Ai 2- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Upgrade slated for crossing impo s ients xvis bn e n 'ic Tibrec anxvarranted peclestrian Players deliver another Iaugh-fest wNith firre Thprpr(npç The RrirIe At s i usetsn a1s., xeek, taxx a councîl approx'ed repiacttsg tbe pecies- trian crassaver on Cbids, jusi casi ai Ontario Street, witb a nid-hiock pedestrian signai, wbsth looks and warks like a traffic signai. Cauncil decided last ycar ibat al crassavers in Miltoni should bc removed, iargeiv hecause rnotartsts dont understand ibey re recjtsreci ts stop ai them wben ibe averbecad igbîs are fiasbtng. s'ih ais inter isein pi'cistiii signai, whtth ss aisa fike a îraiiic signai, ai Ontaano Street atdi Rdge Drtve. Tbe crossaver an C biids bias rernaincd iii place, largciy due ta ibe bîgh nrîsnbeî of seniors wba cross tbe road ibere tsi go ta Milais Mal T'be cevice will stay puttiii the asîc-biack petiestrian signal is insîailed, whitb is cxpetcted soinetîme ts stiinner. Neo Centrix Salon and Spa FULL HAIR & ESTHETIC SERVICES V. Facial............... $5900 (Classic Yonka Faciai) * Pedicure..............$4000 (White Chocolts Paraffin) e Color, Cut &$00 q iBlow Dry $8000.-- Main & Wilson e 17 Wilson Drive, Milton e (905) 693-0878 Tues 9-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 10-9, Fril9-7, Sot 9-3, Sun & Mon Closesi Is a dvi' and ag wlisenanm- tng can bappen, tberes coin- fort in the predictable. 1 know wben 1 sec a play by the Miton Playcrs [heatie Croup, 'm gotng ta gel a qualit ty performance ta start the weckend riglit. Mare than ltkeiy, I rn alsa gotng ta spetsd a good portiot ai the cvenîng laugbtng- a great way ta wark off the wecks iras- trations -given the Players' petnchant for farces, particularly ai the Brtitsb varîety tbey abvi- attsly dan't sec any paint ninfix- ing what aint brake. Wttb the Players' recmi mn osf Ray Coaney-penned plays, audience tuembers tan alsa find predictabiliiy in C aoney's fuir- mula - a neyer-ending strcam ai' surprises wrapped in a necat package as anc mîstake gives way ta anaîher. (hucklcs, gigglcs and gui- faws filied the Milton Seniors' Attivit>' Cetntre, 500 Cbids Dr., l-rîday es'cntng duiing the open- ing nîght performance afits (,sshi 13, di' hx( uiînev and f iba Cliapsnn,s.iicec i\-s C tairti. Rcsinag sfsasx', asic i Vciifrday andl its i 11si1(i c ii i Hdi' failsîxx tht' antsc s iii fsthcrai tlise bt de Tîmantby Westerby' - played cndearingiy by Geofi Foîrd - wbo, alter a bump, finds himself face ta face wîth Poiiy Perkins, a 1920s Happer. She appears ta be tbe incar- nation ai ibe face ai bts mass recent ad tampaign for a brassiere company There's aniy anc prablem- nobody cisc can sec tbe adoring, sîarry-cyed Poaliy aptly piayed b>' Megan tLocke. Sbe sens ii be a iigment ai bts imagination - a by-product ai a beavy workioad and tbe stress of tbe wcdding. [be bride, played convinc- ingly b>' 'v'cronîca Hernandez, is abs tausi> tspset by ber faîbiers shotkîing revelatitn thas ises mset ',siac' canih sbs 'eil be sîs ssng xxitlisliertth ie tbutch cc-tetitlny,thert tbn bis xx ic i ilas ts' ensiles as a steady Stirtains a i c.' arsc' tînd ta casci up the faîbers seettsttg ttssanityv C îiii.siîîtasttg ta the t as t' up is WcstcrbyLs business part- ner, playcd by Andrew Sauinders ta bis first Players perfosrmance. Eleanar Cribbon, tackling the raie of Wesîerby's iie, does an admirable job keepii'g lies straigbî in a cbalienging raie. My personai favounite per- formante was by Geoif Taylor, wha says tbe short ai hearing grandiatiser-sif-ibi'bride, pro- viding pericctiy-tmed quips ibat neyer faiied ta cfeiîgbî Otber soiid performances were deiivered by grandmotber- of-tbe-bride Paulette lac and faîber-of-the-groom Andrew Finnigan. Brava ta the Players for once again dciivering exactiy wbaî was cxpecîcd, making tbe group mare tban deserving ai tbe audi- ence's faugbter and appiause. Sbows sjart at 8 p.m Thursday and Fniday Tickets cosi $20 eacb. Saiurday's show is a dinner ibeaire performance. Tbe bar wii open at 6:30 p.m., dsnncr xxiii bc scrved at 7, ancd tbe shi\vwii stais ai K 15 p.sos Adx'ance tickets coss $40( eath or $45 aitishe door. Cal 905) 875-0629 or viýs5 Bouttique 188, f88 Main St. F. AU E.TER OTO.4 N. We Need YouIq1 The Darling Home for Kids, located in Milton, provides paediatric hospice care and respite services to chronicallv ili children and their famnilles. Ways you can help... Volunteer! T»Khe oebsnumerou areas wbere Oil can maire a difWeence: V Piaylng witit the kids v Office administraion v rONcery shopping v Cardening If Fundraising activities VYAnd morel We wlii be hosting a Vlunteer Orientation session on Tuesday, February l2tb from 6:30 to 8:30 Pm. RSVP TodaYl HOSt An Event! Consider basting a fundraIsing event In support Of DHIL From BB's ta Carage Sales, Cioif Tournamients to Caias no event is too big or too smail. With vour heip we can !reacb our goal of raIsIng $75.000 from cammunity lfundralsers. which wilI ailow us ta continue providing cars and support ta children and familles ln need. HeIp Us HeIp Children in YOUR Community! CONTACT US: The Darling Home for Kids 5657 lSth Sfde Road- Milton, ON- L9T 2X7 T - 905.878.7673 e F - 905.878.9886 E - Toli Free - 1.877.406.7673 Chariable Registration No. 88852 4840) RRO001 The rDx' ng Home For Kîds A Cà . 'inýd Ri'uCs