The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - All IVIIT US'~ A AÂAA WW .ILTOCYL tE M WIIIIM No0 Money Down 2008 Dodge Caliber SKI 2008 Dodge Avongep SE. 24 D pkg., 2.0 L, auto, A/C, tilt, pw, pdl, p.mirrors, AM/FM/CD/MP3, ABS, side air bags, 17" tires, split fold don rear seats, Stk#539652 s~2 mou t k I I I i k ' H k 'î 2008 Dode PMn 2008 Jeep Cr1A1-; 24Y pkg., 2.4 L, auto, A/C, tilt, cruise, AM/FM/CD/MP3, pdl, p. win, p.mirrors, side air bags, split told down rear seats, floor mats and much more! Stk#l 85270 2008ChpyiepTHE ULTUMT MINI-VAN 2008 Iu'ylo 2008 Dodge Grand Sebring"V Te [d«'ina 1qw I * * 268 Pkg, 5.7L Hem! w/mds, Auto,NC, PW, PDL, keyleos entry, Tilt, slding rear window, Crise, AM/FM/CDIMP3, chrome wheelo, trouler tow grp, ati-spin rear sle and mach more! Stl 59998, 26E pkg, 2 4L, auto CV, ANC, pi, pdl, pm, tilt, cruisesunscreen glass, AM/FMICD/MP3, 17' alum wheels, ABS, ESP side air bags, kels eote, floor mats & mach more! Stk #568141 24H1 PA, 2 4L, Auto, N/C, PW, POL, PM, Tilt, Cruise, AM/FM/CD/MP3, side air bago, ABS, keyleos remote, 17" aloy wheels anA mach more! S# 95060 24G PKG - 3.3L V6, auto, front/rear AC + hea, qgrarVO theatre, wîreleos headphoneo(2), MI SiC Infotaisment systero w/ 20 GB hard dniee & res, hock up camera, fui! Sow-N-Go eahong, quad aasa, roof rack, ABS, CSP, P:, POL, PM, tlt, cruioe, P res, quarter windows, keyiess ,a,,,te. flooeeeats. une, Iaass & muchemore. AS* OO052 NO MONEY DOWN! NO MONEY DOWNI Pffi 1118,588,1219 >- 128 988 o'349 NEVER PAY EXCESSIVE ADMINISTRATION FEES, WINDOW ETCHING PROGRAMS, OWNER RETENTION PROGRAMS, LOT SECURITY FEES, PDI, POE, ETC. SOME GTA DEALERS ARE CHARGING OVER $1 o,000 IN 1 UNWARRANTED FEES & SERVICES! INCANADA CHRYSLER I AGAIN PROUD TO BE RECOGNIZED AS THE #1 RATED CHRYSLER DEALER IN CANADA FOR CUSTOMER SAISFCIN 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MiLTON TOLRfICANDA MIE, SALES IlOTLo..1 1.888-247-7001 Smai inM uy um Dmn Jry AnMwu' pu «Cash sale picsicdes all DA (dale allswatce scredteoal tofthetreight, iaprocrable have ee arlied, addfor applicableiteuhi. admi.oteeo9, taxes,.hel losland lces teei(denissnoichargetteiht), actas andtbel taxs peoal fnance and lcase raes aasy y mooeland may not e cmiined ,seh fOdorA t deale allowances Al cash rebates arnled. Ses deaerifor fiidetade s.AC tLease payment temsas shown& isies al inrties and cash rebates (deae allswana . credit esaito tihe teght, iappicable, has eSean applied). hue atssiniappicable siswn ayment. fSsii payoent. applicable tteght adran tee ($189), wieei100, Oses and licence tee 20,400km annual meWÂe alkfsoe. Ecess Juosire care15eiper km, hCksed endaaisassaay ease SAC Oeraidter date opublicaionsonly. heh1 esis t as shossn. dased on DetSe 2W7 12 moith Sesufts Reontalsrosrscores See0hdealr ordetais tt Onselected vieh1es See d0r for deiaO 43MP -. 10k