The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 05, 2008 - 19 Offe HeIp IIeHel , eljj Sales Help Sle Hlp1Sales Help Sales HeIp THE HAMIITON The Hamilton Specator is an innovative media &Aet THE hmiTO Metroland Media rup <nU " Action Oriented " Customer Focus " Prîority Setting " Technical Learning " lntegrity & Trust " Organization " Problem Solving " Functional Accounting Skills UUL~,U~ 0c1I~o and o,,line. Wîeare adivisionof Me,.la.d Media Group Lad., a large and dynamic group of companie,, încluding daily and commvniny newapapers, magazines, directorien, consumer shows and more. The Hamilton Specaunor is currennly searchîng fvvr candidates eo fîlI the foliowîing rotes in our Business Office: Accounting Administrator <Fui -Time) tliis position iS responsibte for the analysis, maintenance and procesing of customer accouns on a daily basin, înclvding producing varîous svppoînîng reports. This is a postion nhae wvl provîde the opportunlty to learo earîous accountlng procedoîns and systems, vlîile providing hîgh quality custorneer We are lookîng for a candidate nhan bas a Unisersity degree or College diploma and a strong interest n working in an accountîng environment. An Accounting Administrator must have outsnanding coseomer service strîlîs, strong mathemanîcal and reconciliation abîlinies and excellent verbal and written communication skills. We are alsn looking for a demonstrated ability no manage multiple tasks n a fast-paced, deadiin driven environment. This is a position nhat provides opportunity for qrowah, a competîtîve wage yod a comprebensive benenîts package. Credit Administrator Temporary Contract - two positions) The credit area of the Business Office is currently seeking two fuli Orne Credît Admînistrators for temporary contracts of approsimately one year. These positions caîli be required to provide top-rate customer service no clients, esnablish credit ratings and limits, monitor credit extensions and complote monthly collection calis. We are iooking for candidates with basic accounting or the equivalent educational background, rîsk management stilîs and a minimum of two years of credit and collections esperience. eoth of the above positions require a higb level of proficiency in the Microsoft suite of products including Excel, Word and Access and the following proven competencies: Dse te business gnawvtb, ve are svekivg dynamic indîvîdîrals for the faIltitme positivecfOlsd Sales Representalive fer thes Ireater Trcets Area. Cityî Parent Newsirnacazîine, a Dviin of Metnland Media Greup Ltd. is Carîada'u leadîcg regienal parnting pubblication. Piblîubesl montbly, n pncides tvrgetvd, ceet effective advsrtisîng and marketinsg oppurtusnieS te lscal and national busînesses înterested in reacbinq lamilies. Amard wiaaîîng centent releavt tc lccal cammaxîte pravidos the mont compreeoiivo information fon the wvhsle fumily, Our caline pcrtal, and multiple specialty publicatiosî and ovoato pravido advortisons wîth one-stop marketing solutions ta reach Caaadîaa familles. The qsalîfîed candidate mîlI be a msnîvated, indopendont, self-starter with previsa,, rotait, sutoideorannside sales eapenîenco Yuamîlt passose excellent critten and verbal communication okills aad mîli be mtîvated ta achieve reculas. la tbis raie, yae mîlI be castamo- facaood and milI buîld strcng elatiavabîposb îîO nw and oaioting clients by easanîng that thoîn directary advortising needo are mot. Yu milI bo goal-anîoated anîd capable of meeting msathly targets. A reliablo vebîcle ia reqaired. If tise maald lise ta mark for a leader in the media iadustry thi5s pportsaity rnay be the right axe fan yas. We offet a competîtivo compensation and benefît package încludîxg: " Heaitircare and Dental Boereits " Oeterred Profil Sharmn Plan " Lie Innirante " 3 WeMs Vacationata Stîrt " Sales lacentivesancd Conteste " Career Deveotpmean d Advanceentn Opprtuities " Competitive Saiary & Commission Structure " Auoatntive Alternance If interested please forward your resume to: Sff ýIsHl ales elp "I____________________________________________ Agns ~Fndng a great job Hsitl RiPa-im elp r-ime L .....T......i 50 eaàSy Jsi ope Medical, Detl E Hria'Dental Pffm Hl ~ m H l j m H l ______________ ~~~~classified section s ait îook ____________________________ Phoe9-, 8' 341 or nail: .rar--ent ~classifiî RCd@ONS City Parent Publication, a