X12 - hie Canadian bhampion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Award nominations open and beyond the calof duty. The Milton Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting nominations - but only until Frday - for the 2007 Community Awards. The recipients will be announced at the Community Awards Gala, whicb will he beld Saturday, April 5 at Granite Ridge Golf Club. Nominations are heing accepted in tbe following categories: - Citizent of the Ycar, for comm-unity leaders, volunteers, supporters and goodwill ambassadors wbo live or vol- unteer tn Milton e Businessperson of tbe Year, for somecone wbo demonstrates good busi- leadership, and who works in Milton e Business of the Year - 25 employ- ees or less, for a business thats a good corporate citizen, demonstrates good business standards and is innovative in productlservice/technology a Business of the Year - 26 employ- ces or more, cniteria above e Lifetime Achievement Award, for someone wbo's a community leader and supporter who bas demonstrated lifelong volunteering Nominationi forms are available at wwwcbamber.mtlto)n.on.ca and require the nominator to descnibe wby the per- son beng nominated is deserving of the award. Numerous options reviewed GREAT VAL E! LEATHER CHAIR 999 Reg P', . ce 1 99, j Avaobe in chocokite bown obock ie 19cm x 4,m'x 41 5m fromn SIGNS on page Al bad to wait more than 30 seconds to do so. A 24-hour spced study was also i donc and sbowcd tbat most vebîcles travelling tbe downiown stretcb were i goîng 46 kn/b ii a 50 knilb zone. A niumibcr od options 10 improve pedcstrian salcivn ibe area were then rcviee d. such as rcducing tbe specd ltmtt tu 40 kmn/b dcsignaling the sec- non as a onruinit Safctî' Zone. insialling addiiional signage or even prohbiting vebicular ti allît on Main Street beiween M'artin and lames streets tu create a pedestrnan mail - some- thtng staff is recommcndîng bc consid- ered in the future. It was determtined that more signs would be the best move, as 40 km/b zones are resed for school frontages and warrants bavent been fulfîlled for a Community Safety Zone. Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Colin Besi urged staff to put tbe sigos up as soon as possible. 3raffic ts totally confused about whos goîng ftrst." Scherer satd whtle bis ftrst prefcrred option mxas to destgnate tbe arca a ( ommunitv Salcîy Zone, be tbinks sig- nage ts a good idea. Tbe motion will go before town counicil ati os meeting Mondav ' Feb. 25. A report on truck traffic in tbe downtown is expected to be on com- mîttee and council's agenda nexi montb. Mclîanîc Hcnnesscy can bc rcached ai mhcnncsseCax lioncanadiancltam pion.com. The Maytag Store Mitchell s Maytag Hw 401 & Hwy 24 Appliance Showroom& Clearance Centre Cambridge, ON (519) 658-9797 520 Rideli (Sobeys Plaza) Orangeville, ON (519) 940-3977 OMAYTAG Arno JENIN-AIR. FINANCVIG i