Datellu Thursday Feb. 21 The Miton Historical Society meets at 8 p.m. at the Waldie Blacksmith Shop, 16 JamesSt., with Shara Spencer, museum co-ordinator, talking about the Halton Radial Museum. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear enîrance), invites students in Grades 6 to 8 to drop bv beîween 3:30 arid 6:15 p.m. to play a gaine of pool or jusi hang out. Flîgh schoid students arc weli.ome [roin 7 to 10 Milton District Hlospital bolils a one- on-one breastfeeding clinie with a cet- tîfîed lactation consultant rom 7 to () For more information or to niake an appoîntimeni, caîl Jîll Hicks ai (905) 8782383, exi. 7610. The Centre for Sklls Developirient and Training holds an information ses- sion l'or its C areer Explorations Express program. a [tee, lsela rogi anor unentployed adults. 3The normation session takes place froîti 930 a. nioon ai 5,50 Ontario Si. S., suite 203. To regîster, caîl (905) 333-3499, cxi. 103 or visit wx,-vthecontrc The Milton Seniors,cttsity Contrec, 500 C hilds Dr., holds contraci bridge ,îî 130 p.mi and dans andl illiards 1 1toin 9 arn. t 9 ihe cosi is $2 for itemi bers and $4 for itonl-mienbis. Bld euchre is bell ai 1:30 pin. Tho cosi is $250 fot miembers and S4.50 foi non- meinhers. And ils Thursday Afiernoon Movie takes place ai 1.30 pin. featur- ing "Georgia Rule." The cosi is $2. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Friday Feb. 22 Express the Arts meets ai 7 p.m. at Martindale Gardens on Martin Sreet. Listen, make friends, share poems and music and bring original art to display AIl ages are welcome. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students in Grades 6 to 8 to drap by between 3:30 and 6:15 p.m. to play a game of pool or jusi bang oui. High sehool students are welcome rom 7 îo il p.m. The Salvation Army Khi Community, 100 Nipissing Rd. unit 3, bolds its junior (ages nine te, 12) and senior (13 te, 17) youth groups on altemnate weeks. Activities vary Contact Dan Bonham ai (905) 875-1022 for a schedule. Milton District Hospital holds a drop-in breastfeeding group with a cet- tified lactation consultant rom 10 to 11:30 a.m. ai Our Lady of Victory Sehool, 540 Commercial St., with infor- mation shared and babies weighed. For women and babies only For more information, call jill Hicksaai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Actiity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hols bingo ai 9:30 a.m., contract bridge at 9:30 a.m., ils Cyber Café from 1 to 3 p.m. and dans and billiards from 9 a.m. t0 4 p.m. The cosi for each activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Fuchre is held at 1:30 p.m. at a cosi of $250 for members and $450 for non-members. lits Friday Evening Movie takes place ai 7 p.m. featuring "Georgia Rule" ai a cost of $2. And Evening Bid-Euchre is bell ai the Campbellville Lions Hall ai 7:30 p.m. for $250. For more informa- tion, cal (905) 875-1681. The Milton Navy ecague sea cadets holds a fundraising Partylite candle and producîs party at 7:30 p.m. ai the Milton Fait Grounds, 136 Robert St., building 3. Saiurday Feb. 23 The Milton Chonisters invite new and experienced choral singers to attend the Local Vocal Workshop from 9 to noon at the Boync Community Centre, 2287 Brtannia Rd. The session, led by C honisters artistic diiecior Sonja van dec [bd locuses on breaîhing, rhythm, rcading music andl hitting high/low notes. The cosi is $15. RZegister in advanco hv calling (905) 875-4588 or e-mailing 1,- the eany people n.h., nree nSt dn-k loh,, 'n - drýy n Ieýl o oe nom g, ,- t i 5 w .isc pton A Cappella Showcase holils Beach Party in February at the Milton Leisure Centre, Main Street, at 6:30 p.m. Tickets cosi $25 and include dinner and dance. There's also a silent auction and a performance by the vocal group, which is raising funds for a trip to the international Barbershop Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia. For more informa- tion, .all Amy at (905) 878-9873. [he Milton Communiiy Resource (entre, 410 Bronte St., holds the Family Together drop-in program froin 9ý 15 t il 15 am11 EXPECTING A BABY? Learn how bankîng your babys CORD BLOODO STEM CELIS could save a lie Join us for an Intormative Seýssion February 23 at 10 arn A the ceCnr Milton Communty Resourc enr U Main floor - Parenting Room 410 Branle St. S Lght refreshments wîiI e served Please callIo1 reserve a space Iseto 1t-866-606-2790 PRACTICE IN CLINICAL AND COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY. PROVIDING ASSESSMENT AND TRIATMENT SERVICES TO INDIVIDUA,-S AND COUPLES or. 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