdays Halton championship at Sheridan College, wiîh ihe unheaten power- bouse Assumption Cnasaders of Burlington standing in their way thîs aftemnoon. 1f les for provincials îsn't necessary for advancement - early next montb in Fast York before bis provincial debut April 4 to 6 in Mississauga. ' Meanwhile, Fotures club-mate and Iel- S low Miltinan Keanri Nunes 16 back ni the cbampionsbip butot after an injury sidelined bînt for tbe itnitial qualifier Tbe 12 sear old I evel 4 gymnasi îoaîched lonaîbatos second plate finish n an \\ îîdsoi, thanks to inclîvocual wîns on ick rings, vauli and parallel bars. HelI need anoîher top-six finisb ai Fast York to qualify for the Ontario champîonsbîps. Keanu bas medaled ai provmncials tbe lasi îhree years - wiib two golds and a silver - aînd prevailed ai lasi spring's easteni nationals in St- John's, New Brunswick. n Tmbits Hockey, kds Iearn that theres more to hockey than îust playing the game. It's also a fun way to make new friends and dicover a love for the game. Tm Hortons is proud to support the 140 cfildren who play Timbits Hock<ey in Mlton - where mal<îng new frienda, and dscovering a love for the game is ail part of the drill. The first geai is havng fun. r.- -l. ,,.2007 Test the newest equipment at the Ali-New vy Manufacturers Showcase on 2 HUGE indoor ranges! /iul ODYS8EY - NIKEQOCLF&ý- F Gýý !AL%4SOXF UNf 5,000 FREE ROUNDS OF ONTARIO GOLF TO BE GIVEN AWAY! Visit the Adissio: FREEPUTTER Lessons&Demos :dt$5d,,~1 tu' ,tothefirst wwuh .E i thau 200 kids daîly' ! pr Daiytahm svaî,dm îîhouîý yweîîShm Hoiit'- Sunday 1 8a10 -6 1 3-lt t o înei lresiidi* PisyStation Sîîî-y10 1. 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