A18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 wnwrvà ORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANO e-mail sleblanc@&haltonsearch.com ÀAlilovic making stri"des with Cape Breton ~ Freshman showing strongly in early development with powexhouse Capers PHOTO COURTESY 0F VAUGHAN MERCHANT HOLDING COURT AI Ailovic goes Up for a shot in action with the Cape Breton University Capers. By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF For AI Alilovic, the road to a uni- versity starting position didn't have to be a difficult one. Among his options this time last year were the rebuilding York Yeomen - a move that flot onlv would have allowed him to stay close to home and keep playing with Madd Dawg teammates Dalton Olînoski and Nathan Carter, but would have likely made him an instant first stringer. But the path of least resistance wasn't one the 18-year-old Miltonian cared to travel. "Yeah Id have got more playing time at York, but I liked this place and higured it was best for my long-term development,' saîd tbe six- foo t-six- inch, 200-pounder, now in the late stages of his fresbman year with Nova Scotias Cape Breton Capers. Optîng to join a perennmal contender - one that wAth just thre.e games remaining at holiday press time (Fniday aftemnoon) was ranked among the CIS's top-1O and held down top spot in the Atlantic conference - meant the bigh sebool and club star bas had to temporarily sheif bis ifelong tenure in the spotlight. Tough adjustment And Alilovic readily admits that hasn't always been easy "Having been a go-to guy for s0 long, there were times early in the year when Id get upset with only seeing a few minutes of a game. I just had to keep remindmng myself that I'm a rookie and right now its about leamning and improvrng." The Bishop Reding graduate didn't get too comfortable riding the bench tbrougb the early part of the season, however, as a couple of injuries tbrust him into the start- ing ineup for a four-game stretch in November. 'That first game against Memorial was pretty nerve-wracking, ail rigbt" reealled Alilovie, who helped Reding to four straight trips to the Halton finals. Tbe Cape Breton rookie managed to har- ness that anxîety enough to bit double-dig- its that night - something bes managed fiye other tîmes this season. And while an eventual return to the supportîng cast ranks has meant limited court tîme, tbe towening lorward îs staying positive - realizing that hecoming a Capers starter is more about baby steps than a giant leap. Right now I'm a role player," saîd Alîlovic, wbo's averaging five-and-a-balf points and 14 minutes a game - with bis rookie season so far bigbîighted by a 15- point, six-rebound effort in an 87-85 win over bost PEI in the finals of Octobers Mickey Place Toumnament. -My jobs to bus- de, belp the other guys and leamn. Ive still got work to do to, be able to keep up witb the speed of tbis level, but I tbink Ive adapt- ed pretty weill 5 far." Coach pleased witb progress Cape Bretons bead coach concurs. "AI bas bad a great year so far as a fresb- man," noted Jim Charters, wbose cagers were 14-3 at press time and wrap up the reg- ular season tbis coming weekend with a two-game set at St. Marys in New Brunswick. "He bas greatly improved bis skills and strengtb by working bard on bis individual program and we feel be is going to be ready for a mucb bigger role next sea- son." Until then, Alilovic is content to, bide bis time and learn al be can from bis veteran teammates - wbo'lI no doubt provide some valuable lessons during tbe conference cbampionsbips in Halifax early next montb. "I can't wait for tbe playoffs. Ive heard stories about bow intense it gets. The atmospbere sounds incredible." But then its flot like the university rook- ie bas been burting for sizable crowds or a spirited game environment this season. "Tbey reaîly pride tbemselves on sports down bere and the fan support is amazing, way better than wben we visited Ontario." System Service Sonvice1n cudes: Drinco $59sstm95 Service Includes: IUp I 5 ltes of5W30 Mopar 0,1 IMopar 0,1 Fltr Pece-oII MindSIp ct ion ofIpe eectonic battey tesC frontand rear brake system, exha,,st sysem, sspesison system, ". Rotaton, of 4 tres $5495~ I~Join us on Friday February 22nd, 8pm for GREG WYARD I -~ spC Peace-of-Mind Maintenance Service