The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 5, 2008 -A7 uîrI crw1î DOflU 1"MUSTANG MESSENGER9" Emuiy Barrie Harbi Natt Leanna Rtchie Malt Kng MILTON DISTRICT Rion SCIIOL& Excitement ta in the air rf the crowded halls otf MD as students run 10 and fro trying 10 firtd their classes. An outsider might view it as utter chaos however the stu- dents and teachers urtdersland that titis is simply a wi li- organized firat day of second semester. Laat week ail of te studenîs re-enîercd te quiet htllis of Milton District Higît Sehorlt 1 receive their marks for their exama. If exama caused stress and initabiiity ihen reeeiving the exams sparked lerror and wonder as stu- dents received their marks. However, no matter the grade, exam week closed the final door t firai semester and openued one to second semester. Second semester will consiat of many différent interna- tional field trips and performances. First rof al. 10o contin- ue our school'a study otf tolerance, arther group ofrtf u- dents will be visiting the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in New York City. A amali group otf students are vîsîting Ghana, Africa for two weeks t0 assiat in the construction otf an AIDS hostel. The MD banda will be traveling t0 Prince Edward Island 10 expand and share our musical talent. Finaliy, anoîher group otf studetîts wili be flying t0 Spain for a March Break culture trip. In addition rehearsals will begin for our production otf "Bye, Bye Birdie." This semester promises 10 be busier than firaI semester and much more exciîing. For the past 4-5 years, MDHS han hosted a "Wildemness North" program in Halliburton. This terrifie event involves grade 10 and grade 12 arudents. Recently, applications were sent and interviews were held 10 choose the grade 12 leaders for Wilderness North 2008. Congratulations 10 aIl those who were chosen! Il promis- es 10 be a tremendous week full rof fun activities and companionship. In conclusion, as you prepare for next semeater, remember 10 work hard Mustangs and keep up the sltool spirit. We exîend our congratulations t0 alI those who comipleted their exama as you deserve a pal oit the back. We'Il sec you in tise new semester! "DATELI1NE DRURY" Kevîn Boyd Nurîn Merchant Allîson Wallis 6"THE ROYAL REPORT" Joanne Bayeneto Matt kerwin Chantai Pereira E.C. DRURY H109 SCUOL61 I DISHOP BREDINO HION SCHO016 No Report Mis~ Weekc iley BR. by this time. ail of you are ftnally dune wtth your ftrst semesier courses! Don t worry. it will ail be over soon. Second semes- ter 'S just tînder way and by the time you know it. the sehool year will be over, Your Inside Sources would also like to welcome the lucky, nes. students who have jotncd the BR community in second semester. We s.ould also lîke to welcome BRs nes. mascot! At titis moment. our lion inascot is nameless. but you can help with thts mind-boggling dilemima. If sou have atty nane ideas or suggestionis luir the new mas- COL. voit can let your Student Body, President, Kathleen Johnston, knowý We necd yoîtr help BR. su put vour tlinking caps on and step into your -thtnktng box". Ytour Insîde Sources are flly aware that last week has been a'ery stressful, \wîth ail the final projeets and exams. Being seniors in the scîtool, your Inside Sources know how yoi tfee]. As mach as we want to reussit re y'0" ttat evetything will get better. it really doesn't. If you continue to work and sîîîdy hard, ive are more than 100% positive thai the nes. semester wil not be as bad. If you chose to slack off and not sîudy. yosî wîll contittue to, do poorly. As lune as you keep up wîth the daîly honîework and fully understand every tesson. there is no excuse us to why you should be doîng poorly. As thse years go on, the precon- ceixed notion is tîtat as youa gel into higher grades. t gets harder and harder. This is not entirely true. There ts more work to be done. and more compltcated thtngs to leamn. but if you get tnto the habit of study- ing and doing homework daîly than there is a greater chance thai you may do well in that course.?This may be a problem for those of you thai also hase a partitme job. Ail of 'tour Inside Sources are workîng hard ta eamn mone tor aniversity. and this also plays a factor in a students' stress level. ihese days, having money ancd heing able to spend it is very important. The media ta a big inîfluence ta thîs. Beîng able ta bay and wear designer brands makes a person "cool" as everyone around titem is doing the same. Ftnding a wayt to eam maoney, balance fumily and frtends, and dm0o go to sehool are hage responsibilîties laid onto students these days. Especially for those graduating thts year and planning on gaing ta universi tte stress of getttng into your top sehool taalay bth- ering voa or tic seniors. thîs ta our lasi year ta aboos everyone what we.are made up and wlîat we can handi. Ail the quizzes. tests, and asstgniments we wrtte and hand in, play, a big raIe in determuning whal happens in our future! This fact asîîal y lias a negatve effeci on some students that cannot handie the pressure. For the seniors reading this. dont worry. and contitnue to work hard! If you are realiy determined 10 g t it a good sehool. vaur Inside Sources are sre that ttWit happen. Continue to srie and'reach for your goals! Anything is possible if you' jutbelive ta yoirself. If yoa preerver and withstand the obsta- cls.'tor goals are very atainable. To give you a humtl more inspira- tion.,here s a qatote that is iumously known from the movie. Coach Carier. "Our deepesi fear ta not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is thai we are pos.erfui heyond measure. h ta our lîglît. not our daîk ihat mosi frîghîens us. Yoar playîng amail does nat serve the as rld. There ta nothing enlîghtened about sbrinking so that other peo- pi dont feel insectîte arîîand yo.We arc ail meant la ahine as chul- drenr do. lis îlot jît int some of us; i's in everone. And as we Iei our own ligitîs shîtte. uc unconstoasl't give other people ta do the same. As we are liberated fraîto otîr wn fear. oui presence automatically lib- claies ailiers"- Tinta Cut played bv acior R îck Goazalez SEL 'O U GUl'i -S N EN T WsE K!