division cf Metroland ml toncanadi anchampioa RgaiedFui-Tie1 kAnroa tiiLl inn e n aiiyavoofo I RqirdFuiuoUi L m md r Loekîng for mtîvated people tc enpsnd car Financial Services Busness in the Monsaraea, Part ime or fulltime. trainng prsvded. Please cati Kay at: 416-8387375 Ulframatic Sleep Canada's Leader in the Adustable bed markret. Under New Management Nec Hirîng PTPT îlmýOutbound) Cati Center Agents OTE Earnings St5fnrc Email Io careersO COME JOIN OUR TEAM! We have Ful-Tîme opportunities n our Oakville office for. TraveI Agents (Leveure and corporate experience a must) Corne anud icover what we have ta offer you at. OUR ONE DAY JOB FAIR ON Ths rsday, February 7, 2008 - 1lOam - 3pm 146 Lakeshone RdE - Oakville - L6J 1 H4 INTERVIEWS ON THE SPOT!! Dental Expenence Reqsîred. Pleaae fax resume to: 1905-877-40031 ork! () r5w8c7acai 05.878.2341 Aesthetician/ Marketer/ Clinic Manager DENTAL RECEPTIONIST 4 days/rneek, Mlton. Dental computer software famliar. Please send meuantes tlu Bon # 1020 c/o Milon Champion 555 Industriai r. 2nd fluor, Miton, ON ILOIT El Solo eoe en e Hoe esarn Lookng fr caeer must. Must beCea- ln o utajb ice, OUtgong.opbeot ï btcanabtaîî bha ton t Are yo outgoîng, rganîzod sel otarter \ \peroonable with a suporier people soillo >\ý ~ ~~consultative appreach Computerl nternet Ep al teo ellng plus enjoy savoy FT Wage + meeting people? If et groso Seome tan- o E you anowervd yes, nq rvded. required. one ot Canada s fast- Emi eu t: ClNaa w ork ocet gowng reta ler eCal Nada c.caTHE vanta yeu te joîn ver between team' We offer aboya t0:30 -It:30am JOB O E avenage retaîl com.rn oel Restrant 905-878-8511 cal penoaien includng: paie tramning, salary 90. benefîts & a mvnthly Homewood Suites by Hilton Oakvîlle peel benus. Email: Winston Church!IllQEW Ad Submissions Received by: Food & Beverage AttendantFa:95862 4 ----Seekîng outgoîng, happy, frendly and comfortableFx:95862 4 aneund thektchen individuala delîvering excellent Tel: 905-878-2341 Nwd mnlvegaeat service. W a.l e uliiain:-Toam player, able te organîze, Em l:casfe mitnndach pi.or : ~ mukbk-Available weekdays/weekenido - Avaîl- abete work shiffas 5am-t t am sr 3:3Opm-9:0 m.Foyurcneecewace:VIAMSECAD Experience nef necesoany, will train, AMEoRIcANvEXPESS, cc I STE A, CAS, CEQU, Please fax your resumne ta 905-829-9868 AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE,______ Cit l'etesb e nioaa laeta eîtk. lioisî ia ot pacide adlieotaeucd soes 5 joaxi t4 c%" ifraij ttîz.estise sporU t e of i p Clos, àris tôtiwte« K" e w n aissfr set enitenoo, t, isa56eurtaiet ac cao Ire attiu o tt ise loni Ateriaioe ktspsa se lit. flre al sa ouxoosem nt«retie, tk& o lrexb t4 ac toktie inpsntfsnilý *MWdre olCa iRnet mttiu,5 tao mtiem ote ntresie5sa - tatp«4"i5 "51,tlke If interested apply IN WRITING to the Human Renources Department prior to Feb. 11, 2008. y"n.Hamilton Sp.ctator Human R.souroes Dffpartnn.nt 44 Frid Street Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3G3 Fax. (905> 526-9211 emil: We thank you for yaur interest but only those candidates receiving an interview will be contacted. No phone catIs or agencies. please. Advertising Sales Manager n ths raie, the quaified candidat e dli be espan- sîbie for establisbing and managîng the sales and marketing intiatives as it relaies to advettising and pramational actîvities. In ditg se, yau wcîl intenact with the sales team in ccremunicaing sales goals n accardance with the sverail businestrategy. Yoa ilîl fster positive relaticnshîps with clients and support the sales toastin deseleping new business. ln addtion te auppertîng the sales team, you MIi be actively sellîng advertising and respen- sible for ataining pesonial sales tanget. Te aacceed le this rle you wiii bave a minimum f tbee years espenleece in s sales management ca- pacity. Yeu ciii aise dementrate the fllecîng cempelencien: Business Acumen * Delegation *Hiring & Statling Motivating Others* Problemn Solving *Planning* Customer Focus If yeu ceuld lite to wenk fr a leader in the media nduatny tîs eppertunity mac be the right ene for yeu. A reliable vehîcle ia reqîîîed. If interested please forward your resumnes ta or tax (905) 337-5571 no later thon February 8th, 2008. We appreciare te inteest et ail applîccero, loweven eniy trirex electeti fr ce interiew iii 0e centccted. Ne phene cliv or ageces pleave. 1su - ll- n .* ra e - r